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Everything posted by Mecha

  1. no offense intended :bomb:
  2. wtf :facepalm: take it to a trashtalk thread or private messages. Topic ruined.
  3. Hey hold up. If yall gonna fight, do it in game. And use your weapons not your words :)
  4. I lost to Hornig. Then beat Facer. Hornig didnt want rematch :( Edit: lost to Knox solo at arena.
  5. Mecha

    skill setup!

    Oh it should 8)
  6. Mecha

    skill setup!

    Thanks a lot for contributing. I had lv5 barkskin heal and bees. Great for hunting, especially for lab.
  7. Knox wat happened to your 5 Million gold? lol :yahoo:
  8. for record pusposes: I beat frostsurge. Not gonna brag about killing a lv16 :wacko: Im at pvp cave now waiting to slaughter someone. any takers? Hornig/danilo? sulla? I heard yall good. Where are you crossfit????? :(
  9. Just saw lol. But I wanna fight u on my laptop, phone sux ass lol
  10. Accept 8) YESSSS Edit: @Knox we just have to wait til server is fixed, and we go arena.
  11. Good idea. I suggest, instead of equipping weapon to accept a challenge, simply punch back. To deny, walk away. (after being punched if you try to equip weapon it will say "action not available during fight" even a few secs after they stop punching you) also Once challenge is accepted, I think its better if both fighters go to opposite end of cave (1 by entrance, 1 by the bottom right corner. Then both start fight when they meet at center.
  12. Hard, but not impossible. See, it also depends on skill set ups. Some ppls build their character for boss hunt, others for pvp/war, others mix it up. So you see, its hard to be all-around balanced. Instead of trying to build an unstoppable character with no weaknesses, find partner(s) whoms strengths balance out your weaknesses, and vice versa. Remember, this is a game where members of same faction work together, not a solo game. If they built the game so that we need ppl to help us for tough quests and bosses, why would you expect to build a Solo war machine?
  13. Lol http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=64504.0 Too much crying. Some cry about rogues, others cry about rangers.. guys, no class is supreme or all powerful. Each class has their role (tank, heal, dd, support etc.) You cant expect your healer to have high def. You dont see rangers wanting to lower our heal skill. Everyone thinks every class is OP except theirs. If you think something is OP then go make a char under that class and then u can be OP. Cuz it seems everybody wants to be able to beat everyone else. Truth is, if you closely pay attention to the game mechanics, you can beat any class.
  14. Yes but "warrior" sounds too smart. Barb suits em better. Barabarian = savage brainless cavemen brutes with very low intellect, in other words, "me barbarian, me hit you with stick thingy"
  15. I saw a guy wearing the yellow demoness costume. Looked like a tranny lol :lol:
  16. You cant compare stuff like this. A barbarians job is not to do insane damage. They are blockers, defenders, tankers. Different skill types and gears for different classes is what truly makes balance. If you have a tanker with heavy armor, damage dealer skills,and range (just an example) then balance will be distorted beyond caring
  17. Its all about timing. for example: If you use lightning hit before you target the enemy, your first normal attack will start at 3.2 secs after beginning of skill animation (minus atk spd bonus). But if you target the enemy first with a normal attack then quickly yet timely use your lightning hit, the second normal attack wont be affected or delayed by lightning atk. In other words, the 3.1 secs will start counting down sooner and you get an extra hit this way. By the time lightning coolsdown you will have inflicted more normal attacks than if you start with your lightning skill. However, starting with a skill as your first atk can have an advantage. If you see an opponent far enough away, and you press a skill, then click the enemy, you start moving towards em. At this moment, you can press your other skills (that target enemy, not you or allies) in any order, and they will automatically be chained to your first skill that u used, followed by your normal hits. Ex: druid press roots, click enemy, before you reach them quickly press lightning then bees
  18. I got my druid parked at chief
  19. ahora estoy en chief. No me dio nada. Me kedare ahy offline y regreso despues a ver si ay gente
  20. I remember we were helping a first-timer with drogon. He kept running around hitting the wrong mobs and we kept having to save him. We told him where to stand and he wouldnt listen. He did the least amount of work, and dropped ranger boots.
  21. Lol. Off topic, but same subject Most ppl dont realize how hard it is to control druid on a small-screen touch screen phone. My game skips frames, idk if its my processor speed or what. But when I play on laptop or see a friend play on their phone, it the game seems to run smoother, clearer and faster than on my cheap ass phone. Also, sometimes I have to touch a space or target I want to go/atk twice bc the first time the cursor just moves but my character wont. Lol. Im not making excuses at all. Im just saying dont judge other players and call em noobs or whatever bc they might not have a good device or connection as yours. When I play on an ipad, I play at my best. Big screen + touch screen. Easy and quick to maneuver. I wish I had my own ipad. AIGrind should make next contest 1st prize wins an iPad :-p
  22. ;D I play warspear high all the time. As a matter of fact Im smoking a blunt as I type this :rofl:
  23. Ok so Ive heard a few rumors from different ppl. Here is what I know to be fact: Of course, only the pt who afflicts the first 10% damage on a boss can get drops. A boss can drop more than 1 thing per player at a time. Ex: drop dmg + def spheres, or a sphere and an equip. A boss can drop equips for multiple players on same kill. Mystery: Some say party size affects drop rates. True or false? Others say if healer uses lightining bolt it decreases drop rate. Myth or fact? my theories: I think the sum of level of players in the pt might affect drop rate. I experimented killing maraksha solo and got an amulet and dmg sphere on first try. Maybe the time we take to kill the boss affects rate. Does total dmg/heal affect it? how about how many mobs were killed by pt during boss kill? Maybe low levels or having a quest for that boss increases rate? Ive seen several players who are "noobs" and never hunted once, but we help them with quest and the low lvl gets a super rare drop. Happened to me at bgs and dinalt. Another theory I had was to leave tanker outside pt, and only he gets the kill. The game could give the tanker credit as if he killed boss alone Controversial since ppl think its unfair for only one person to get kill. And some would question if the tanker will just get drops and lie saying he got nothing. But we tried it once at bgs. We had gotten nothing at all after 5 or 6 kills each (drogon and guntram). That time the tanker only got kill and got a dmg and a def spheres.the rest of pt refused to try again after just 1 try. So? Do yall think there are ways to increase drop rates? do maintenance and updates render this thread useless? or do yall think boss drops are always the same and some ppl are just luckier than others????
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