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Posts posted by Tood

  1. No, just put a "decrease skill mana costs by %"


    Also versions aren't chosen and mc, elves and forsaken, its always been and will always be chosen and forsaken, elves and mc


    Mana total vs mana regen (buff pweez)


    Dmg vs hp buff

  2. Cmon I am not scared of doing wars in cave but I just don't do it because I am friends with 75% there and other 20% I know since a long time because they are always at PvP cave like I am. I maybe have wars with 2% of the people who sometimes come cave to gank all for fun


    Who said something about cave, WTF LOL, I meant that I'm in war with everyone, almost every mc I see, inside and outside pvp1/pvp2


    Your 100% is 1% to me :P



    Hey guys check my new headquarters/base/hideout/w/e



    I afked there before lol



  3. Desynchronisation doesn't happen ALL the time, kiting isn't dead, I can defend my viewpoint is a "fact" I don't have to prove it, how's that sad? How's stopping posting due to getting bored from ppl crying 24/7 about a class because they "cannot kite perfectly" if kiting was dead then no one would've even made druids, before you post stuff get me evidence, don't say thing that doesn't have structure, I see many amped bds fall everyday to casters and yet you say kiting is dead, I'm out

  4. YEAH YOU'RE RIGHT! I'M SO STUPID! EVEN THO WHEN LOCKS BARELY MISS (untill now I rarely see one missing)


    I don't have prove this stuff, I'm leaving this topic since it looks like every single guy who got killed by a BD cries like an unskilled noob here (not you skrillex/weaknight/thief/nest/other people I didn't mention), looks like people don't know how to fight


    EDIT: I bet Nest believes the thing that I fked up a lvl 14 +10 bd on a lvl 14 +0 druid, I've seen +10 bds fall to all types of casters (except mage ^.^)

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