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Posts posted by hetz

  1. u dont need to get all items on each tomb.


    No u dont, but u get 4 items to get 4 skulls, and than u need to collect 4 letters so u need 12 free slots of bag to finish this quest.Devs pls make the items u first get go away whan u collect skulls or make tham stack.There is no need to force ppl to buy additional bag slots on lvl 9 to finish a quest.
  2. I have a suggetion about amp system insurance:

    1.First is no insurance(it should  say high chance for spoil not low,cause with no insurance there is high chance u will spoil the item)

    2.My sugestion is make this in gold (about 3k) or lower the price in mc(medium chance for spoil)

    3Sign of Impershability(low chance for spoil)

    We all know that u will not change Sign for 100% work, so make 3  different Chances cause 59 mc and sign is the same.

  3. Im using N8 and my game is 3.0.3. and i downloaded it from main page normally. Try uninstalling warspear, than download again, or download it to pc than transfer to mobile.

    Not to open another topic there is no warspear in nokia store for belle usesrs again, devs please fix it,thx.

  4. I use nokia N-8 and whan i turn Warspear in landscape mode image gets cut. Like this:

    Опубликованное фото

    Опубликованное фото

    I tried the game on my old nokia N93i and there is no problem there, also i see much more of the map on N93 than on N8,please do something about tht,make the game more frendly for newer nokias.

    + there is no music on both phones, dont know if that is the case for all phones or just nokia.


  5. Yes, that is correct answer. Platform fragmentation ever in one company is really bad thing. I'm currently busy in negotiations with Nokia to solve this problem and make Warspear Online available for updated phones.


    Did you try to install SISX file from our download page on "Nokia N 8-00 with symbian Belle version 111.030.0609". If you prove that it is working we can enable it in control panel without additional testing.


    Yes the SISX file works.

    Dude. Do not use search, :D Use "games -> Featured" and then scroll down till u find it, or try to type to search "Aigrind" or "Kuzmitch is ***" :D


    U really think i didnt look in games section, there is no warspear in my nokia store, i had it installed before and there is none in my stuff either.
  7. It is true that 3G or Wi-Fi eats a lot of battery but when i use other applications or games who uses 3G or Wi-Fi my battery doesen get that hot and lasts much longer, and one more thing on new smartphones or tablets the biggest consumer of battery isnt 3G or Wi-Fi its their screen.

  8. Make tht 4 Nokia lumia 610,710,800 & 900 symbian is great its windows mob os I dislike sply tht box setup some features are a copy of I-os  Its disappointing tht they ditched symbian !


    Sry my bad, i agree with u windows mob os is ugly but what can u do, i dont know if they completely diched symbian becouse they still make updates for it.



    @Kuzmitch: My phone is Nokia N 8-00 with symbian Belle version 111.030.0609

  9. Nokia's sinking boat is half underwater & will fully sink if they stick to windows should hav improved symbian itself, as,for ws is only mmo game with monthly updates maybe due to tht ......


    Only 2 models uses windows, rest of their phones uses symbian which is improved, last update symbian belle is as good as android. Maybe the problem is because warspear is developed for sv30 and sv50 not symbian ^3, anne or belle, if that the case please make warspear for that.
  10. First i did download it from website, second i just wonder why its gone from nokia store, third yes nokia still exists, i have n8 and its much better phone than I-crap, android phones are better i admit(not all of them), all n all nokia very good phone(best battery=) 3 days withou recharge(normal use).

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