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Posts posted by lordguans

  1. We all wanna be OP too with all equip +10..  :crazy:


    lol why u guys always ask for better amplifycation system?

    This amplifycation system is perfect,u can make +6 weapon easily.

    Now imagine all players with +10 weapons one Rogue will be able to kill with only 2 critical hit (for players with hp 2100 - 2300).


    The most rich players have weapons +7,yall know is easy to amplify armors but weapons...

    My country dont have support to buy MCoin but my weapon is +6.

    U can make 3k gold per day doing daily quests...

  2. Okay, i knew sherilda n i faced her a few times. And she is a pretty tough ranger but i beat her a few times though.. Nope, according to my experience i've never fought a ranger who owning arena(Class balance).


    Ini menurut pengalaman g aja bro.. Soal tua, g dari bulan maret taon lalu uda maen cuma ga exist aja.. ;D

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