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Everything posted by lordguans

  1. Dont forget to turn off your capslock zam or else ;D
  2. Yup.. Bluedrago left this game already. Still dont know about sak n pend.
  3. US 1. Sakray 2. Pendekar 3. Tonydark 4. Afro 5. Arvernus 6. Yanz 7. Hitkaze 8. Fastest 9. Marsz 10. Aditjiu
  4. prepare to losing more money on this game.. :mega_shok:
  5. what about US and EU veteran players join together??? lets rule together :drinks:
  6. great.. end of warspear.. good for everyone.. end of ur suffering from losing money too..
  7. ayoooo... dipilih2... chosen apa forsaken... server apa.. ayo bareng player indo.. :pleasantry:
  8. I've the same problem. :facepalm:
  9. what about old players join in 1 server, 1 faction, make a new char, and rules there.. :pleasantry:
  10. In sapphire we got the opposite problem. Overpopulated, overpower, and overrich elfs conquer the server.
  11. Okay, i knew sherilda n i faced her a few times. And she is a pretty tough ranger but i beat her a few times though.. Nope, according to my experience i've never fought a ranger who owning arena(Class balance). Ini menurut pengalaman g aja bro.. Soal tua, g dari bulan maret taon lalu uda maen cuma ga exist aja.. ;D
  12. Tunggu devs butuh duit dulu.. ;D
  13. Before the era of amplify, i guess none rangers owning arena. Now in this amplify era, many OP rangers..
  14. welcome to sapphire.. emangnya sekolah pake bimbel segala ;D uda level berapa?
  15. Nowaday international forum become so quiet.. :clapping: i guess devs success get rid all of u guys.. :facepalm:
  16. What salesman sell when he got nothing to sell??? Ofc.. Just sell yourself alias jual diri.. LOL :P..
  17. Btw.. Wheres the meeting place?? I'll be login to the game about 13.00(indonesia time GMT +7). People who've already been a member of this clan pls attend to the meeting. Also this meeting opened to all mc ppl who want to join to the clan. Cya guys there wherever the meeting takes place. :D
  18. Lynnsky@ okay.. U will get ur cloak. I will buy it for u the lvl9 cloak from town 1 on first island. Lol.. :D
  19. Oh myyy.. I'm still working on saturday. Cant promise chro. But i'll be there if i could. Also my main char still standby on first island.
  20. I hope that devs focusing on new island and new classes or new feature of upgradable class for mountain clan and firstborn.
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