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Everything posted by Losmegos

  1. same situation in all games where is item shops or some stuff for money. ppl who can afford -dominates,who cant - cries. but u guys forgot one thing - rich kid cant buy your playing skills. ofc when u got oneshoted,your skills is uselss but anyway u can make your items +4 from gift boxes or mob drops with a bit of luck i think +4 most time is safe option, no big deal compare to rich kids +6 items. tho +10 its diffrent story :/
  2. r u programmer? dev? who u talking to? can i talk too?
  3. im sorry, just noticed ur sig. who cares about topic its 6th page anyway
  4. totaly disagree,there is alot mmo with 'reflections on water' based for ios and androids,why dun u try?. its not pc platform game wtf u want effects? turn on pc and play 3D games. kkthnxbye.
  5. well sulla i has to say,im just back after half year break when lvl13 items was op. now im playing in arena with lvl14 bow and lvl 13 stuff, everyone now beats crap of my skinny ass, i won 20 fights from 80, but im not creating threads about shyt. be a man.
  6. lol mcs with sulla infront cries :D noone gives a shyt. sulla why dont you go to make another 'test' and show us what percentage traps has to catch nerd like u?
  7. you is very clever. can me touch you brain musclezzzz?
  8. Losmegos


    DONT DO EEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!! its a trap!
  9. frapsing mobile platform game? wanna try 3D games? u may like them trolololo
  10. usualy in mmorpg games robe users has no chance against phys dd as assasins or archers. but hey its warspear where is everything 'balanced' where mobs dodge more than fkin ranger with buffs or fkin barb does equal damage to rogues i bet our devs gonna fck all classes once again. too early to talk bout op or 'nightmares'. kkthnxbye
  11. Shyleen is da strongest. Moar smiles biatch. Hey look im back.
  12. pointless. u can ask in game,will be faster. kthnxbye
  13. not closed :o gimme -1 nao!!!!11!!11!!!!one!!!!!eleven!!!!!!!
  14. why u dun use sms payment method? sell runes or other mc crap to ppl for gold, but from my experience u dun need alot gold. use gear from quests and later ull get for cc, also do dq ull get lot of gold till lvl 18,just sell drop.
  15. dun see anything why i modified this post? oh yes guilds/factions/clans would be great.
  16. im new too, just started. is game realy for free? awesome! hi RainbowZ!
  17. woah haters gonna hate im new arips char :P
  18. Losmegos

    Lietuviai !

    pakuriau tema bet panasu kad visiem px, nu ir tegul maziau galvos skausmo.
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