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Everything posted by Losmegos

  1. epic! someone make a sig for him with this pic :o
  2. fck yeah!!! screw united states, screw russians, screw vietnam! EU4EVER
  3. screw you smart guy!!!! u just ruined everything! congratulations!
  4. hey,everybody,look ! moderator writes an offtopic post! lets rape him!!! hehe Smurf, i must admit its realy smart move but.... maybe u can stop bots..BUT U CANT STOP ME muahahaha (evil lough) :D from now on ill pray everyday for your hard fight in this forum with idiots like me. cheers.
  5. looks like we got pwned today by this npc...what his name...whatever..FIVE CC POINTS JUST WENT AWAY....life is so unfair sometimes.
  6. well,what can i say...OH SNAP!?
  7. Smurfer! hows your combat with that chat bot ...zte whatever..? :)
  8. he just said that 1st islands bosses didnt drop anything and after his post u wanna kill those bosses again again and again? wtf NOW THATS REALLY FUNNY. dun start to argue with me, im pro at trolling.
  9. hes right u need to go to second island if u wanna to farm , but mostly those bosses r camped by poor kids who cant afford to buy items. so my suggestion is - buy miracle coins,buy items from other ppl, why u should spend your time while u can be geared and trolling those who farming few days and didnt get any drop?
  10. yes im nerd, yes im giant, yes i has no life, yes im making fun of this. fck forgot to add yes, im a loser.
  11. im not be so shure if i were you.
  12. idk why im posting in this topic, guess i wanna say - your an idiot! srsly worst prank ever.
  13. i need full lvl 17 lab set for ranger, and lvl 18 bow .pm me in game, im rich nerd dont worry. eu-emerald server fb faction.kkthnxbye
  14. Losmegos

    kamp riff

    can someone explain plox? those screeshots and thread name? the fck??
  15. talking bout gang bang. i like group porn.
  16. what do u expect? its a bunch of 13 year old kids whos running around and yelling 'gay! ' 'no,you gay!' to each other. tho im not posting my private things its not worth.
  17. cant judge you, all kids between 7-15 puts an x in da name,honestly idk why. point is the more x the more cooler your nick looks. for example xxxlosmegosxxx is more cooler than losmegos. am i right kids? ofc i am! as for this situation your nick means grade x,all kids at scholl getting a-f but u got x. idk for what guess for calling teacher a slut or smth...
  18. whos gonna start? gay insults getting old.
  19. this cross guy must has uber leet pew pew skillzz.someone donate tickets for him,hes gonna do career in arena. guess he wanna be famous.
  20. you are wrong. all of you. bladedancers should...dance with blades. that is all.
  21. another child got whooped ass. how many threads u gonna create? everytime when u die? kids.
  22. i found ,these topics about amp is good for flamewar.
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