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Cevilone's Achievements

Hero from Nowhere III

Hero from Nowhere III (6/27)



  1. I kick ur black ass many times alone, u are too weak, why i should gang up to kill an idiot with big mouth?. :lol: Its another player who like to rape u in gang. Are you gonna cry? :lol: They not serious, only make fun with kittyraider. Oh, i mean wolfrider :crazy: If u want a duel, Go level up to 18. After that i play to duel with you. Who lost, DELETE char! Bwahahaha tell me here if u are ready
  2. Keep talking bullshit, flamewolf :crazy: I post here cause you many times talking like u are strong. Kicking ur ass many times last time when i still playing, enough to prove u are a big mouth. Dont judge enemy scared. Remember, u just a noob. :lol: 1st, maybe they are on quest killing mc 2nd, maybe they want to go somewhere, and u stinky rat blocking the way. 3th, they killing just for fun, not for honour. :pleasantry:
  3. Oh, i forgot to say hello to my friend, Chrono. See, U are Strongest now bro. Dont ever think to do what you "want to do" like last time. Make it real! "nightmare of all elf.. Is me!"
  4. Lol, i always walk alone except war. If u see me with somebody, Its just cause that somebody follow or he hv the same way to go somewhere. Walk alone, die alone. Thats why i named C, Evil, LONE. Im not playing my cevilone anymore. Someone else playing as him to continue. I mean not playing warspear anymore :rofl:
  5. U talk so much, flamewolf. Dont act like u are strong. U are just a noob. :rofl: If i still playing, Im going hunt ur damn ass like before :tease:
  6. Old player who not rich, become like a N O O B :crazy:
  7. I think devs wont change ticket arena system.
  8. Yea, money rules. From best games, Become worst game ever
  9. Its netqin mobile guard that show connection speed like that.
  10. Absent ur self here if u quit. Let devs / GM knows that what they done its just ruin the game. U can put ur friends name too if they quit but not active in forum. Absent, I am.
  11. No lv up 19+ and new island for next 6 month, jaw :blush:
  12. This game will not last long. Only time this game will over. I think i will post a player list who quit this game. Absent ur self there if u all quit this game.
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