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Everything posted by Hitmen

  1. mau nyebrang EU ah ;D om slay, saran nyadong, main elf/cho ato mc/for enaknye di EU :blush:
  2. geez, she just try to compare, tibiame developers has great wrok with they update system,,thats why tibiame still the biggest mmorpg on mobile, even for me warspear is the best. u dont know how many ppl play that game..twice or more than w.s player i think.
  3. Hitmen

    Unblock profile

    rules its a rules...respect that. as far as i know, if u got permanent banned, say goodbye to ur device to play w.s. find another way to play if u really love this game, theres a few way if u smart enough ;D but i wont tell coz that will involve me into a crime ;D best way is, go trade ur old phone with new one. be a good player next time. ow, if u dont mind, can u tell me what is ur crime?
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: girls and kids :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. :good: snorlax,,,u the man *i like the previous pic of u, the gorilaz thing ;D continue with a great job 8)
  6. thats why i suggest this long time ago >> http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=64578.0 its expensive and hard, but still better than betting in low rate of success :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  7. how about make "security question" on menu>>my profile. if the account try log in from different IP address/device, the "security question" pop up shown before we access the character selection.
  8. thank you God for giving me life and everything, i want be nice and rich, help me make it trough ::) thank you God, i love You. amin
  9. lol my sword is +6 both, use more than 50 sign + 50 dam to +7 and still fail...now i stuck on +6 and let it be :facepalm: i give up :facepalm:
  10. yes...its on bonecourt...enter the cave there and talk the npc inside
  11. agree...i found 1 newbie that i help long time ago, and now he become my good friend. he is the best newbie that i ever help, he know how to thanks, respect and fast learn :good: the nick is "ceplok" :drinks: ...too bad now he quit because some reason..hope he'll back soon. not like other newbie that i help, the other become enemy, arrogant, stranger or pro player that act like he/she is the best of the best :facepalm:
  12. no problem,,don't mind to ask anything u need to know. welcome to warspear :drinks:
  13. lol :rofl: this is the worst...after kill 1 boss, they say "ok, next is ..., " and after that they leave party or dismiss you :lol: without any words :facepalm: :facepalm:
  14. most of newbie getting piss off and force other player when they not get help, so this is the reason; 1. high level know the situation better, example: chainless quest,,when lot of enemies around the quest place or not much army to join help or they know when there is enemy spying..etc etc 2. they get tired after helping other or farming and need to rest in town 3. in farm place 4. selling in trade chat. maybe need to sell something fast. *not all high level rich, ;D 5. they afk/afp (away from keyboard/phone) 6. too far. for non rich player who not have scroll of teleport, mostly going lazy to go to island 1 to help newbie. 7. asking help just for impossible quest that u cant finish with other newbie..BOSS. if only killing mobs or collecting quest, better do it alone or party with other newbie. 8. in bad mood :lol: . 9. and much more positive reason why others not going to help newbie that hard to explain. and this is little suggestion for newbie, - asking with polite and respect :"please" word is a magic word ;D trust me. - don't just invite other to party without talk/asking them..(this is piss me off sometimes ;D ) - and don't forget to give/say thanks after they help u. and there is lazy and "don't care" player too.... ;D no need to explain bout the player like this :facepalm: good luck for newbies :drinks:
  15. andaikan rogue ada skill heal :lol:
  16. cant... 1 account 1 online character. and, even you log on 2 char with 2 account (2 device required ), we still cant trade to opposite faction... lets hope dev make universal market so we can trade between faction
  17. halloween huh? i want kiske,hansen,grosskopff,ingo and weikath costum :lol:
  18. find other player with same quest, make party, it will help u kill the boring time :drinks: and try get all daily quest, try finish the easiest quest first. oh, 1 more thing, go solo on collecting quest,,faster to finish it. gudluck
  19. sekedar info aja, ada byk alasan buat lvl gede nolak atau cuek klo d minta tolong, contoh: 1. lagi di tempat farm 2. lagi jualan, (cari gold susah, jd jualan mati2an) 3. baru habis bantu player lain, lvl gede jg manusia yg bisa capek ;D 4. nolak krn lebih mengenal situasi, contoh chainless, kadang newbie mau secepatnya finishin c.l tp krn kurang ngerti situasi jdnya maksa trus ngambek klo gk d bantu. 5. udah lama online, makdsudnya, udh masuk masa jenuh main, jd nya nongkrong d town buat jualan atau sekedar becanda2 sm player lain. 6. afk/afp = away from keyboard/phone. alias ketiduran atau lupa offline. ;D si jaaeee rajanya ketiduran :lol: 7. lg betmoot ;D 8. dll yg kadang gak bisa d jelasin atau gak di ngertiin sm player lain *kadang ada jg sih yg males or gk peduli ;D taapi itu hak mereka and jgn d paksa dah, ntar ujung2nya jd musuh :drinks: and 1 lg, klo minta tolong yg masuk akal aj, saran gw buat newbie, minta help nya klo quest yg lawan boss aj. klo quest2 yg colecting ataw killing mobs mending sendiri ataw cari newbie lain trus bikin party. itung2 cari temen :friends: trus klo minta tolong atau hbs d tolong ya tau diri lah, jgn minta tolongnya aneh2, contoh; main invite aj ato "woy bos, bantu gue, ayo cepet" trus hbs di tolong jgn lupa blg tnx, itu penting loh, jgn main leave party trus ngeloyor :facepalm: itu sedikit saran gw buat newbie, gak panjang lebar, mudah2an bs d trima n d ngertiin sm player2 lain, :drinks: :drinks: klo ada tambahan dari agan2 yg lain ,,mooonnggoo,,,, silahkan d koreksi lg klo gw salah 8) sekian dan trimakasih..asalammualaikum warahmatulahi wabarokatu merdeka!!!! sy kembalikan pd yg berwajib... :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  20. this is an old suggestion, many old players suggest this before.... i will say big YES.....lets hope dev make this ingame guild system near future :good:
  21. 1,5 and 9.....similar to ti***me :lol: but i like the guild system...and add universal market will be good, so we can trade between faction.
  22. idk for sure, i try amp my +6 to +7 with over 5set sign and still ended fail. i give up now.. this is sucks. they should give better rate for rogue and b.d, since that class use 2 wpn...
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