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Everything posted by Higgings

  1. I'll simply survive without a troll. I would wear it anyway, since I like rare suits.
  2. Please, send a ticket to the support team using this link: https://warspear-online.com/en/support/other-issues. Send them as much infos as possible about the bug you have found; as I said earlier, the more infos, the better! This is the only way to try to sort out these kind of things and make sure that Support Team sees your message. Have a nice day!
  3. I do not have the info you are asking me, my apologies. Right at this point, I doubt that even admins have got any news about these items. As for now, we will have to deal with the absence of those items. However, we still have new armors with different bonus even at low levels!
  4. Welcome back! Well, based from the experience of last halloweens, most of the Event's suits available for CC's are under the Equipping parameter, and therefore, sellable. I see no reason for them to change this right this year, however, Let's just wait and see by ourselves; I can hear the horror circus coming closer every day more!
  5. Are those guides competing for the contest, even if automatically added on steam? (Or maybe if the Owner updates them?)
  6. Higgings


    You're free to think whatever it makes you happy. I just expressed my opinion, as everyone does in a forum. It may happen, indeed, that someone does not agree with you.
  7. Higgings


    That's called "agreement". They are not using bugs of the system nor 3rd party softwares to fight with multiple characters, but they simply agreed to help each other. Admins as well have told that this is also a part of the game; I can't see it as cheating. You can do it as well, as many guilds aside Magna and Berserk are doing/did. From my point of View, Ela's tactic was a gg. With that they managed to take the best castle in the game, and also proved that taking a castle during attack sieges is possible. The prize of the siege is not 5k gold, but a feature which might result in being an incredibly op way to upgrade your character and your guild as well. People spend milions on it, time and resources, so it is clear that the attacking party must come with an op tactic in order to take the castle, and the same goes for the defenders to make sure they will defend the castle at any cost. I definitely see no reasons to remove the possibility to use some buffs and the option to use guild skills here. Anything which goes against rules and gives you unfair* advantages is called cheating, in my vocabulary. Anything else, it is not. But again, this is my humble opinion. *this is how we can add this adjective. Please keep in mind that "Unfair" is something which goes against the rule, and not against someone's opinion or moral.
  8. Higgings


    Those buffs still cost gps in order to be used. The game allows you to do it; there is no rule which bans you if you use such buffs, therefore, it is not considered as cheating. About the lv11 and 12 guild skills, even the opposite faction can use them if they reach the required level. I am aware of the definition of cheating, but in my humble opinion, this is not really the case of it. P.S: the 2nd gate on T3's castle was there since the release of that castle. Correct me there if necessary (anyone) but the only castle without 2nd gate is T4's castle.
  9. Higgings


    Isn't it the point of the defense? You are not losing 5k gold in case, but a feature you spent milions and time on to upgrade it.
  10. I think to have given enough informations for this thread. Further decisions will be for the Support Team or Admins to take.
  11. Mmm Please, in any case, send a ticket to the Support team. Send them anything which may prove your statements; this is the most fast way to sort these kind of problems out, I fear. 😕
  12. Fights for the castle would be definetly not balanced if they lasted for such long. Otherwise, they may make a war on Tuesday, after which bonuses would last for 2 or more days; I see it more possible.
  13. The sun will shine on you too coldie. Just have some faith and patience; Lord Time is a gentleman, it always returns everything given.
  14. Glad I am not the only one then! But I fear we'll need to wait for some days more (or hours 😌)
  15. You have the best dps and damage characters in the game at your employ. If mc side can get a result which is close to yours, I see it as a great result
  16. He will see a nice surprise soon or later. If not during this event, in Halloween to be sure!
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