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Posts posted by ZSsolarZS

  1. If you don't know which of the 11 skills you can use in its place or linked to build a combo, you confirm my theory.


    There is no criticism, all classes are balanced from time to time and some seem to be stronger than others.



    Can you understand what I said? About mana recharge and everything else? ... we all know that no skill is unnecessary, but we also know that the recharge is disproportionate to use, so we are not sek providing an infinite combo ...

  2. I remember when this skill used to suck the mana even with the char stopped lol priests used to press 2 or 3 skills during PvP high lvl. This is ridiculous.. they have more 11 another different skills available and should learn how to use them! :nea:


    I do not agree ... can you explain with skill that can be used and how to base your criticism?

  3. Hello people?

    I'm sorry for the English!

    Well what I will be addressing in the topic is about mana regeneration time, stun / silence sequence.

    Today we see the growth of the game, the development and changes suffered over the years, and every game that grows undergoes changes ... Today we see that in the arena fights we have equipment and weapons of their own, but it is not always what We see.

    With these changes that the game suffered, we have added skill recharge, a growing number of mana regeneration and many stunning skill ... As an example we have today the word of the priest's power, skill that sucks the opponent's mana, Today it is no longer as effective, it has lost its strength due to increased regeneration of mana, time is short and ends up being an unnecessary skill ... Necromancer with nightmares where the time of the skill is great being able to hold one player while killing another , And several other examples knight of death, warlock, druid etc .. Today player is not afraid to run out of mana, regeneration is fast and high. Another point is the stun / silence sequence, there is no need to have an arena equipment today, we have examples, a stunning sequence kills the opponent without him even being able to defend himself ...

    I think we have to have new changes in the mechanics of stun sequences, recharge time, mana regeneration, hit percentage ... What do you think, what are your views on the fact? Developers take a new look at the points ...

    Hugs and thanks for the space!

  4. For real though, Casters die too fast now, and not only against BDs.

    I'm beating casters that I struggled against before ferocity update easily, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. That shows that melees got way more of an advantage than casters. I'd say it's very fair to increase heal with ferocity if that's possible.

    They would rather move in the heal rate.

  5. [2015.11.30] Update Warspear Online 5.3 Warrior's Path. Preview



    Elusive Threat. Decreased debuff, lowering enemy's energy and health points. No more than 20% on each skill level.

    Decreased the amount of energy required dependent on skill level, up to 20-22-24-26 points.

    Skill cooldown time decreased to 16 seconds.


    Hello people ! I'm waiting for the correction of this skill from this update and it still continues with 22seg of coldown .

    Hello people ! I'm waiting for the correction of this skill from this update and it still continues with 22seg of coldown .

  6. Al6ky0tL5Dg.jpg


    Warriors of Arinar!


    As of 9:30 CEST on the 28.06, our game servers will be offline for approximately 2-3 hours to make some important game changes. Please, don't plan anything significant in the game around this time.


    List of changes:

    -    Maximum number of daily quests one can accept is increased to 150

    -    Limitation for number of Story quests one can accept is removed

    -    Preparation for the completion of this Arena season

    -    Server optimization and upgrades


    Important! The game website could be interrupted during the upgrade.


    Thank you for your patience and understanding,



    Very good corrections and improvements, could also see something of ferocity , waiting anxious for maintenance.

    Very good corrections and improvements, could also see something of ferocity , waiting anxious for maintenance.

  7. NewDarkVip BR perdeu torneio por 500gp porque em uma Dugeon cupinzero Heroic 5 membros da guild não receberam o GP por completar, oque somaria mais de 4000 pontos tornando a guild campeã.


    NewDarkVip BR lost tournament for 500gp because in a termite mound dugeon Heroic 5 guild members did not receive the GP for completing out, what would add more than 4000 points making the champion guild.

    accepts that hurts less.
  8. We won't be nerfing ferocity because damage is ok, but your opinion is clear.

    Maybe in the future something will change, gathering opinions now

    The magic clase was the hardest hit with ferocity as this does not reach your heal, and high physical damage not just balancing to heal .

  9. this is technically impossible, because every instance is common for both Alliances.

    If we remove bows from drop Sentinels won't be able to get them.

    (I think I've already provided such info)


    I would opt for a market where legion and sentinels could sell items or even the market have this option or already join !

    I would opt for a market where legion and sentinels could sell items or even the market have this option or already join !

  10. Good evening!
    Just occurred in the game something very out of the game rules !

    They put an ACC called YANZICK , the author of delet called BOYTOYS , both had the usual logging in the account of each other where in the game rules and it banned.

    We hope that the game adm see it and can act , I will send e- mail support also thank you.	

    I believe the technical support has to act upon that simple act , and punish the guilty , we are evolving every day with the game and it can not tolerate , just lost a player the more you guys still lost for these kinds of things ?

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