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Everything posted by Thornrak

  1. You will "crush" us with your non-existent character?! Oh no!, please don't!
  2. There's so much new gear I want to get now that I am leveling into the 20's. Need to replace my HE set with something better.
  3. I doubt I will have any left overs, haha... I will be trying to get my Lords Spear as highly amped as I can get it, once I purchase it.
  4. Yeah I leveled a few levels without keeping up with the amping, so most of my armor is only +5/+6, at the moment. I have some amping to do.
  5. Nokia Lumia, Windows Phone. Have not had any issues, and the large screen is a plus.
  6. I will have everything amped more eventually, in the process of leveling, and switching out gear, not going to amp my shield to +9, because Ill be acquiring a Lords Enchanted Spear once I level up once more.
  7. I have got many amazing things from dg drops ... For instance, spheres! And some spheres, and I think one time I even got SPHERES!.
  8. Btw im also a not-so-new, new person Here. Quit playing for a while and recently started again with new characters. My new character is a Paladin named Thornrak, on US server, in guild YourNewGOD. See you guys in the arena!
  9. I don't know who would ever want to be in that YourNewGOD guild. Bunch of noobs if you ask me.
  10. I agree, PVP with a Paladin can be tricky, Can't use most of your skills if the cave is over-crowded, or you will have a gang of cry babies attack you. Maybe we (paladins) need our own PVP cave!
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