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Everything posted by kimkaa

  1. Yeah i'd take that just to troll people again
  2. Ye right now this is the weakest and most useless skill in game. You deal more dmg with auto attacks than using this. No point in using it.
  3. It's technically impossible.
  4. Yeah this is really much needed. It's very annoying having to spend an hour to sell for example tickets because of this. Maybe make it like you can put an infinite amount of one item in 1 slot in exchange. For example 1000 tickets in 1 slot. But in bag they remain the same(although i hope they stacked there too).
  5. Nice shaman Is arena 14 still active there? On US it's no more. Almost all oldies quit. Well, there are some newcomers but it is still basically dead.
  6. Seems like you quit already like everyone else lol.. but me
  7. Yes they do, for level 13s and below.
  8. Basically any stuns any positive effects any negative effects. Root, hamstring, circle etc Heal, shield, blessing etc Bees, pit, sap etc
  9. Arena armors. Craft axes. cloak of shadow, ice amulet, graceful jade signets. If we don't count arena rewards. skills 5 flash 5 hamstring. If hp seems low, use craft gloves wiith 15% hp.
  10. Yeh maybe just another week for top guilds but this is a great opportunity for the upcoming guilds to gather some gp to level up. We're happy
  11. I would take charmer in my party to horror dg for example. Can be done without healer too but ofc safer with one. Charmer would do good. Also TP can be done with only 1 healer so charmer could replace shaman as long as there is one necro in the party.
  12. it's been almost 2 years since last post Don't let this die completely xD Is there anyone left anymore?
  13. The description says i should restore 10% of the damage dealt by the enemy. However, the enemy hits me 89 damage and I lose the same amount of hp. 0 HP restored.
  14. The bug is still there. Are you aware of the problem? @Daria @Peter_Munk
  15. Can you guys check if Terrible Relic of Secret Theft is working correctly? It's supposed to restore my health by 10% of the damage dealt by the enemy. However, I tested it with this Mora boss and it didn't restore any health points at all when the relic was active.
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