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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by vavavi

  1. Imo buffs make proper arena fights possible. Being able to survive for more than 10 seconds makes actual teamwork necessary, but thats my personal opinion. Blocking is one of those things thats kind of just a part of arena. It's a competitive environment, and should stay that way. It's already a hundred times easier to get awards now than it was few years back, no need to make it even more spoonfed. The level difference point is one i personally wish would be discussed more. It requires you to basically limit your own level, or have an alternative account to fight the people spamming with lower levels. Although as said before, competitive environment and all that. Agree with some of the stuff pointed out, but this constant desire to make getting arena awards easier and easier is making them lose their value. It's already to a point that having them is the norm for pvp chars, not something that makes you stand out.
  2. Something like this would be nice imo. Alot of the older dungeons are kind of abandoned. No reason to do them.
  3. Just used to it i guess. Cant play for shit with landscape
  4. Looking forward to it, should be fun
  5. Hello, got a question about how lifeforce potions are supposed to work with distortion of life book. As it stands, the pot does increase the heal. In the clip you can see me hitting 560, which should translate to ~800 heal, but pot is boosting it to 1,3k. Is this supposed to happen? Screen_Recording_20201023-234148_Warspear Online.mp4
  6. Not sure if this is the right place, but how old characters are you able to restore?
  7. Hello, i've recently become interested in speed running certain dgs. Im not sure if anyone shares this interest, but figured i'd give it a shot. So the base line is, if anyone is able to beat our time of completing mythical sea in 4 minutes by the end of this week, I will pay them 500k. Obviously anyone can take part in this, but since the prize money will be paid at eu elf side, figured i'd post this here. Im a bit skeptical about the interest for this, but figured why not. And if this does get some people participating, will do more of these in the future. Good luck. ps. Sorry for the scuffed screenshot, craft job got in the way.
  8. Part 1 Part 2 Sadly had to cut the video in 2 parts since the boss fight took long.
  9. The buffs part is a visual bug. You only get the effect from the original stacks, noticed it aswell. As for rush delay, it's probably bugged positions causing it
  10. Dude. I meant the damage tick from hamstring triggers the relic. Which is the resist, as seen in your video.
  11. This same thing also happens with the relic "magic relic of deceptive control". Resisting the relics effect doesn't remove it. Here i resist the relic on rush stun, and get stunned on hamstring. Theres no mention of these relics being unavoidable. And being able to resist them in the first place suggests so also. Screen_Recording_20200608-180740_1.mp4
  12. Hamstring triggers the relic there
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