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Everything posted by DzSpiritee

  1. Wont it be too much dmg if minion + boss attack together? I wanted to mention it before but i was busy xd it wont be good getting about 2k dmg/5sec cz heal cant cover them all.. if u add that nature then a party can hunt minions only when other pt keep boss busy
  2. The 2nd passive skill u added is nice idea, i like his drawing too.. but could u make lower hp and add more skills? And it would be more cool if u add his location, Dmg/other status & info about his Drops. Giving info about his minions will be a good idea too
  3. I like the part of drops Can u say his HP too? And it would be cool if u add any new skills made by urself and alsp if u could draw the costumes when player get it, i mean it has legs and its diffrent from boss main look right? Anyways GoodLuck
  4. Hey i like the boss Drawing, location, and his status, but The skill escape: how does it work exactly? The boss recover 10% of its total hp or 10% of his hp remaining? Cz.if 10% of total Hp, then It will be impossible to kill with just 1party one or 2party, cz when his hp go down 90k it recover 90k right? and its not even one time use skill, so it continue recovering HP for ever... So Hope it recover just once and not all time its hp do below 10%
  5. Hey you asked for some comments on boss status and skills right? Ok.. Maybe the Boss status are too high, you will need like 45min or more to kill this boss + If the dmg is 260/sec and healing of druid and shaman work heal/5sec then Boss does 1.2k dmg/heal and it wont be possible for the priest or necro to resist healing the remaining hp of the tank for 45mins... Now the first skill, in that the boss chain to attract + Multidmg+ chance to poison right? Maybe it will be useless using the chain to bring players more closer cz the boss multidmg range is 6yards (normal hit range) so everone attacking boss must get hit by it. And will the boss continue normal attack while using this skills? Cz if someone get 200dmg/sec from skill + 120/sec from posion + boss hit, its 3.8k total dmg in 7sec (time for skill to end) Now 3rd skill, already 260 is too much, now if boss start attackig double then he does 3640dmg/7sec and healing wont have much possibility to help the player.. I like that boss attack players attack players with highest def, cz this is good for hunters, so a weak dmg guy can tank letting high dmger with low def to focus all skills on boss Maybe the Resp time to 2much too... maybe u could lower it from 20mins to 15mins MiniBoss: With that HP your will need just 3-5mins to kill the miniboss so maybe its not much a problem, but the dmg 900dmg/heal is maybe a problem, idk u can think about it.. and if Minions Drops Costumes then people would prefer attacking the minions instead of boss (ofc not everyone) and for this drop maybe the dmg is not soo cruel. First skill of MiniBoss, it stuns highest dmg maker and attack only who has high dmg, this means who has high dmg can simply change wep to make the high def guy tank right, but this give a favour just for party with high amp, cz if other party has a ranger with 600dmg and tank with 500, ranger will have to make his dmg lower unless he wanna tank, and this could make players form a party with who has just big def and dmg at same time.. INFO: Im not a hater, i just commented hoping you try to make your boss better @}- just a time pass for me, nothing personal
  6. I like the skills, and also the pic ofc.. they suits eachother @}-
  7. Hope it wont be like avenger costume.. demo better (just my opinion)
  8. Its cool, can you add your boss attacks too? From his wep and skils it seems like he use both magic and phy dmg... he do phy dmg normal hit and magic dmg on skills right? anyways well done, u make new boss imgs soo easy... xd i tried and im pissed off
  9. Ya ofc u can make ur own skills, its all upto you, you can make the boss without limiting your ideas, lets make the game a bit more intresting no?
  10. Still it would be a nice idea if devs could do it :[
  11. I have it in pc but idk how to use it xD wt a nub i am!
  12. The boss with 2x sword looks more cool, and that area is better than the other one, maybe cz the other one is too near to Aivon.. ya ofc u can chang place of boss But if u choose the boss with 2 swords, u will have to change boss skills, and other info said before If the boss drop his Sword skins it would be cool, but if he drops costume wont it look a bit similar to Cyclope costume? Maybe its a good idea modifying the boss with 2h wep and giving it a bit taste of the one with 2green wep Btw can u tell me what app u use to make ur bosses and area?
  13. Till now no wep are dropped already amped, but it would be a good idea dropping already +1-4amped weps, not too much but stil something
  14. Hey i like the pic where he stands in cool area, why dont u add any skills using his elephant leg? Like stunning, wouldnt stunning be more easy for a gaint like him using his legs instead of shield? And it would be cool if he could use thay wep on had to do dmg to multiple target. Good luck
  15. Ooops i missed the n xD i mean i wouldn't draw better too*
  16. Sry, i didnt know how Quote works xD Anyways Graav, those who cheat r not gonna have any chance to win right? They just waste their time so dnt worry
  17. Ty guys, but noone has any suggetions? I would really appreciate any suggetions that could help me make the Boss better..
  18. Nice Story, i love reading stories
  19. I like the idea of spoiler, but im too busy to apply it to my boss, i hope i get time to upgrade my post too xD Btw Good Luck
  20. Ok, np... Hope Devs can get cool idea for my boss in 3D
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