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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. I got it, it obligates the team to fight separately, once at least one has to teleport to the 3rd seal. The main PvP confront happens in the center where players will fight non stopping. Quite interesting! Good job :)
  2. I've got a question about the respawn areas. Are they aleatory, then?! Good luck dear! Good job!
  3. The idea of betting on one of the passages is very exciting, but the strongest team can see the players in the area by their nicks and would still choose the faster way and kill the weak team if necessary.. winning by time or force. So I can't see real opportunites for low amps.
  4. I'm sorry, what is going on here?! Do I have to be killed to get the 3rd map ..so in theory the death team get there faster? And then I have one unique chance to fight for the 3rd seal, if die there I can't return anymore to help my team?! Last question, how do I commit suicide in case of the other team doesn't decide to kill me? hm?
  5. Which is the purpose of those teleports? So players aways appear together making easier to be ganked by the other team, right?
  6. "... first The 3 player have to stand up to the Three Z point at thesame time for 3 secs. And then the *Teleport to Capture point number 2* will open." Have you ever heard about afk players?? no chance.
  7. Akasha

    HELLO! :)

    It seems to be an issue with your Internet connection because the game is online! make sure that you've deleted all previous files (check your downloads/program files folders) then you should re-download directly from the official website. If it doesn't work, please contact the support for further information. https://warspear-online.com/en/support
  8. Congratulations! It means that is time to move on! You should finish some yellow quests in Norlant Swamps in order to open quests in the Eternal Forest - so called Ayvondil. There will be a totally new map awaiting! Good luck in your journey, brave tyro!
  9. Olá Flavio! Você pode encontrar ajuda com a build pra ladino neste tópico em nosso Forum Português. Por favor, poste suas dúvidas lá para que sejam visualizadas mais rapidamente e obtenha ajuda em sua língua nativa. Boa sorte!
  10. Akasha

    HELLO! :)

    Welcome!! I'm not there, but we have a huge number of community members playing in us-SA as well as several moderators (mostly elves..heh) AFAIK. You can use the search tool above to explore our forum and find information. Any questions, though, feel free to post here and we're gonna help you.
  11. cual su servidor y nick ?
  12. Falando como player, eu jogo a alguns anos e depois de tentar (e as vezes me decepcionar também), eu encontrei um padrão que é o que eu sigo desde então. Todos tem seu "ritual" de amplificação próprio, mas de fato não acredito em um padrão pois sei como os sistema funciona. Tudo que eu posso afirmar é que o mapa influencia na amplificação, segundo o nosso admin.
  13. Eu tenho pensado em um tópico sobre isso, mas requer muitos testes antes de ser criado. De todo modo, os atributos também influenciam no desempenho das habilidades, não há como obter uma resposta padrão sobre como elastic funcionariam em cada char. A porcentagem, porém, pode ser encontrada caso elas sigam um padrão.
  14. Well, we have abysm design in Ayvondil cave and skills of invisibility in game, the animation of characters disappearig gradually in a quick space of time is pretty much possible!
  15. I go with Jzargo, also because you should get used to the expert skills. The most competitive levels vary from server to server..
  16. Very original idea, the thing about missing part of the map after 5min fight is very nice, I reminds me videogames. Haven't seen this suggestion so far.
  17. Vamos por partes, embora os personagens tenham suas características particulares, você possui atualmente uma enorme variedade de sets para construir sua build com os atributos que mais te interessam em todas as classes. O jogo não se basea em PvP mas PTvPT e não existe relação direta de uma classe com outra, mas na ranger tem habilidades de stun+ataque que o rogue não tem, teoricamente ele não precisa de muita vida pois assume uma postura essencialmente agressiva no jogo, investindo no ataque com muito dps a ao contrário dos tanques que precisam agentar muito dano do adversário e possuem combos mais lentos.
  18. Só o que eu posso dizer é que foi falta de sorte. O sistema é aleatório, alguns conseguem amplificar com apenas 1 sign, outros com dezenas não e por aí vai. É como o sistema funciona.
  19. I'm going to answer in English to make it understandable for everyone. 1. The support team doesn't ban accounts unfairly in any hypothesis! 2. There isn't any plans to open a new sever. This is an official answer from an admin. 3. If you faced any situations of xenophobia in game, contact the support team in order to send the screenshots of those players doing so.They will take the appropriate measures for each case. http://warspear-online.com/es/support 4. Ignore List is welcome!!
  20. Like the Spring event's skins for weapons
  21. In addition to what have been said, you should provide an e-mail address (the one that would be your login from now ahead)
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