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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Hey Julie! If you aren't able to discuss about skill performance or other issues that gamers are interested in discussing, you can continue chatting on discord channel, but PLEASE don't criticize players interested in discussing the game on the Game's Forum! I feel you're being disrespectful in your comment and I'd appreciate if you post useful comments, respect others' space and personal opinions the same way you like to be respected.
  2. Nah there are bugged classes in both alliances! Honestly, the game will never be balanced, at least making it smoother doesn't hurt.
  3. In my opinion, DKs need fixes too, however this topic isn't about DKs (there are enough topics about dks already) and Peter said they're concentrating in develping new classes this time. I'm pointing out the problem with Wardens while they're still working on this because its better for everyone to fix it now(when there are still skills to be added) than later (ending up as a weak class)
  4. Temo que você não seja o único, mas nos próximos anos, uma vez que o lançamento de novas classes foi algo excepcional, os evntos deplos de aniversário devem retornar! :)
  5. Fique à vontade pra postar quaisquer dúvidas adicionais no fórum. Boa sorte! Thank you Gladiator!
  6. debe enviar una mensaje al servício técnico para obtener informaciónes adicionales, junto con los principales datos de su cuenta, comprobantes de pagos (si ha comprado monedas antes) y su email para contacto - en ingles. http://warspear-online.com/es/support
  7. Eu ainda nao recebi nenhum feedback dos desenvolvedores ou adms, vou postar aqui assim que eles publicarem algo.
  8. He shows that it isn't reducing the energy consumption while active as it says in the description. Could you kindly take a look at the performance of this relic and give a feedback? thanks in advance
  9. It's better to work for a game enjoyable for both sides, Glad. Its better to correct the class while in its beginning (while there are still skills to be added), then nerfing later and frustrate players as it was for rogues and rangers. =/ Let's not take it personally, please.
  10. Since this is a game designed for PT x PT and not 1 Player x Parties, I don't feel it right when 1 elf tank a city of MCs or the other way around. I'm asking for adms if this is really working how it should be, because it seems absurd to me. I reported the bug on DK for Unlive and I'd do the same about any other classes. I'm not defending my babies dragons here.
  11. Firstly, I dont have reasons to lie. He probably didn't kill 20 players in a roll, agree. Although while he was killing players, his HP barely moved with about 2 pts attacking. Is that a char or a boss?? I assure you I haven't seen him using potion (at least no HP potion).
  12. Because one char(or class) that beats 2 parties alone barely moving its HP must be broken
  13. In English it says: the successful skill usage increases with its level. In Portuguese it says: the successful skill usage increases according to character's level. Correction: "A chance de sucesso da habilidade aumenta conforme o seu nível." or "A chance de sucesso aumenta conforme o nível da habilidade."
  14. 17.07.2016 - 17:11MSK Mighty adms, just entered the game and there was 1 Warden against 1 city who simply seemed immortal. After a couple of minutes he died, but a question remains in my mind: What skill allows one char to beat a city during minutes??? Is Warden's skills working the way they're supposed to??
  15. Bem-vindo ao Forum Portugues! Obrigada pelo report, aparentemente nao existe nenhum problema ou bug no funcionamento da habilidade. Haverao possiveis modificacoes se realmente houver desequilibrio na proxima atualizacao.
  16. Last year I got my Gamer FB reported because of this contest, people lose their dignity at this stage
  17. Esse foi o topico mais completo que eu achei (infelizmente em russo), mas nao consigo traduzir agora. Mas vc pode usar o Google Chrome e traduzir a pagina. Note que esse topico e especifico para dados atualizados apos a atualizacao 7.0.1. Entao tudo que encontrar la e fresco! Se nao achar a resposta sobre dodge em nenhum comentario, voce pode perguntar e alguem vai lhe responder melhor do que eu Segue o link: https://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?/topic/49665-информация-по-классу-разящий-клинок-701/&
  18. Boa sorte Suer! Vamos torcer pra ver as brasileiras no topo
  19. Boa sorte Kelly! To torcendo pelas brasileiras
  20. seria lindo ver o casal Mr e Miss Warspear no canal do youtube boa sorte ;*
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