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Everything posted by 321titan5
A "respawn amulet or etc." (please someone write comment)
321titan5 replied to newwbiee's topic in Suggestions
RainbowZ has a point it would a skill would be better one use per one scroll and it should not work in side a fight in the arena -
when you pick up the moss of the stumps it takes the green dot off of the mini map is that what your saying
no the casting is fine the way it is now because ya we hit high damage but if you get to us and when im in arena all bd and barbs do get to me we cant take damage so its all in a just balance if you put a casting time on us druids/shamans make the other classes walk slower a lot slower ;D because the fact is we hit decent damage but you can easily get to us and kill us because we cant take damage we don't have much health eitherand as for rangers/rouges having trouble rangers (not sure about rouges) they do more than us i hit bout 365 skill and ive seem rangers my level do 500's
i don't agree with that because you figure druids/shamans have low defense and cant take much punishment and rangers/rouges are a bit better of then the druids/shamans but bladedancers/barbarians have the most defense and so it just does a little balancing for us to allow us to stand a better chance need a better matching system when i was on my druid level 16 and my teammate was also a druid 16 or 17 and we got matched agents a level 5 and 6 ranger and bladedancer we only got +1 but still i think a level balance should be there skills the shamans skill blinds and does not allow skills yet all the druids does is stop in place so we can still be attacked if they a ranged fighter but shamans i think can but no skills kind of unbalanced but skill need some difference between the two but more even id say still
i could get on yesterday and to day on my Nokia nuron 5230
ya i noticed that today too i love the way the forum mods just lock pages and give no useful answers we have such good forum mods (lots of sarcasm) sorry i know its not useful but that is irritating and i like how they put bag slots for sell and they put the make bag limit for new chars down to 10 +5 from a quest reward and its buged for mountain clan players
ya if you want anything down about it explain things better and go to support at http://warspear-online.com/en/support and fill out a form and submit it
there is always need for changes other wise that in its self will make people leave the game is good yes but still can be better need a better skill system so if 2 people fight each other and both have same gear crystals and ruins so that its not down to luck and who has most pots but to the build of your char
does anyone know what would drop them on the first born side
yes i know but it is the forum for they game and they have to know something about they game and this is a game forum so thats why i put it that way
there just trying to get us to spend more money on a game that there is nothing to do after shadows and guards besides dailies and they get so boring so fast and ya i agree that the no conformation notice when you try to pick something up and it says would you like to buy more bag space is a bit of a scam and it is horse shit (excuse my language could not find a better word that fit) that there is only 15 slots for new payers as i said here http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=14993.0 (post #7) i know you guys are trying to make more money but I'm thinking in the long run being that you have to buy 5 slots at 199 mc each. Makes me think that in a shorter term its going to start driving players away from this game because they are having to go to town way to often so just keep in mine how they players are going to react to it for future updates o and with this the way it is your kind of giving an advantage to the people who spend money on games because they have the money to spend if you did not notice most of the world is in a FINANCIAL CRISIS
ya but hat encourages people to stay there and farm them what about the others that are trying to farm them just going to cause more conflict doing that from people who are trying to get in there to farm but other party is there and has been there for hour and hours
well i got up to my 15 is there gonna be any other ways to get more bag slots for new characters besides spending 499 for 5 slots like more quests that give you more bag space. would be really help full and it is kind of unfair to the newer players that you guys want. i know you guys are trying to make more money but I'm thinking in the long run being that you have to buy 5 slots at 199 mc each. Makes me think that in a shorter term its going to start driving players away from this game because they are having to go to town way to often i can fill that bag in 20 min on first island lvl 9 monsters on my lvl 9 ranger and it also makes it harder to get the lvl nine armor i wanted to get the rest of it but the bag space is to small to hold much so i come back in and get next to nothing and then you also increased the price of the equipment on my main when i was there(before the update to 1.0) it cost 1500 for the staff of lightning now its 1774 (or close to it i know its 17 something) so just keep in mine how they players are going to react to it for future updates o and with this the way it is your kind of giving an advantage to the people who spend money on games because they have the money to spend if you did not notice most of the world is in a FINANCIAL CRISIS
ya i was gonna make a post about this too but atm on my new character i only have 10 slots
the game has been crashing on me i play on a Nokia nuron 5230 since the update to 1.5 the game crashes randomly i have been killing mobs talking to npc or killing bosses when it crashes me hopefully it can be fixed soon
i think smurf will make a good mod for the game
what type of phone do you play on (you said you have same problem if its a nokia phone) if it is go to http://warspear-online.com/en/download and down load the symbian sisx file if not say the phone you use so that we can help you better
i agree with that it is a good idea i hate standing in town just to use trade chat to try to find help killing a boss or mobs etc it would be nice if could be done seems as it was said this is a game made for phones
When is sms from Ireland payment back up ?
321titan5 replied to Bizkits's question in Questions & Answers
not quite what he asked i think they will have it up in a few days with the holiday if you live in us so it might be a few days -
ya for a trade area with mc and elfs we would need to be able to talk with each other but only in town there
i agree it would make things a lot more fun but they would have to increase the spawn rate though so that you can kill not just waiting on mob and probably more of all mobs and if they merged any servers i agree with you and to the people saying US and VN why VN is different language not one on and with EU there people on and both server primary language is English less complications and in any merge there would have to be no data loss other wise people would be mad and quit but i dont see any sever merges coming so its pointless to talk about it ;D
sounds good i have heard talk of new skill coming in the next few weeks not sure though i am not holding my breath for it. it would be nice though and some idea for druid skills maybe ones for like extra physical resistance more resistance to different types of magic as i will always say an AOE attack and a AOE heal and a solid just 500 (what ever amount based of level) in stead of 162 every few seconds.
mine has not got much better lucky you :spiteful:
id say more or less the ignore list is that or do you mean a enemy list were you could still talk with them
ya but at times they don't help and since update to 1.0.0 monsters are harder a bosses that 2 players me (druid) at the time rank4 and another Rank 4 (Blade dancer) could kill bosses for example dinalt with out pots and now it either takes us both 3 or 4 pots ( with me at lvl 14 at the time and him 15) or we can use 4 people and kill no problem so ya there is a lot of other players but they dont always help and a pet would be nice because it would always be there to help and for the mods and devs you could make money off of it as someone said earlier cant remember name but you could make items for them you can buy with in game money and ones with miracle coins Just my thoughts