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  1. Recent players into difficulties, can enter. But suddenly lost connection, now always like this. But can be made of sapphire can enter.
  2. But the server name indication of Vietnam :aggressive: All other game player will not enter the server, led to the game player is very little, some things cannot be completed. :'(
  3. Due to the region's name is Vietnam, so it is Vietnam's game player game player, but are very rare, start, I don't know, think, it is a synchronization server, enter the game. Later, game player is scarce, many things, can not be completed. If, in this region, no name, then, game player, not just Vietnam game player!!
  4. 有没有懂中文的?或者懂中式英文的。有中国玩家吗,VN服务器我很无助。因为没有足够的人帮我,新手地图最后一个任务我不能通过 之前因为中国玩家不能支付,阻拦了很多中国玩家,现在游戏免费了感谢你们。但是我们需要一个中文版本的游戏。 A Chinese game player, the VN server I am helpless. Because there are not enough people to help me, new maps the last task I couldn't get through. Previously, Chinese game player cannot pay, blocked many Chinese game player, the game now free thank you. But we need a Chinese version of the game.
  5. 你是懂 中式 英文吗? 在那个服务器? 我去玩,NV服务器没有足够的人帮我,新手地图最后一个任务不能通过。 :'( You know ChianEnglish? In the server? I play, NV server does not have enough people to help me, new maps the last task cannot pass.
  6. I love this game, but the question of language is the biggest obstacle. I understand English, but many of my friends do not understand English give up this game :clapping:
  7. ;) Is human 's axe, 4 projects through,Is badly in need of help :cray:
  8. I am a Chinese game player, the VN server. The game is about to upgrade fourth position when, not through the 4 tasks, in the VN friend to help me. ;)
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