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    deathcure reacted to Holmes in [2020.09.23] Перезагрузка игровых серверов. Встречаем обновление 9.0!   
    Спасть действительно некогда. Я уже 3 дня в окно не смотрел, но по ощущениям немного похолодало 

    Давайте обновление выйдет и там уже обсудим все эти нюансы. Завтра в релизе много всего полезного и интересного напишем для вас 
  2. Haha
  3. Like
    deathcure reacted to Akasha in [2020.09.17] Update Warspear Online 9.0: Heroes of the new era. Preview   
    Well. You haven't even played the class, and you already made up your mind on how weak the class is? That's interesting. But yes thanks for sharing the feedback! Please elaborate your thoughts after testing too and playing in groups. Having a skill that functions in a certain way does no difference, we aren't here to count how many have a certain type of skill, but the comparison should be about buffs an debuffs, positive protective effects in general, and so on.. 
  4. Like
    deathcure reacted to Khrone in Charmer's Skill Suggestion: Shadow Summons   
    Shadow Summons
    Type: Passive
    The skill's effects change depending on the weapon used.
    When using a Mace/Spear*, the skill becomes Shadow Bite.
    When using a Staff, the skill becomes Shadow Feathers.
    *My dream
    Shadow Bite:
    The Wolf of Darkness will do a stronger attack that deals 70-80-90-100% extra damage every 6th-5th-4th-3rd** hits.
    Obs: It can't crit (because is already a critical hit in 4/4).
    **Considering that Call is 5/5:
    6 hits = 2 Shadow Bites.
    5 hits = 3 Shadow Bites
    4 hits = 3 Shadow Bites.
    3 hits = 5 Shadow Bites.
    Because the Wolf's attack speed is 2.0s and it lives 30s in 5/5. 
    Now imagine with relics and the new skill
    Shadow Feathers:
    The Chaos Bird's attack becomes ranged. Its range per level is 2 (meelee + 1 meter) - 3 - 4 - 5*** meters.
    ***This is basically the range of almost all ranged skills
  5. Like
    deathcure reacted to Khrone in Charmer's Skill Suggestion: Shadow Summons   
    I like it too...
    That's why i wrote it 
  6. Like
    deathcure reacted to Phenglove in Account lost, deleted by admins.   
    Go to "New players" Topic and you'll get help there man.
  7. Haha
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    deathcure reacted to f4348357 in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    now  new and most important question,when update?
  9. Thanks
    deathcure reacted to Higgings in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    I haven't got such information myself. I believe anyway we might have access to that next week. When exactly, idk
  10. Like
    deathcure reacted to Raislin in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Idk why yall charmers complaining to me buffing the minions seems good since you cant exactly kill them if the opponent is stunned most of the time as it is. making them harder to kill after you get cc'd seems like a good buff to me. Be happy you arent seekers.
  11. Like
    deathcure reacted to Justisk in [2020.05.23] Обновление Warspear Online 8.4: Подводные приключения. Анонс   
    Лучше бы те 3/4 бесполезных эксперток иска сделали более-менее юзабельными...
  12. Like
    deathcure reacted to smescharik in [2020.05.23] Обновление Warspear Online 8.4: Подводные приключения. Анонс   
    Согласен со всем сказанным, но это хоть какой-то ап закла как дд. Но лучше бы сделали привязку к персу как птицу и дали бы пробив как у закла петам.
  13. Like
    deathcure reacted to rockerobr in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Aigrind again Debuff Mcs class, change name to Elfspear 
  14. Like
    deathcure reacted to Necromaa in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    The last sentence doesnt make any sense, i m sorry, why will i buy a skill which will decrease my hp and increase incoming dmg for the skill’s effect time? 
    Kinda sounds weird... and 
    if you all wanna push barbs to use more of 2h weapons, then u might as well reconsider about shield strike skill, a dmg skill that can only be used if one is using a shield, 
    as always elfs get the good stuff, hah no wonder u all are running out of ideas to make a balance instead of making it a one sided game.......
  15. Like
    deathcure reacted to Bounce in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Priest has few damage skills and no stun skills (exhausting burden is almost useless cuz you need to combo with armistice and you can't attack the enemy)
    So, this new skill could have a bigger target area...
  16. Haha
    deathcure reacted to Higgings in [2018.02.28] Update 7.4: Battle of Kings. Preview.   
    Mind everybody:  Infos about drops and so on will be given on the release post 
  17. Haha
  18. Thanks
    deathcure reacted to Daria in [2017.12.08] Update Warspear Online 7.3: Breath of Frost. Preview.   
    Sure, as always.
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