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Everything posted by ex-cloud

  1. I cant do guard even I have 30 large life potions. Game even tough and boring to take... Make game easier, people will play with the happy time and they will pay for your game coin without reason. Just moment we have 3 parties all go for lambert but only one party who got it. So what's about 2 other parties. Only that upset! No fun! :(
  2. Now It's getting better for symbian phone users from lagging. Past time I always died by mobs no reason... :(
  3. ex-cloud


    Third island meant that tougher, so i'm a noob in there island. :):) 8)
  4. I want Guntram Drogon and Lambert as my pets ::) :pleasantry: ;D would be nice to kill mcs >:D 8)
  5. My first drop is for druid, why it's not for me dancer. I hate this amulet :(:(:( :bomb: >:D
  6. @Moderator. Which operator could I buy your coin in Cambodia : 1.Mobitel (cant) 2.Beeline 3.Metfone 4.qb 5.Smart mobile I want to know which operator you related to buy your coin. Thank in advance reply me.
  7. I'm level 18, so what I need from daily is potion :) :) :)
  8. I think so, hope it will.
  9. He's MC ya know. You're firstborn.
  10. In PVP if I died then win then died then win! So I will never done the Arena point from lost and win like this :)
  11. I took quite 2hours for collecting 15 of this item (earing). Its very boring.
  12. All the daily quest i can complete it in one day or six hours without break. Seem to tire but gain the reputation back. Err i think it a bit boring when mob not drop the item for quest :)
  13. Pity MC! I never attack them but sometime they attacked me first so I pay back. I don't need to face him just leave your race along the quest. :)
  14. Did not get the code. Cant buy via sms too. Why?
  15. I did not get any free coin from register, and can not buy via sms payment it say 'payment transaction has failed' my country is Cambodia. Plz check!
  16. In Cambodia the sms payment number does not work too. Please Kuz check it, I need to buy your Miracle Coin for my char. Plz asap! Thanks!
  17. Hope new update have this feature too! Excited!
  18. Only 2 day left update coming!
  19. I don't want to sell any gear items to prevent the small storage. So if deposit come everything will be done.
  20. Everybody had this problem too, don't worry it will fix soon on 8 august with new look of game item and more. Be cool! :)
  21. easy to find if chat is alive, why you cant see your friends in map. So just use my question : Where where are you? Hus hoo! Yeah that's got to see :) :)
  22. just stay and becareful about yr life bar. Dont just chat n chat gegege.
  23. only balance state will make the more attract and get honorable. :) wait untill the game update.
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