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Everything posted by Azebu

  1. Azebu

    Warspear world map

    Thanks for uploading it to wiki. Although i have other plans on it. You'll see tomorrow ;). Oh, don't think I'll forgot about credit and copyrights for you :D
  2. good. I wish that amount of chars per serv will raise to 6, or just 4
  3. suggestion for you dont spam forum, make own clan site!
  4. but we feel like they have rest 6 days a week. By the way, how are skills going? I logged in, played like 2 minutes, and left. No duels make it no fun. But at least my relationships are way better :D Edit:
  5. i will omnomnom you jk i see, so there is nothing to do.
  6. Making skills. /sarcasm I bet they are adding more quests.
  7. we have a clanand it don't need a giant image of it to show how kewl we are. And it is ugly. Very Ugly.
  8. Azebu

    Warspear world map

    good job. Will help with warspedia.
  9. i imagine it to be like a) portals from d2 B) stones near instances in wow. (so your partymate must summon you there) also stones of respawn from wow would be cool. Too lazy to remove 10 eq parts and die. Not to mention i have to re-equip them.
  10. yea, but what to enjoy? Interactions with ppl?
  11. Azebu

    PSP Client

    why? We want it! Wait! We want it after you add skills and duels/pvp
  12. lol bug. Dropping items crash your game. Item isn't dropped. Maybe it works on fully damaged items only.
  13. i bet by saying 24 new quests you mean 12 for each fraction.
  14. tylko dwukoronowce dropią ity.
  15. Azebu

    PSP Client

    indeed good idea. But - cross and joystick are mouse, as you can't move with arrows on pc. But this is good idea. Hey, why not make lite version for j2me? And maybe nintendo ds too :P
  16. don't invite someone you don't know.
  17. you can start doing quests for rank 5
  18. i hit same in every monster
  19. Azebu

    The Strongest Rogue

    120 then is impossible, because daggers hit 2x faster than staff.
  20. monsters have no armor xD
  21. Azebu

    The Strongest Rogue

    90-120?! Is it possible?! Or he just critted with scrolls?
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