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Everything posted by ScoutBlade

  1. Main source here is rogue compared to the bd but what of other classes? Any ranged class (mc side included) just out kites a rogue and/or stun locks them after rogue unstealths. Food for thought. Extra: Why is a damage being compared to a tank anyway that just proves the imbalance.
  2. Everything is fixed is more bs then ever myself an countless others get instantly disconnected upon login so please explain what ur definition of "fixed" is.
  3. As one who has played both sides for about 3-4 years ive only seen elfs become more over powered. Skill nerfs on elf are only banner while circle, ricochet, etc have all been nerfed on mc because elfs complained. Ive seen people complain daily on mc about skills like secret link, druids heal 800+ instantly full health no other class has that ability even a full +10 necro or priest crit healing (unless using no health gears). Bds Just hide behind shield and ham and let counter kill others. Mages have the ability to see rogues in stealth which means a base skill is now useless. Yes i know all the elfs are gonna say stuff in return "mc are the over powered ones just look at locks" theres maybe only 3 locks that can go head to head with a healer, one ham from a bd theyre dead, etc. Rogues have stealth see mage skills. Need I go on? the point is elfs over the years have become a more powerful and now its to the point of unbalancing the game (biggest reason being expert skills). Something should be done but it wont most likely been asked for, for about the past 6 months and nothing has. Basically its now live with it and wait for the next unbalance in elfs favor and hope you can enjoy the game without PvP. And to everyone whos gonna hate on this please it makes for great entertainment. Denial is a human self defense mechanism.
  4. its official swaaz dnt even know who i am and is just saying stuff to sound like he does xD
  5. Whyd you post 3 times? Not helping your case here.
  6. Why are people so serious

  7. I bothered to log onto to my acc on forum just to reply to this. The fact that your going to these lengths to "embarass" him is kind of sad infact it can almost be considered harassment. Your all so happy to all of a sudden be beating him after how long of him beating you? And all because of just one person (who ive heard got everything they have by scamming from more then 1 person) who got full +10 and spammed losing partys in arena with accounts that they bought. I suggest you just get a life its a game and you take it way to seriously.
  8. Just a bug ive found id send a ticket but Gm on break so postin here thx
  9. Got the guild after all the chaos. We go active as of 4.3 release recruiting active level 18+ that can do a minimum of 500gp a week any questions or comments pm me here or in game ty for your time
  10. So far ive gathered that 30+ accs got banned over watever this is good job to whoever did this Roland snorlax whichever admin reads this if i can get a private conversation i would appreciate it
  11. never have ask anyone im paranoid with my info no accept me has ever been on my account
  12. Look all i know is a bunch of accounts got banned because of 1 person and. 90% of these accounts got banned for no reason at all just got banned for knowing myth. And im sorry but im pissed if i find out who it was they will find quitting the game is easier when im done with them
  13. Same goes for my necro logged in and banned havent done a thing against the rules over. $1000 worth of mcoins put into char something better be done about this bullshit
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