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    rockerobr reacted to Danfake in [2020.12.07] Game servers stop. Farewell to the Median Night holiday!   
    Clearly AIGRIND Reacts faster to elf whining.. 
     Preference don't know, benefits instantly
    DK Nerf skill (Changing mechanics, but a useless skill to attack), But they don't say anything about guild's skill blessing, Thanks now the mage will carry the flag faster. 
    Guild 40mage capturing Castle with skill blessing + area damage, gz AIGRIND 
    If you really want wars to be fun, prohibit the use of any guild skill, because today that war turned into war of the one who uses skill Teleport and Blessing the fastest. 
    Then don't complain to get bad score on Play Store and Steam
  2. Like
    rockerobr reacted to Fend in [2020.12.07] Servidores interrompidos. Adeus ao festival da Noite Mediana!   
    Coitato do dk, quando arrumam uma estratergia boa, ai vem um nerf em cima de mais nerf.
  3. Like
    rockerobr reacted to Victor Teixeira in [2020.09.17] Atualização do Warspear Online 9.0: Heróis da nova era. Prévia   
    Considerações principais sobre o test server. 

    1 - O Personagem tem boa movimentação e boas propostas de habilidades, porém o custo de mana está muito alto. Se pudessem rever o
    fato da mana acabar tão rápido, seria mais justo. Tendo em vista que precisamos "combar" muitas habilidades juntas e a mana não suporta
    tanto uso.
    2 - O crítico da habilidade deveria ser dano crítico ao invés de ser Hit crítico.
    3 - A habilidade "Maldição da Peste" nós não conseguimos entender ao certo o que ela faz, testamos de todas as formas e vimos que é uma
    habilidade desnecessária. O "rato" não causa um dano considerável e acabou ocupando só espaço no meio das habilidades. 
    4 - O Kit de habilidades no geral NÃO está apresentando um bom dano em área, poderia ser melhorado, tendo em vista que essa classe veio
    para acabar com a deficiência que a legião tem no dano em área.
    5 - As habilidades em área deveria ser igual a corrente do mago e o grilhão do paladino, esse tipo de skill está em déficit na legião. ter que
    clicar na hora onde vamos usar está causando lentidão, deveria ser automático, apertar e usar a habilidade.

    1 - No geral veio como uma ótima classe para agregar com todas as outras já existentes nos sentinelas.
    2 - Um bom personagem para controle em grupo e está controlando ATÉ DEMAIS! Essa classe não causa tanto dano ao inimigo, porém
    consegue travar completamente o inimigo impedindo de qualquer reação. Poderiam rever isso, deixar balanceado seria interessante. 
    3 - Fizemos diversos testes e 1 templário consegue tankar + de 10 chefes sozinho.
    4 - Essa classe "combando" junto com as outras classes já existentes vai causar muito desbalanceamento, haverá muitas reclamações

    Esse foi o meu feedback sobre o test server, espero que leiam e se possível considerem essa mensagem. 

    Victor Teixeira.
  4. Thanks
    rockerobr reacted to Peony in [2020.08.17] Warspear Online 8.4.2 Update: Preview   
    Dear friends!
    While you are valiantly fighting for the glory of Arinar against the bosses of the past, our developers continue to work on improving the game. We regularly analyze the feedback you share with us, as well as learn statistics on game data. It helps us get our priorities and decide which changes will really affect the game in a positive way. And now we are happy to present update 8.4.2 with skill changes, bug fixes and improving the stability of the game!
    We also want to remind you that working on balance in the game is a complex and lengthy process: we try to make the game interesting and exciting for each class, but don't forget about the balance of warring Alliances. Therefore, we are constantly engaged in balancing classes, reviewing ideas and suggestions and correlating them with the plans and goals of our updates.
    Hunters and Rangers, please keep in mind that the base delay of your weapons’ attacks  was changed:
    Bows: from 2.8 seconds to 3.3.
    Crossbows: from 3.3 seconds to 3.9.
     Aura of Fire
    The skill’s damage no longer interacts with items’ “Stun” bonus.
     Ethereal Barrier
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Upon receiving damage of 25-20-15-10% of maximum health points within 1 second, the mage receives a defensive barrier for 6-7-8-9 seconds, absorbing 100% damage from following attacks within 0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4 seconds.
    The effect can only trigger once every 5 seconds.
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Now every time after using any skill, the character will receive a temporary buff. After gaining 5 buffs the character receives the “Overload” positive effect. With the next successful autoattack the target will receive the effect dealing damage over time and lowering movement speed.
    Duration of the effect — 8 seconds, damage is equal to 30-40-50-60% every 2 seconds.
     Dragon Eye
    Changed the values of bonuses Attack speed and Accuracy on all skill levels. From 10-15-20-25% to 7-10-13-18%.
    Changed the amount of restored energy on autoattacks. From 3-5-7-10% of maximum to 2-3-4-5%.
    Developers’ commentary: Mage is one of the most powerful combat classes and needed some adjustment. We’ve reworked passive skills and slightly reduced bonuses of the most popular expert skill.
    The skill now increases the “Attack power” parameter instead of directly modifying the attack.
     Attack Instinct
    Changed damage to additional targets. From 50-60-70-80% of physical power to 20-25-35-50%.
    Changed the duration of the effect. From 20-25-30-40 seconds to 10-12-14-18.
    Cooldown time changed from 45 to 36 seconds.
    Now it is possible to pull targets under the effects of stun/sleep.
    Cooldown time changed from 25 to 20 seconds.
    Changed the duration of the effect, increasing damage to the target. From 3-4-5-6 seconds to 5-6-7-8.
    Developers’ commentary: The last added expert skill of the Seeker has shown itself to be too powerful, especially with the “Lifesteal” bonus, and required some changes.
     Harad's Banner
    Changed the range of the skill. From 4 yards to 3.
    Changed the area of effect of the banner. Radius changed from 3 yards to 2.
    Added a limit on the amount of targets from the debuff in PvP — 3-4-5-6.
    Cooldown time changed from 40 to 35 seconds.
    Now players targeted by the debuff are highlighted visually.
     Inner Forces
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Lowers incoming damage by 2% for each 12-10-8-6% of missing health.
     Repellent Strike
    Increased the damage dealt on all skill levels.
    Cooldown time changed from 20 to 16 seconds.
    Developers’ commentary: Real effectiveness of Harad's Banner changed dramatically since first introducing the skill into the game. New mechanics, skills and items allowed Paladins to instantly affect the situation on the battlefield with just one skill.
    Increased the range up to 5 yards.
     Exhausting Burden
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Afflicts the target with an effect prohibiting movement and lowering the value of physical/magical power for 20-30-40-50% for 4-5-6-7 seconds.
    The interaction with the Armistice skill was removed.
    Developers’ commentary: Overall the Priest seems alright in all aspects of play, but the previous implementation of Exhausting Burden turned out to not be very practical.
     Invigorating Stream
    Changed the priority of target selection: now what matters is not the minimum amount of hit points, but the percentage of health of the maximum. The selection does not include any allied minions/summoned monsters, except the ones summoned by the Druid.
    If there are no suitable targets within range, the skill becomes inaccessible for use.
     Patronage of the Forest
    Changed the amount of health restored after successful trigger of the skill. From 40-45-50-60% to 30-35-40-45%.
    Lowered the cost of using the skill. From 28-30-32-34 to 24-26-28-30 energy points.
     Healing Barrier
    Cooldown time changed from 45 to 35 seconds.
    Changed the range of the skill from 3 yards to 4.
    Changed the duration of the effect on all skill levels. From 10-12-16-20 seconds to 7-9-11-13.
     Elemental Backing
    The summoned monster now uses the character’s parameters “Critical hit”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, “Resilience” and “Ferocity”.
    Developers’ commentary: The druid remains one of the most resilient characters and the  Elemental Backing skill immediately became one of the most popular skills among top level players. Sometimes the skill was even too effective.
    Blade Dancer
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Upon using the skill the Blade Dancer applies the effect to themselves for 4-5-6-7 seconds. Upon receiving damage, the Blade Dancer deals 40-50-60-75% of their physical damage back, if the target is within the radius of 1-2-3-4 yards.
    The returned damage is affected by attack strength modifiers and ferocity.
    The damage is dealt no more often than once every 1.3-1.2-1-0.75 seconds.
    Cooldown time: 30 seconds.
     Spirit of Resistance 
    Fixed the error due to which the effect of the opponent’s relic was not removed if its effect was negated by resistance.
    Relics list:
    Relic of Absolute Powerlessness
    Relic of Physical Helplessness
    Relic of Magic Helplessness
    Relic of Lack of Deftness
    Relic of Lack of Agility
    Relic of Fatigue
    Relic of Lack of Accuracy
    Small Relic of Absolute Powerlessness
    Small Relic of Physical Helplessness
    Small Relic of Magic Helplessness
    Small Relic of Lack of Deftness
    Small Relic of Lack of Agility
    Small Relic of Lack of Fatigue
    Small Relic of Lack of Accuracy
    Icy Relic of Exhaustion
    Magic Relic of Oppression
     Sonic Boom
    Changed the amount of damage received by additional targets. From 33% of base damage of the skill to 25-30-40-55%.
    Increased damage on all skill levels.
    Using the skill no longer cancels invisibility.
    Developers’ commentary: It is time for the third coming of the most controversial of the Blade Dancer. Counterattack should influence the behaviour of the character in PvP and allow choosing different options of development for PvE.
     Block Master
    Changed the amount of restored health on all skill levels. From 10-12-15-20% of missing health to 8-10-13-18%.
    Changed the rate of triggering the effect on all skill levels. From 2-1.75-1.5-1 seconds to 2 seconds on all skill levels.
    Changed base skill parameters.
    Lowering incoming damage. From 15-25-35-50%, to 6-12-18-25%.
    Lowering physical power of the character. From 11-14-17-20% to 5-8-11-15%.
    Changed energy consumption on all skill levels from 3-3-4-4 points of energy per second to 4-5-6-7 points per 2 seconds.
     Shield Throw
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Removed the effect lowering physical defense of the opponent. Instead now the skill with a chance of 25-35-45-55% can apply the “Stun” effect for 2-2.5-3-3.5 seconds.
    Increased dealt damage on all skill levels.
     Powerful Lung
    Increased the amount of damage to additional targets. From 50% of damage on the main target to 40-50-60-75%.
    Increased damage on all skill levels.
    Developers’ commentary: The class that made the role of healers secondary required adjustments. The survivability of the Warden has no equal, but the character should fully shine in a balanced group. We’ve slightly changed the most popular skills and some secondary ones, in order to increase alternative builds’ appeal.
     Explosive Trap
    Now the attack accounts for the character’s parameters “Ferocity”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, and “Critical hit”.
     Slowing Trap
    Now the attack accounts for the character’s parameters “Ferocity”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, and “Critical hit”.
     Point Shooting
    Changed the visual effect of the skill.
    Changed the power of the effect that lowers movement speed of the character on all skill levels. From 35-30-20-10% to 10-15-20-25%.
    Changed the value of the skill’s bonus. From 5-6-7-8-9% to 5-7-9-11-13%.
     Powerful Shot
    Cooldown time changed from 8 to 10 seconds.
     Ranger Blessing
    Changed the duration of the effect. From 10-12-14-16-18 seconds to 14 on all skill levels.
     Hunter's Cage
    Removed effect that reduced the physical defense of the target.
    Developers’ commentary: Classes that use bows and crossbows needed an adjustments of their offensive potential. Along with the changes to base attack speed of the weapons, skill adjustments should balance the combat behaviour of Ranger and Hunter.
    Mountain Clans
    Cooldown time changed from 6 to 8 seconds.
     Last Wish
    Changed skill mechanics.
    Reduces incoming damage to the character by 50-65-75-90% for 8 seconds upon dropping down to 20-25-30-35% health.
    The effect triggers no more often than once every 90 seconds.
     Shield Strike
    Increased damage on all skill levels.
    Developers’ commentary: Last Wish often triggered not like it was supposed to, and generally left not the best of impressions. The new implementation should influence the game process and make the skill more appealing to develop.
     Ancestors' hand
    Added a limitation to moving player characters. Now the skill can only transport players in one group or guild with the shaman. 
    Disallowed moving characters with the regalia of the Mermen in the Trial of the Mermen event.
    In the event of moving being prohibited, the target character will receive a shield.
     Fire Totem
    Reduced the dependence of the amount of dealt damage from character level.
    Added an additional effect — with a chance, equal to the critical hit chance, the totem can apply a damage over time effect for 5 seconds. The effect deals damage equal to 20-22-24-26% of the Shaman’s magical power every second. If the target already has such an effect, it will not apply again.
    Developers’ commentary: All Arinar keeps talking about the Ancestors' hand skill. The implemented changes will let us reduce the amount of negativity from sudden deaths in AFK. And the Fire Totem was overperforming in terms of dealing single target damage. The overall usefulness of the skill shouldn’t suffer.
     Flurry of Steel
    Increased damage on all skill levels.
    Upon dealing damage, there is a 20-25-30-35% chance to stun the opponent for 1-1.5-2-2.5 seconds.
    Increased the duration of the skill on all skill levels up to 12 seconds.
    Reduced the penalty to incoming damage on all skill levels. From 25-20-15-10% to 20-16-12-8%
     Sinister Strike
    Increased the damage on all skill levels. 
    Cooldown time changed from 26 to 18 seconds.
    Changed the bonus amount from the skill. From 5-6-7-8-9% to 5-7-9-11-13%.
    Developers’ commentary: Absolutely all expert skills of the Rogue are around equally popular and show themselves well in all spheres of the game.*
    *Except Flurry of Steel
     Forester's Trap
    Now the attack accounts for the character’s parameters “Ferocity”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, and “Critical hit”.
     Poisoned Arrow
    Increased dealt damage on all skill levels.
     Hunter's Agility
    Increased the amount of bonus from the skill. From 5-6-7-8-9% to 5-7-9-11-13%.
     Fatal shot
    Cooldown time changed from 8 to 10 seconds.
    Developers’ commentary: Classes that use bows and crossbows needed an adjustments of their offensive potential. Along with the changes to base attack speed of the weapons, skill adjustments should balance the combat behaviour of Ranger and Hunter.
    Death Knight
     Exhalation of Darkness
    Now the duration of the stun changes with skill level. From 2.5 seconds on all skill levels to 2-2.5-3-3.5-4.
     Threads of Darkness
    Changed the duration of the suppression effect on all skill levels. From 2-3-4-5-6 seconds to  4-5-6-7-8.
    Cooldown time reduced from 30 to 22 second.
    Now it is possible to pull the target under the effects of stun/sleep.
     Death Call
    The skill’s damage no longer interacts with the “Stun” item bonus.
    Developers’ commentary: The changes should increase the relevance of base skills and add tactical possibilities for use.
     Weakness Zone
    Cooldown time is changed from 20 to 30 seconds.
    Increased the dealt damage on all skill levels. 
     Life Exhaust
    Increased the damage on all skill levels.
    Increased the amount of restored health on all skill levels. From 34-37-40-43-46% of dealt damage to 35-45-55-65-75%.
     Shadow Sphere
    Changed the mechanic of calculating damage depending on the current energy. The skill no longer costs energy before use, but instead restores 10-12-14-16 points of energy.
    Changed the dependance of the damage from the relation of the amount of current energy to the maximum — dealt damage was lowered by ~25%.
     Stone Body
    Changed the mechanic of using the skill. Now after using the skill it can be cancelled during its effect.
    Changed the duration of the skill. From 4-6-8-10 seconds to 6-8-10-12.
    The skill now restores health every 2 seconds of its duration amounting to 2-3-4-5% from maximum health amount. 
     Power of relaxation
    Changed the consumption of energy on all skill levels. From 6-7-8-9 points per 2 to 7-8-9-10.
    Developers’ commentary: In the current situation, Shadow Sphere and Power of relaxation did not work entirely correctly together. Empowering the skills for survival should diversify options of developing the character.
     Fateful Connection
    The damage received through the effect of this skill no longer stops targets.
     Deathly Eye
    Increased the chance of successfully using the skill on minibosses, bosses and raidbosses from 35% to 45% on all skill levels.
    Developers’ commentary: Overall, the Necromancer needs no special changes, but we keep watching over the statistics and in-game behaviour.
    The summoned monster now uses the character’s parameters “Critical hit”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, “Resistance”, and “Ferocity”.
     Help of Chaos
    The summoned monster now uses the character’s parameters “Critical hit”, “Accuracy”, “Penetration”, “Resistance”, and “Ferocity”.
    Base energy amount of the monster increased from 100 to 250 points.
    Delay between autoattacks is reduced from 6 to 4.5 seconds.
    Effect duration increased on all skill levels. From 6-7-8-9 seconds to 8-9-10-11.
     Knowledge of the Dead Man
    The effect of the skill now only triggers on a successful autoattack on the target.
     Dark Prism
    Changed the range of the skill from 5 to 4 yards.
    Changed the power of the effect on all skill levels. Lowered the defense points reduction from 10-15-20-25-30% to 15-25-35-45-55%.
    Changed the duration of the effect on all skill levels. From 10-12-14-16-20 seconds to 8-10-12-14-16.
     Eye of Darkness
    Changed the amount of “Accuracy” bonus on all skill levels. From 3-10-17-25% to 7-10-13-18%.
    Developers’ commentary: Charmer is one of the most discussed classes with the most diverse possibilities for development. Some skill combinations did not leave the opponents a chance due to too effective initiation of combat, while other skills were undeservedly deprived of attention.
    During the launch of the test server we will once again check the correct work of all changed skills with your help. After the testing it is possible for additional changes to be made in accordance with the gathered data. We hope that you will positively rate the result of our work. We will be grateful for constructive feedback and we’re glad to have such an opportunity to interact with you.
    Additionally, this update will fix many errors that may have caused inconvenience during the gameplay. We will talk of those in more detail in the release announcement.
    That’s it for now, see you at the testing!!
  5. Like
    rockerobr got a reaction from Samuel Icaro in IS THE GAME REALLY MEANT TO BE PLAYED IN A GROUP??   
    As a player with 7 years of experience I come to ask why Aigrind does not listen to his players and does not admit that its game is unbalanced ...
    The developers say that warspear is not aimed at the X1 and that the skills are not unfair, which clearly the current players can realize this is a lie, since many elf classes kill bosses and go in dungeons alone, as you can see in the video below, seeker doing hard technopolys alone ... Aigrind you are lying when you say that the game is meant to be played in a group and that is very sad.🤔🤔
  6. Like
    rockerobr reacted to Garow in [2020.05.27] Servidores reinicializados. Bem-vindos a atualização 8.4!   
    Onde está a reformulação de habilidades prometidas na primavera desse ano ?
    Estamos largados desde anuncio do natal onde as mudanças que quebraram o Game foram lançadas
    Minha indignação não é tampouco referente a Novas habilidades ( que no meu caso que sou Caçador, achei um lixo e tampouco irei comprar ),  e sim em relação a esse "equilibrio" prometido que não vem.
    Eu que trabalho como herdeiro em minha guilda estava esperançoso em um equilibrio ocorrer antes da chegada do castelo do setor 5. Esperava uma esperança para competir contra Guildas com seus 80% magos e paladinos...
    Mas vocês não entregaram o que falaram, e eu não tive escolha a não ser entrar nesse movimento.
    Foi sinceramente a gota d'agua
    Ps : não atenderam as minhas expectativas

  7. Like
    rockerobr got a reaction from Nubmage in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Aigrind again Debuff Mcs class, change name to Elfspear 
  8. Like
    rockerobr got a reaction from Bruce Wayne in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Aigrind again Debuff Mcs class, change name to Elfspear 
  9. Like
    rockerobr got a reaction from necrotp1 in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Aigrind again Debuff Mcs class, change name to Elfspear 
  10. Haha
    rockerobr got a reaction from Milleina in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Aigrind again Debuff Mcs class, change name to Elfspear 
  11. Like
    rockerobr got a reaction from deathcure in [2020.05.23] Warspear Online 8.4: Underwater adventures. Preview   
    Aigrind again Debuff Mcs class, change name to Elfspear 
  12. Like
    rockerobr reacted to iwan in um ponto de vista meu sobre necromante   
    Não sei os necros que você vai na arena mas com os que eu vou é dificil nós perdermos, necromancer é uma classe muito boa, sinceramente nao vejo motivo pra sua revolta, hahah
  13. Like
    rockerobr reacted to Taikrost in um ponto de vista meu sobre necromante   
    Necro e acc boa tem skills super tops.. e de todas as historias que havia necromancer ele repartia um pouco da sua vida para alguma habilidade.. e necro e umas das melhores accs no pvp.. se as pessoas reclama pq necro e lixo pq elas nunca uparam um pra sofre o q a maioria sofre..perde arena e normal.
  14. Like
    rockerobr reacted to rockerobr in sugestão de mudanças no laby!   
    Bem,alguns players no warspear,desde que implantaram cc de recompensa nas quests do laby vão,todos os dias afim d juntar cc para comprar costumes em eventos ou até mesmo agora comprar equipes lvl 20 que custam 2,3,4k cc,eu sou um deles.Eu acho uma injustiça pessoas ralarem no laby para ganhar 5,10 cc por quest somente enquanto nego ganha 1k,2k nos torneios d guild.Porisso aí vai algumas sugestões para tornar possível o sonho de compra de equipes de cc e costumes para aqeles que vivem no laby:
    —Porra,50 cc eu disse" 50" é o total ganho por completar as 7 quests,e todo mundo sabe que não é qualqe pt que mata echidna.Se as quests dessem 50 cc 5x6(fora,echidna),Daria 300cc possibilitando aqela galera que não põe miracle de ficar forte no jogo.
    —Aquele parasita deve ter uns 90% de dodge na boa vey e é um roubo tao grande que meu bárbaro fica com 19,1% de accuração com escudo mando uns 4 porrada no bixo,ah detalhe usando skill e só pega depois de muito persistir.Quem vai laby sabe que sempre tem aqueles famoso player" Rambo apressado"é aquele que ver o tank enrolado no parasita ataca os mob ce fode todo,morre, e no final vem xingar.
    —O laby é grande?Bom,para aqueles que não manjam muito é grande sim,mas pra mim e muitos outros já tá xato os mesmo 7 boss.Tá na hora de aumentar já tá na versão 4.8 e até agora não modificaram nada no laby e explicarei por que segundo meu ponto de vista.
    —Tudo isso que eu postei aqui não vai se cumprir nem agora nem nunca,por que ora,a AIGRIND tá mais mercenária que muita facção por aí só querem saber de implantar mais coisas pra vender até emoticon tao vendendo sasporra kk,enfim isso é muito ruim kara,jogo o jogo a 2 anos me lembro do tempo que havia igualdade entre todos mas agora tá uma merda.
  15. Like
    rockerobr reacted to iwan in As 5 skills do barbarian.   
    Se for contra um priest do mesmo nível de amp não mata não
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