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Everything posted by Morgana

  1. Yes, I also would love to get the push effect back. Or at least let the stream heal ALL allies in the radius and not just the one with lowest hp :/ Another suggestion is to heal the one with lowest hp + guild members and party members. Were much better for dungeons or astral labyrinth.
  2. Haha your guild wouldn't dare to touch me LOL. I've seen Bethren members ganking in cave many times and i always killed them. For example Rozim ^^ Your guild is full of gankers lel so don't think you have the right to judge whos allowed to stay in cave and who not. If you do it i will come with my guild and kill you all from Bethren-.-
  3. Yes sorry im in THEMERCS and we are going #1 this week so got much stuff to do with dg spams etc. Let's see next week should be free then.
  4. 1. I'm a girl 2. OK but I will come with my druid
  5. Xhero is not really a keeper of peace, he kills everyone he doesn't like no matter if they ganked him or not. And when Irish comes cave, everything ends up in a war xD
  6. Exactly. Dk got two 100% stun skills so dont cry. BTW today i raped you with my BD near t5 elves Lukazzz... I just couldn't stop to laugh sorry
  7. Lmffffffffao noso haha
  8. Mhm druid has exactly 1 stun skill that works to 100% and that's root. Tornado doesn't have everyone ( I don't have it for example) and forest song is no 100% chance to stun. Last "stun" is Waterball -> just if you use lighting after and that stun doesn't even hold on for a second. Anything else on the stuns is depending on skill level Easy to recover the hp -> also depending on the skill level of secret link. I personally always try to PvP without secret link and it works good if you got any tactic.
  9. Oh please.. We elves won the first war 3 : 0, all others after were 0 : 0. Now you cry about another lost war and an "unbalanced" game after i don't know how many draws. Why do you think is almost every war a draw?? Yea, probably 'cause the game is "unbalanced" -.-
  10. Every class can be OP, it's all depending on the skill set up, how smart the pilot uses his characters skills, which gear is used and 50% how high the char is amped.
  11. Awww ty Cyber!! :* But I'm not as high amped as the druids in that list. I'm just good skilled and active
  12. Lol really you checked my damage? its not only about how strong you are. Like you said even Physik gets ganked and his magic is 500. It's about who you are friends with and with who you cleared your problems. I cleared my problems with almost everyone who ganked or tried to gank me + i have idk how many friends who would start a war against my gankers :3
  13. Morgana


    I'm disagreeing!!! Jk, nice guild, nice people Keep it up! I would like to go tourney against you again :3
  14. Deutsche Gilde im Süd- Asien Server haha schon cool...aber bin leider auch US- Server :/ Viel Glück und Erfolg!
  15. That's senseless and won't work. Earn the respect of other players and they won't gank you like they don't gank me
  16. On BD's is definitly missing Mrskrillex he's active and very very VERY good skilled, the best i know so far and i'm not only saying it 'cause he's my bf. Ranger -> xxamitxx, Priest -> Elwinoa, Druid -> Xanands instead of Neelu. Kick Hihinice out of BD's list ( Sorry Nik), other option is Swagathero. That's what i would change in your ranking
  17. Being a good person doesn't mean she's a good bd. Even my bd has almost 300 more damage than hers :3 And in my opinion the best BD's are Mrsrkillex, Swagathero, Tpain, xxpinoyxx, Kickexgun, Mrvendetta, Kalamata and Critcree! and of course Axekillz if he still was there
  18. Ok ty i told him haha now hes heartbroken
  19. In which server do you play? A friend in my guild wanted to know it he says you are hot
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