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Everything posted by fkmcsdruid

  1. who's ur char name ? Elf or Mc let me see your a Elf?
  2. Hhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhah bye Roland
  3. https://youtu.be/pi-Sx6EbYrg hoppe you all like
  4. Man I give up I had hope maybe this new update will fix something regarding skills abused I think I'll take another year off game
  5. brother no offence but working in new updates takes a lot of work months to be exact
  6. Roland question does dk reserves skill 4/4 WY it's heals 400 only in pvp 800 wen not pvp the reserve should be 800 at all time bCuz wen you need it its in battle mode so it's don't really need wen I'm not pvp or killing monster is it something you can maybe check if not it's OK ty
  7. Dk and brb gets counter attack whatttt!!!!! Nice devs hahaha ha jk will be nice
  8. https://youtu.be/nxB-YOp9phE hey there's more Check vs ikanuz
  9. brother you and I know the importance got lucky to low he's hp but I look him up he's only 7+ and he's was hitting me 711 me with 7.5k dff
  10. Lol bds are just to op I hate to die die die so if I was you I stay bd
  11. I think u r talking about before now there's no way shaman can kill bds
  12. https://youtu.be/gxuArW_BiEE Roland look !!!!!
  13. lol Roland it's counter attack it's only a minor problem WY don't dk and barb get the same skill hu!!!!! Hass everytime he hit by was getting hit 861 back like 6 times
  14. no dk are no strong stun no matter still weak class
  15. Ur out of your mind ? Bds do kill anyone with one hit its soppust to be a fun pvp how is it fun to be kill in 3 hit, 1 Bds, and 2 you hitting Bds and counter kills you just by tapping on them
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