I dont think druid needs nerfing nor do i think that they are not OP
I think in 1on1 if druid always swarms the shaman just b4 blind then it causes stagger on shaman thus increasing that yards(5-6) between them and making shaman incapable to attack .
Also it increases around 40% dodge if blind is lvl5 which 99.99% shamans have.
+ all the points put forth above ^
Same logic if used against locks , i think it will do the trick
Druids are pretty above for win vs lock and as for against shamans brainy will be called the sexy
Dont know much for arenas , i think AoE skills will rule as there are more then 1 opponent
Why doesnt this z/d_t_eeeeee.mmmm guy get ban :lol:
So pene i guess coz
1. New update of magic defence coming
2. Not many high dodgers(melles) in arena i see 3. make my moon dmg worth
Har angle se Mmmm.... ;)
Nice guide , helping build my class
Same server me nai huye to kya hua , class to same he. Maybe u can help me. I bought sd scepture and it got accuracy , so shud i go with pene crystal in all gloves? thnx
BINGO : No confusion great combination ;D
I see mage is the only ranged class in game who has to go near the opponent to do damage.
Kudos to those who play mage
Really nice guide ; Detailed and magnetic , helped me understand my opponent
tempting me also to make .... maybe someday
Guess it also helps the pros , Good luck :clapping:
Maybe numbers should be allowed to be used in names so there will plenty of options.
And who knows maybe someone has stored millions of gold in lvl1 char and just inactive , planning to return when game becomes interesting for him...
Just one question : Will the stats of the magic damage on staff change according to user? i mean if shaman uses the staff it will change to moon and if necro uses the same staff it will change to dark?