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Posts posted by Hindustan
Now after switching to another arena category it will be reset.
What does this mean exactly? for eg. If a character levels up from 20 to 21 then its arena rating will get reset?
Is Druid "Secret link" skill bugged?
According to description it should have healed to an ally with lesser HP but Its healing self and others. That too its healing +1400 instant and like 2200! crit heal and its cooldown is 22s.
Where is the logic?
+300/3s heal and +1400 or 2200! instant heal/22s.
Felt the same. Was left against a BD and a druid in arena with druid having around 500hp, suddenly he starts to hyperheal (604 234 604 234) , gets back his 3.2k Hp and toast me easy. Was using +6 staff i guess from the 234 normal heal.
Sarcasm is funny. Especially when people are blind to see it
HaHa was just continuing it. Sorry if your barbaric mind didn't get it.
Yea, players above lvl 20 are not getting anything from chest in normal dungeon of BG tower. I guess bug
How about 1 skill all can use like suicide kamikaze bomb. Kill yourself and cause damage equal to health when activated. That way charge will actually be of use :lol: :bomb: kabooom! Byebye ;D
We need new faction >> Al-Qaeda
Races >> Suicide bombers
Suicide bombers
Suicide bombers
O.T. -> i like the rogue skill, also the modification as Egoist suggested.
Maybe a skill for barb called "Berserk" where he goes wild and cant get any damage from opponent for next 5-10 secs, not depending on amp but only time. Wanted to add that they cant be stunned by any skill in that time but well idk sounds way OP ;D
I killed Crimson Conqueror after the resent maintenance and he still does not give drop. Plz look into it again guys. Killed Grim sweeper and it dropped Chains to every member of party while Crimson Conqueror doesn't give drop to anyone.
Whats that mean?
It was not allowed to get more then 25% resilience before , but now u can as with new arena equips it can be surpassed easy.
spamming with high amp in lvl 14 is running in special Olympics even if u win u r still retarded :snorlax:
He was being sarcastic i think, all those names got rank 1 by doing arena with themselves as "there were not many demands in 2*2" and they were desperate. Arena rating does not mean a Shit as 90% ppl do arena randoms and other 10% are +10 ppl going in parties who reck them.
Anyway i agree with this suggestion.
Druid skill sounds way too op.
It is like mixture of ao kuang tornado and poseidon whirlpool in smite and both the skills are very strong individually.
Just see the ULTIMATE DEFENSE of bd. Absorbing 1k damage and cooldown in only 18 secs. I think devs forgot to give them 1k instant heal also :mega_shok:
They're easy - 1 tanks 1 gets the adds and 1 heals. Stupid thing about them is that their quest drop is not 100% and only 1 person in a party gets it. Oh, elfs can kill you there as well
Yea that "only 1 person gets drop" sucks. It does Matk so is easy if a shaman(healer) tanks it while his partner(dps) kills those mobs and boss occationally. Does arround 155 attack with 3.3k Mdef. I did it with 1 rogue.
Same problem here. It crashes before even starting. Then have to force close it.
Well what u crafted was right (Charge of meditation).But haven't u seen the null?
Null means its a 50-50 chance to get [spell stick of mediation] or [spell baton of redistribution]
You just lost ur [Energy Catalyst] Try again u might get it right or maybe not ;D .Its gambling!
Wow didnt knew about this table at the Warspear Casino.
I wud totaly agree with Sulla even though i never played rogue. In this game it does not matter how many hit u do but how much dmg u do in the limited hits u get on range classes as they got so many skills to stay away from a melee, but ofc not all rogues are good at timing of gouge. And who does not want to see 2k+ hit with +8 weapons?
Have u done a Ph.D in warspear ,man? :lol: just epic
Crossbow > Bow.
point #1[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s]
I think we already have a winner in the rose guy. In girls am bit confused about my friend Vivian with her cute and charming smile and Giovanni with her Beauty and style. Guessing miss charming and miss warspear here, anyways Good luck to all !!
Why only 1 glove does not have resi o.0 seems cool though
link=topic=204.msg822233#msg822233 date=1402785751]so I guess these must be fake too
Need Shaman novice set at elf side ASAP
Can pay u at elf or mc side , whichever u wish.
Lol they are Edited. Lvl 19/20 equips don't even have 4 stats
link=topic=204.msg821697#msg821697 date=1402708142]Lol if these arent photoshopped and indeed bugged, I hope they get fixed. Or we will see tanks parry all melee hits
casters with crazy damage, insane mana, always crit and skills with 0sec cooldown
and rangers & rogues never get hit. never stop attacking and always crit
lol @2hp
All those having problem with catche and connection lost, just complete the cache once let the connection lose or whatever. Then restart ur game and try login again. Worked for me on 2 devices. gl
Watched all episodes of GoT till date , best series for me from the not very large collection. Reading u guys, it seems books are worth reading. Gonna try to get my hands on them ASAP.
Happy B'Day Warspear and Congrats to AiGrind. Let the cake fight Begin!!!!
How much do you still like the game?
in Tavern
See i think that's the reason the game is ruined/unstable atm. It was good of you guys bringing these back to back max lvl cap updates but while you guys were doing that you forgot to accompany it with the ammo that it needed to be good. Did you really expect from players to go lvl 24 and amp those lower level equips when it is certain that sooner or later higher equips will come, god knows when? That's where you guys really really messed up. Everybody had already waited 2 years for the new cap. 1-2 more months for making the suitable equips and then releasing the updates would have made it much much better.