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Everything posted by Edly

  1. You countered yourself man! Don't change the topic. There is no shame is defeat as long as you still breath
  2. Edly

    nvm im really tired

    What's this about??
  3. Edly

    Dear rogue,...

    I'd like to term that "RDS" (Rogues' Deficiency Syndrome)
  4. No. I don't think so Have you ever tried to or sneezed while eating?
  5. Edly

    Legends pasts : Story

    OMG!! Why has this stopped (seriously I felt like crying) Please continue, please please please. I love writing too (And I even have a sci-fi story I'm writing in docx format)
  6. I don't. Never Jigsaw-PZ is a bloody lair, agree?
  7. I LOVE THIS Would love to use it against those annoying rogues who stealth and still remain in the same location
  8. To ask the person below you a question Of you had the chance to make the world a better place by removing one PROBLEM, which would you pick
  9. The cheap cost of commercial transportation Halo4 or Destiny or CoD: MW4?
  10. Going through most of the comments about the 4.2.0 update I found out that its about complaints of either bugs or crashes. DEVS &GMS I would love to bring up an idea. Whenever there's going to be an update I think you guys should RELEASE A BETA VERSION FIRST to know what you'll fix in the game and while the beta is out serving as a test ground, the other lower version should still be relevant OR Probably release the update not as a beta but a KIND OF TEST then when you get results you want you guys can begin fixing. Instead of releasing a 'standard update' full of imperfections thereby making people to complain all the time.
  11. Damn I saw a guy (rogue) at lv24 WTF!!! his name is Hyleris at EU
  12. badguysarenomatchforgoodguys 200
  13. Tetris What was the first game you ever played?
  14. Yes Do you know me in-game. And how if you do?
  15. Then he started chasing them again still barfing
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