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Everything posted by Ikafati

  1. Uh, no, you complete the quest, a function is triggered, math is done, your account is updated. Nobody else is affected
  2. Tupac got show by a thug with a revolver in Mexico for watching spongebob Autist, memes, stump, crayons, ribbons
  3. They don't care, simple as that. I'm pretty sure forum reflects the true face of the game very well. Haven't you or anyone else noticed how optimistic everyone seemed here 2-3 years ago? How much praise mods/devs were getting? Where is it now? Gone and for very good reasons They can easily change your level, I'm sure as hell they didn't manually level their characters on EU/US/whatever servers. Also, sometimes logical thinking is enough proof. Why would a +10 who camped level 10 arena level up? Although your screenshots seem to have a big jump in time between them, nothing changes
  4. "We will fix it when one guy thinks he wants to do it" >acknowledges that the skill needs a fix >says it's not bugged and doesn't need a fix later
  5. What @lallouss said, also http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php/topic/47034-bugs-report-in-v5455
  6. Uhh, unless a game is in alpha/beta stages, bug fixes don't really stand in a queue with other updates. If something is broken and it affects several other things, it needs a fix. Also, I'm not the only one who's complaining about this, we both use this forum
  7. So you "can" fix the bugged skills. Like, they're broken for almost 2 months now, you were aware of this for the entirety of this time and you just "can fix it if needed". It's like, some poor employee asks his boss for a favor and he's like, "Yea, I can easily do it right now, but I'll just let you suffer for now and help you later". Lmao
  8. Why is it a big issue? Did you forget what game you're playing?
  9. Where is Aze and his long dead Hassn meme
  10. Ikafati


    Hate programming with a passion. Screwed too many things for me
  11. Your screenshot is to simply show off that you got a Kronus's costume as a level 10 character. Adds nothing to your suggestion. Also, I heavily disagree, because then eventually that costume will make you move faster, then later increase damage and such. Costumes are there for purely cosmetics reasons and are fine as is
  12. Is this a bug or another great "feature"?
  13. Yeap, so are a few other skills as well. Retribution was a dumb addition to the game
  14. Chest in wisp location spawns every 25 minutes, can give lv17-18 amulets and rings. Not sure if more of them would change anything, honestly
  15. >I want suicide The attention whoring, damn
  16. I think you should level up instead of demolishing fresh newbs
  17. Could also be a dagger or something to combine it with other spells
  18. World chat limitations? Oh boy
  19. So you're not gonna add anything to the main topic?
  20. Also, Hamstring sometimes seems like a ranged attack, Yes, we know that it's probably desynchronisation, but it can't happen 15 seconds into 1 arena battle. Run into the middle, then halfway start running back and what'dya know - 5+ yard ham
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