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  1. Like
    Overhoul got a reaction from Occult in Using more than 300 set sign to amp +10!   
    proof amplifying need rework
  2. Like
    Overhoul reacted to Kamisama in [2023.04.05] Game server reboot. New client version 11.3.3   
    Can you please fix barbarian defeat skill? It does not increase dmg on target by 150% under bleeding, only 50%, 
  3. Like
    Overhoul reacted to Eremika in A new amplifying system   
    I expect to be treated fairly, as should everyone else. Our money is hard earned, and we should at least expect to get something in return when we decide to pay, chance or not, there has to be a limit to this hopeless system.  If you want to bend over because "that's just how it is" then sure go right ahead. I won't tell you not to. But for the ones that actually care and haven't just given up and become sheep, id like to take up this issue for mine and their sake lol.
    uhh what? i don't have to progress in the game? that's odd, usually when you play a game you naturally try to max out on everything, and try to compete and be the best. Especially with +8years in the bag xD
    Iknow i don't have to be full +10, but all im suggesting with this post, is that they make it a bit easier and more consistent. Nobody actually wants the current hopeless amplification system, that doesn't even assure any reward even when you've paid for it. They should make it rely a bit more on something else, not our money. If i wanted to bet with cash on something id rather go to the casino. Would probably have an even higher chance there lul
    People are using hundreds and thousands of dollars over the months and years... is that not alot?
    approx 30.000 miracle coins can't even get you 2m gold at best. Mermen gear and books are far more valuable than that. and with 30.000 coins you can't even amp your weapons to max lmao. Go do the math on how much cash that is. Basically becomes worthless in the game. But go on, act like it's not expensive at all. it's not even worth buying coins in the game anymore.
    Im not comparing "the game" im comparing 'what you pay' vs 'whst you get'. You don't seem to have understood the point.
    The point is that our money is far more valuable than warspear makes them out to be. You could get much more/better for far less in other games. And that stays true even if you like it or not. You're comparing warspear to other games aswell, with even a worse point, even if it's the "same category" (as if that even matters): To justify the game being bad and expensive, just because other games are lol.
  4. Like
    Overhoul reacted to Arthas in Guide on how to be "useful" to guilds as a Rogue   
    Hi , my character is God , from Tourmaline server , and i have played Rogue for over 5 years, but ended up quitting the class for the lack of guild utility , as i am the guild leader of <KINGDOM> and that is my main focus on this game.
    I am back to my Rogue , so i decided to try and help a little bit the people that still play this class after all this time.
    It is known by most people that Rogues are really looked down from a Guild perspective , as they lack Team Fight techniques compared to most DD classes , such as Warlocks , Hunters , Chieftains and DK. On Tourmaline 95% of active rogues have switched classes over the last few years , as Warspear's focus has turned towards guild content , and you pretty much need a high level competitive guild to be able to enjoy the entirety of the game , and i believe that is also the case in all other servers.
    On this guide i'll try to show people a build that might just make Rogues a lot more viable , so people can find guilds for now , until the class gets a rework that takes into consideration what the endgame competitive scene has become. 
    For the last few years Rogues had only 2 very niche spots in guilds :
    1 - Attack Party on Mermen 2nd stage (A few of them to try and get an easy kill on the enemy pilon on some really specific situations that you can get a Pilon without defenses)
    But they are incredibly outmatched by their counterpart , the Seekers (As Seekers have a lot more movement speed and damage)
    2 - Scouting (They are the best Legion class for scouting , as they can get easy access to most areas in GvG content , and can get a few easy kills , that can help a lot in Mermen , if you have a really tight score)
    But , there is a way that you can actually have decent DPS/CONTROL in Full Team Fights (100x100) , and that is by making use of 2 Rogue abilities :
      Ricochet  and     Poisonous Blades.
    The Basics :
    Basic Rotation  :

    Gear :
    Test :

    Always a work in progress as i am still studying the class.
    I hope it helps some Rogues out there.
  5. Speechless
    Overhoul reacted to Dr Strange in [2023.03.03] Contest of guides "Mystery of Wisdom 2023"   
    The authors of these works will each receive 5,000 miracle coins without voting 
  6. Haha
    Overhoul reacted to Dr Strange in [2023.03.21] Important information   
    Dear players!
    Today, 21.03.2023, from 09:00 CET the update of network equipment was scheduled by our partner operators, which went beyond the scheduled time. We are monitoring the situation and will let you know about the news as soon as it becomes available.
    Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience.
  7. Haha
    Overhoul got a reaction from Drakoslayd in Nerf red jellyfish   
    This is the most overpowered mobs ever I'm surprised noone ever complain about them. So, the red jellyfish (idk the name) have long range vision, ranged attack, apply bleed(which can trigger shark attack) ,apply hydrophobia and maintain range from melee attacker. I play seeker and if i fail to kill the red jellyfish before the stun ends i simply dead. How am i supposed to do do deep sea quest as a beginner if this mobs exist. Please nerf it by removing its hydrophobia or remove it's melee avoiding or reduce hp to 2k. That's it. Please nerf this mob i just want questing casually without getting stressed .
  8. Like
    Overhoul got a reaction from SaltyCoffe in Change killing monster system for blue quest.   
    One of the issue that's holding back the entire game is killing boss for blue quest completion. You need to search a party, gathers, sees boss dead, wait for boss to respawn, and suddenly other party shows up with higher dps than your party. Now, you had to wait 15 minute or 10 minute again to kill that boss. Imagine if there multiple of party want to contest that boss? What if there's 5 or 6 or 10 party that wants to kill that boss? A simple 15 minute quest become 2 hour quest. How is that acceptable? Please change the system so that you don't need to be in the same party to complete the quest when killing the boss. Example of this is the battle pass, as long as you deal damage to the enemy you will complete the quest. Make item distribution the same where only the highest dps party will get dropped items. 
  9. Like
    Overhoul reacted to Salazam in [2023.03.15] Game servers restart. Welcome to the Blissful Isle!   
    dear @Nolan @Dr Estranho  the ''sweet gift'' mission needs an urgent improvement, the candy machines are having an overcrowding of players, preventing the healthy done of this mission.
    consider for the next reset to add more candy machines and reduce the number of candy needed to complete this quest.
  10. Like
    Overhoul got a reaction from nabnecro in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    Amplifying equipment is one of the main aspect in warspear online. To progress, you must amplify your equipment. But there's a problem with the current amplifying system which is RNG. You will never know when or if you will successfully amplify your equipment. For example, +10 weapon. Many players have sacrificed a lot of their time and money to amp but some still have yet to max their weapon. Many players have told that it need at least 100 set - 500 set sign to amplify a single 1-handed weapon. It can even get to 1000 set for 2-handed weapon. This is simply to high of a price just for single weapon. Furthermore, you also need to amplify 3 different weapon for normal,sea and arena and probably new weapon for the next map which will come out this year. There need to have a limit on how much sign you need to amplify because you can spend thousands or millions of sign and yet still fails to amplify your weapon because the luck factor.
    My suggestion to reduce RNG:
    After every amount of times amplifying fails, increase the amplifying chance amount by 2 times.
    For example;
    +2 to +3 for every 5 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +3 to +4 for every 10 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +4 to +5 for every 25 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +5 to +6 for every 50 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +6 to +7 for every 100 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +7 to +8 for every 200 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +8 to +9 for every 300 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +9 to +10 for every 400 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    After successfully amplifying a weapon, amplifying chance will reset to original.
    With this new system, more players will now attracted to amplify their equipment because they know they will amplify their equipment and not depend on luck. Demand for sign will increase and more new or casual players will buy sign from shop not just from old and rich players.
  11. Haha
    Overhoul reacted to Raislin in Vendano castle quest problem on legion side   
    Maybe this quest in particular but shadows and sea witch have their own charm to them since you can't get any help for them but i could see how it would be annoying for sea witch since its a "mandatory" quest. Unless of course you are in a high level guild and unity the whole guild into the instance. It's hilarious.
  12. Confused
    Overhoul reacted to Shadowmon in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    If they give us the actual percentage, many players will probably quit. That luck is just an excuse to keep players. 
  13. Like
    Overhoul reacted to SaltyCoffe in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    This could actually be the solution
    Because you still have the *lucky* chance to amplify fast, but in case you start failing so much you are guaranteed to hit the amp sooner
  14. Wow
    Overhoul got a reaction from ZolasВеликий in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    Amplifying equipment is one of the main aspect in warspear online. To progress, you must amplify your equipment. But there's a problem with the current amplifying system which is RNG. You will never know when or if you will successfully amplify your equipment. For example, +10 weapon. Many players have sacrificed a lot of their time and money to amp but some still have yet to max their weapon. Many players have told that it need at least 100 set - 500 set sign to amplify a single 1-handed weapon. It can even get to 1000 set for 2-handed weapon. This is simply to high of a price just for single weapon. Furthermore, you also need to amplify 3 different weapon for normal,sea and arena and probably new weapon for the next map which will come out this year. There need to have a limit on how much sign you need to amplify because you can spend thousands or millions of sign and yet still fails to amplify your weapon because the luck factor.
    My suggestion to reduce RNG:
    After every amount of times amplifying fails, increase the amplifying chance amount by 2 times.
    For example;
    +2 to +3 for every 5 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +3 to +4 for every 10 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +4 to +5 for every 25 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +5 to +6 for every 50 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +6 to +7 for every 100 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +7 to +8 for every 200 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +8 to +9 for every 300 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +9 to +10 for every 400 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    After successfully amplifying a weapon, amplifying chance will reset to original.
    With this new system, more players will now attracted to amplify their equipment because they know they will amplify their equipment and not depend on luck. Demand for sign will increase and more new or casual players will buy sign from shop not just from old and rich players.
  15. Thanks
    Overhoul got a reaction from SaltyCoffe in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    Amplifying equipment is one of the main aspect in warspear online. To progress, you must amplify your equipment. But there's a problem with the current amplifying system which is RNG. You will never know when or if you will successfully amplify your equipment. For example, +10 weapon. Many players have sacrificed a lot of their time and money to amp but some still have yet to max their weapon. Many players have told that it need at least 100 set - 500 set sign to amplify a single 1-handed weapon. It can even get to 1000 set for 2-handed weapon. This is simply to high of a price just for single weapon. Furthermore, you also need to amplify 3 different weapon for normal,sea and arena and probably new weapon for the next map which will come out this year. There need to have a limit on how much sign you need to amplify because you can spend thousands or millions of sign and yet still fails to amplify your weapon because the luck factor.
    My suggestion to reduce RNG:
    After every amount of times amplifying fails, increase the amplifying chance amount by 2 times.
    For example;
    +2 to +3 for every 5 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +3 to +4 for every 10 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +4 to +5 for every 25 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +5 to +6 for every 50 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +6 to +7 for every 100 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +7 to +8 for every 200 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +8 to +9 for every 300 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +9 to +10 for every 400 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    After successfully amplifying a weapon, amplifying chance will reset to original.
    With this new system, more players will now attracted to amplify their equipment because they know they will amplify their equipment and not depend on luck. Demand for sign will increase and more new or casual players will buy sign from shop not just from old and rich players.
  16. Wow
    Overhoul got a reaction from Drakoslayd in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    Amplifying equipment is one of the main aspect in warspear online. To progress, you must amplify your equipment. But there's a problem with the current amplifying system which is RNG. You will never know when or if you will successfully amplify your equipment. For example, +10 weapon. Many players have sacrificed a lot of their time and money to amp but some still have yet to max their weapon. Many players have told that it need at least 100 set - 500 set sign to amplify a single 1-handed weapon. It can even get to 1000 set for 2-handed weapon. This is simply to high of a price just for single weapon. Furthermore, you also need to amplify 3 different weapon for normal,sea and arena and probably new weapon for the next map which will come out this year. There need to have a limit on how much sign you need to amplify because you can spend thousands or millions of sign and yet still fails to amplify your weapon because the luck factor.
    My suggestion to reduce RNG:
    After every amount of times amplifying fails, increase the amplifying chance amount by 2 times.
    For example;
    +2 to +3 for every 5 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +3 to +4 for every 10 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +4 to +5 for every 25 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +5 to +6 for every 50 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +6 to +7 for every 100 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +7 to +8 for every 200 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +8 to +9 for every 300 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +9 to +10 for every 400 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    After successfully amplifying a weapon, amplifying chance will reset to original.
    With this new system, more players will now attracted to amplify their equipment because they know they will amplify their equipment and not depend on luck. Demand for sign will increase and more new or casual players will buy sign from shop not just from old and rich players.
  17. Thanks
    Overhoul got a reaction from Venk in Reduce RNG when amplifying   
    Amplifying equipment is one of the main aspect in warspear online. To progress, you must amplify your equipment. But there's a problem with the current amplifying system which is RNG. You will never know when or if you will successfully amplify your equipment. For example, +10 weapon. Many players have sacrificed a lot of their time and money to amp but some still have yet to max their weapon. Many players have told that it need at least 100 set - 500 set sign to amplify a single 1-handed weapon. It can even get to 1000 set for 2-handed weapon. This is simply to high of a price just for single weapon. Furthermore, you also need to amplify 3 different weapon for normal,sea and arena and probably new weapon for the next map which will come out this year. There need to have a limit on how much sign you need to amplify because you can spend thousands or millions of sign and yet still fails to amplify your weapon because the luck factor.
    My suggestion to reduce RNG:
    After every amount of times amplifying fails, increase the amplifying chance amount by 2 times.
    For example;
    +2 to +3 for every 5 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +3 to +4 for every 10 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +4 to +5 for every 25 failed amplify increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +5 to +6 for every 50 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +6 to +7 for every 100 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +7 to +8 for every 200 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +8 to +9 for every 300 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    +9 to +10 for every 400 failed amplify tries increase amplifying chance by 2×.
    After successfully amplifying a weapon, amplifying chance will reset to original.
    With this new system, more players will now attracted to amplify their equipment because they know they will amplify their equipment and not depend on luck. Demand for sign will increase and more new or casual players will buy sign from shop not just from old and rich players.
  18. Like
    Overhoul reacted to 100xp in Suggested change to Reaper's Retaliation skill   
    Currently using the retaliation skill is not feasible at higher levels, because of inflated dodge numbers, in addition to being difficult to apply the effect to targets when we manage to apply the effect, the targets simply dodge the reflected damage, there is also the case of the targets' resistance parameters that makes the damage mediocre 
    With so many ways to disable the retaliation skill it is very difficult to use it even more because it is a skill that you need to select the area, with so many visual bugs in the game nowadays it makes it even more difficult to use the skill 
    My suggestion is a change in the method used to apply the debuff to the target 
    Example: when using the skill it applies the retaliation effect to the character, when an enemy enters into combat with him, the enemy instantly receives the revenge negative effect thus causing the character to reflect a portion of damage from instant damage skills and auto attacks caused by the enemy 
    The number of targets can remain as it is
    The application of the effect can be dodged but the reflected damage cannot!! since if the target does little damage he will receive even less, and if he can still dodge it's like the skill doesn't even existed
  19. Haha
    Overhoul reacted to Wongs in [2023.03.11] Update Warspear Online 11.3. Lost Arcaniсum. Announcement   
    many years later,my grandson plays the bdspear,and one day he find out a staff in the bag of the alt,he strange what is it and he try to solve the puzzle and began to investigate,then he find a horroble thing :this game was named warspear and had 20 classes befor
  20. Like
    Overhoul reacted to Gladiator in Someone needs to fix Arena Modes   
    I've been playing the game for a couple of years short of a decade now, and I've just came back from a break. After almost a year away from the game, I decided come back for a few days mainly for a little bit of Arena, because that's what I enjoyed the most about this game. But few days in and I remember exactly why I left: Stupid Arena system design.
    Who's the genius at AIGRIND that thought to himself it would be a good idea to make 5v5 4v4 and 3v3 modes and not let people que in with a full party of their own teammates? I really would like to have an insight on this dev's genius, maybe there is a bigger plan that my simple brain does not fathom, so please enlighten me.
    Most of the fights end up in uneven 5v2 or 4v2 fights, because you can't have more than parties of 2 and people of the opposing sides would let their friends and allies demand to get into the enemies team and then they outnumber them and easily win with no chance. If devs don't realize that this happens, they either are disconnected from the reality of their game or they're just fine with it and believe in this dumb design. And yes it's dumb, because it's not about who plays better, but about who can sabotage the enemies team with afk characters the best. FFS, The old 3v3 seal was the most fun mode and had the most intense fights that I've ever had, and you replaced it with a 4v2 mode. Congrats guys you're doing great. What's next? Only solo demands in 2v2? What's stopping you from ruining that too?
    I just wanna know what were they thinking? Who greenlit this? And please don't even try to tell me it's an attempt to balance team matchmaking, it doesn't work and it never did. I'm sorry but it's failed attempt that hasn't worked for years, and as far as balancing goes, it's the farthest you will ever be.
    And I know some people will say just deal with it and do the same thing, yeah we do. But what's the point in winning uneven fights? You can't tell me that's what PvP is about in AIGRIND's vision. If so, then I don't know what to tell you.
  21. Thanks
    Overhoul got a reaction from Eremika in QoL rework on amplifying system   
    My opinion on the current amplifying system.
    So first off, getting +10 on a weapon was supposed to be rewarding, it was supposed to make you strong, set you apart from the rest of the players and make you feel like you achieved something great. it was designed to be hard from the beginning, and that's completely understandable and fair. But is that still the case? the system was designed many years ago, when the game was different. Is amplifying a weapon to +10 actually rewarding and great?
    I don't think so. First of all, there is a shocking degree of unfairness depending on what weapon your character wields.
    - 1handed weapons are easier to amp, compared to 2handed weapons.
    i was a part of the unlucky bunch, and decided to main a Mage, as i really liked it. Now, Mage are casters. Casters use staffs, which are 2handed weapons. But staffs are a bit unusual, and seem to take more than other 2handed weapons to amplify. So i think staffs should be in a category of their own.
    Now just a bit about my own character, to put things into perspective:
    I started trying to amplify my mage lvl 30 staff from +9 to +10 approximately one year ago. And so far i have used around 180sets of signs. 180sets of dmg3 spheres. and millions in gold, since my staff requires 872gold in it's amplifying fee.
    that's over 1.5million in gold just in amplifying fees.
    180sets of signs is 41.220 miracle coins
    180sets of dmg3 is like 14.220 miracle coins
    Basically hundreds of dollars were used, just to get 1ampification level, which i still, to this day haven't achieved. And this is just 1 staff, not counting the ones i tried out of frustration because i thought my staff was "cursed". Which is also a common misconceptions among the players, since there is no other way to explain the irregular and impossible amp-rate.
    Also now a "Sea Staff" is also required to actually be able to do the "ship graveyard" content optimally.
    That is 3 staffs in all. a normal pve staff, arena staff and a sea staff. Now just think about this for a moment. 3 Staffs. Not 1.
    After all the $ spent on trying to amp a SINGLE staff +10. Does anyone actually think it would feel rewarding to get this staff +10 anymore? while you now have 2 other staffs that also need to be amped? how many years are they going to take? The current amplifying system might have been fine and all, when 1-2 weapons were all you needed. But these days, with the increased number of weapons you need to amp and use, and with their level increasing all the time (amp rate increases with level and rarity) and with future updates introducing lvl 32 weapons, maybe, i just don't think it's all that useful, like it might've been in it's earlier days.
    And for those that say a +10 staff or any other weapon +10 is not necessary: after having played for many years, and used hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in the game and supported it throughout all these years, how can you blame people for actually wanting to progress in the game? wanting to compete? wanting to be THE BEST at your thing?! reaching the top? feeling like you're not wasting your time and money???? sometimes it would be nice, if the money you spent actually made a difference in your game. we have reached a point where it's not even "pay to win" anymore. You pay and gain nothing. Is this a healthy thing? is this the way a game should make it's players feel? Throughout this 1year i tried amplifying my staff, i asked many different people how many sets of signs they used to increase their staffs from +9 to +10. Some said 40sets, others 10 and believe it or not, some 500+. meanwhile i saw 1h weapons being amplified to +10 like it was nothing. Maces +10 left and right, swords and daggers. And many admittedly said amplifying 2h weapons, and a staff at that, could be up to 5times as hard as amplifying a 1h weapon. Even with two 1h weapons it's still easier than one 2h weapon. But of course, i even know players with 1h weapons, that are stuck on +9 as well. But why are casters, the most disadvantaged class in the game, cursed with an impossible to amplify weapon? casters have low hp, low stats because the magic on the gear takes up slots that could otherwise have been used for useful stats, like on the light gear of rogues and hunters etc. and also the amount of magic a caster can reach is already much lower than that of a physical damager. This is especially true for warlocks, and even worse for mages, since they are supposed to be damagers. Very low damage compared to other damage classes, even with the +25% magic from the relaxation, warlocks can barely reach 1k magic, and that is only possible for most, if they are using the gear with 55 bonus magic, which is VERY low hp and accuracy gear. While hunters and rogues, physical damagers have 1.6k physical damage. We all know Hunters and rogues, and many other damagers on elf side as well, have huge advantages over the caster damagers. So why are casters cursed with the ultra low amplifying rates? it just makes no sense. and this is why i think i was "unlucky" because i now feel like i chose the wrong class, based solely on the fact that i can't amplify my staff +10. Is this how the game is supposed to make you feel? are you supposed to pick your class depending on what's easiest and saves you the most $? or are you supposed to pick what you like, and actually have fun in the game?
    So that was basically a very long complaint in short, but i am sure many feel the exact same way, or can agree with parts i mentioned at least. And sadly my case isn't even one of the worst and doesn't even scratch the surface of this systems problems. I am not looking for sympathy with this post, or any refunds. But as mentioned, it's just to put things into perspective. There are people in the game that have used way more and gained nothing. The amount of players that are "unlucky" compared to those who are "lucky" is just too great. Why is this system of frustration still a thing? why is it okay to allow people to spend that much money without gaining anything? is it actually the players own fault? or is the game designed in a way that utilizes, and takes advantage of peoples will to compete and better themselves?
    My suggestion. 
    Every 100 of failed amplifies, increase the amplifying success rate by (Original + (50%×Original value)). After 200 failed attempt, the calculation should be like (Original value +(50%×original value) +(50%×original value)) where the original value is constant. This is to cap the max amount of signs used to amplify equipment.
     Just a few possible advantages of this new system:
    - This might even make the free to play players, or the ones that gave up amplifying, actually buy coins.
    - More people will start amplifying.
    - People would actually amplify more weapons this way.
    Inspired by: https://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?/topic/277871-a-new-amplifying-system/
  22. Like
    Overhoul got a reaction from Eremika in QoL rework on amplifying system   
    Done bro 
  23. Like
    Overhoul got a reaction from Drakoslayd in QoL rework on amplifying system   
    My opinion on the current amplifying system.
    So first off, getting +10 on a weapon was supposed to be rewarding, it was supposed to make you strong, set you apart from the rest of the players and make you feel like you achieved something great. it was designed to be hard from the beginning, and that's completely understandable and fair. But is that still the case? the system was designed many years ago, when the game was different. Is amplifying a weapon to +10 actually rewarding and great?
    I don't think so. First of all, there is a shocking degree of unfairness depending on what weapon your character wields.
    - 1handed weapons are easier to amp, compared to 2handed weapons.
    i was a part of the unlucky bunch, and decided to main a Mage, as i really liked it. Now, Mage are casters. Casters use staffs, which are 2handed weapons. But staffs are a bit unusual, and seem to take more than other 2handed weapons to amplify. So i think staffs should be in a category of their own.
    Now just a bit about my own character, to put things into perspective:
    I started trying to amplify my mage lvl 30 staff from +9 to +10 approximately one year ago. And so far i have used around 180sets of signs. 180sets of dmg3 spheres. and millions in gold, since my staff requires 872gold in it's amplifying fee.
    that's over 1.5million in gold just in amplifying fees.
    180sets of signs is 41.220 miracle coins
    180sets of dmg3 is like 14.220 miracle coins
    Basically hundreds of dollars were used, just to get 1ampification level, which i still, to this day haven't achieved. And this is just 1 staff, not counting the ones i tried out of frustration because i thought my staff was "cursed". Which is also a common misconceptions among the players, since there is no other way to explain the irregular and impossible amp-rate.
    Also now a "Sea Staff" is also required to actually be able to do the "ship graveyard" content optimally.
    That is 3 staffs in all. a normal pve staff, arena staff and a sea staff. Now just think about this for a moment. 3 Staffs. Not 1.
    After all the $ spent on trying to amp a SINGLE staff +10. Does anyone actually think it would feel rewarding to get this staff +10 anymore? while you now have 2 other staffs that also need to be amped? how many years are they going to take? The current amplifying system might have been fine and all, when 1-2 weapons were all you needed. But these days, with the increased number of weapons you need to amp and use, and with their level increasing all the time (amp rate increases with level and rarity) and with future updates introducing lvl 32 weapons, maybe, i just don't think it's all that useful, like it might've been in it's earlier days.
    And for those that say a +10 staff or any other weapon +10 is not necessary: after having played for many years, and used hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in the game and supported it throughout all these years, how can you blame people for actually wanting to progress in the game? wanting to compete? wanting to be THE BEST at your thing?! reaching the top? feeling like you're not wasting your time and money???? sometimes it would be nice, if the money you spent actually made a difference in your game. we have reached a point where it's not even "pay to win" anymore. You pay and gain nothing. Is this a healthy thing? is this the way a game should make it's players feel? Throughout this 1year i tried amplifying my staff, i asked many different people how many sets of signs they used to increase their staffs from +9 to +10. Some said 40sets, others 10 and believe it or not, some 500+. meanwhile i saw 1h weapons being amplified to +10 like it was nothing. Maces +10 left and right, swords and daggers. And many admittedly said amplifying 2h weapons, and a staff at that, could be up to 5times as hard as amplifying a 1h weapon. Even with two 1h weapons it's still easier than one 2h weapon. But of course, i even know players with 1h weapons, that are stuck on +9 as well. But why are casters, the most disadvantaged class in the game, cursed with an impossible to amplify weapon? casters have low hp, low stats because the magic on the gear takes up slots that could otherwise have been used for useful stats, like on the light gear of rogues and hunters etc. and also the amount of magic a caster can reach is already much lower than that of a physical damager. This is especially true for warlocks, and even worse for mages, since they are supposed to be damagers. Very low damage compared to other damage classes, even with the +25% magic from the relaxation, warlocks can barely reach 1k magic, and that is only possible for most, if they are using the gear with 55 bonus magic, which is VERY low hp and accuracy gear. While hunters and rogues, physical damagers have 1.6k physical damage. We all know Hunters and rogues, and many other damagers on elf side as well, have huge advantages over the caster damagers. So why are casters cursed with the ultra low amplifying rates? it just makes no sense. and this is why i think i was "unlucky" because i now feel like i chose the wrong class, based solely on the fact that i can't amplify my staff +10. Is this how the game is supposed to make you feel? are you supposed to pick your class depending on what's easiest and saves you the most $? or are you supposed to pick what you like, and actually have fun in the game?
    So that was basically a very long complaint in short, but i am sure many feel the exact same way, or can agree with parts i mentioned at least. And sadly my case isn't even one of the worst and doesn't even scratch the surface of this systems problems. I am not looking for sympathy with this post, or any refunds. But as mentioned, it's just to put things into perspective. There are people in the game that have used way more and gained nothing. The amount of players that are "unlucky" compared to those who are "lucky" is just too great. Why is this system of frustration still a thing? why is it okay to allow people to spend that much money without gaining anything? is it actually the players own fault? or is the game designed in a way that utilizes, and takes advantage of peoples will to compete and better themselves?
    My suggestion. 
    Every 100 of failed amplifies, increase the amplifying success rate by (Original + (50%×Original value)). After 200 failed attempt, the calculation should be like (Original value +(50%×original value) +(50%×original value)) where the original value is constant. This is to cap the max amount of signs used to amplify equipment.
     Just a few possible advantages of this new system:
    - This might even make the free to play players, or the ones that gave up amplifying, actually buy coins.
    - More people will start amplifying.
    - People would actually amplify more weapons this way.
    Inspired by: https://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?/topic/277871-a-new-amplifying-system/
  24. Like
    Overhoul got a reaction from Higgings in QoL rework on amplifying system   
    My opinion on the current amplifying system.
    So first off, getting +10 on a weapon was supposed to be rewarding, it was supposed to make you strong, set you apart from the rest of the players and make you feel like you achieved something great. it was designed to be hard from the beginning, and that's completely understandable and fair. But is that still the case? the system was designed many years ago, when the game was different. Is amplifying a weapon to +10 actually rewarding and great?
    I don't think so. First of all, there is a shocking degree of unfairness depending on what weapon your character wields.
    - 1handed weapons are easier to amp, compared to 2handed weapons.
    i was a part of the unlucky bunch, and decided to main a Mage, as i really liked it. Now, Mage are casters. Casters use staffs, which are 2handed weapons. But staffs are a bit unusual, and seem to take more than other 2handed weapons to amplify. So i think staffs should be in a category of their own.
    Now just a bit about my own character, to put things into perspective:
    I started trying to amplify my mage lvl 30 staff from +9 to +10 approximately one year ago. And so far i have used around 180sets of signs. 180sets of dmg3 spheres. and millions in gold, since my staff requires 872gold in it's amplifying fee.
    that's over 1.5million in gold just in amplifying fees.
    180sets of signs is 41.220 miracle coins
    180sets of dmg3 is like 14.220 miracle coins
    Basically hundreds of dollars were used, just to get 1ampification level, which i still, to this day haven't achieved. And this is just 1 staff, not counting the ones i tried out of frustration because i thought my staff was "cursed". Which is also a common misconceptions among the players, since there is no other way to explain the irregular and impossible amp-rate.
    Also now a "Sea Staff" is also required to actually be able to do the "ship graveyard" content optimally.
    That is 3 staffs in all. a normal pve staff, arena staff and a sea staff. Now just think about this for a moment. 3 Staffs. Not 1.
    After all the $ spent on trying to amp a SINGLE staff +10. Does anyone actually think it would feel rewarding to get this staff +10 anymore? while you now have 2 other staffs that also need to be amped? how many years are they going to take? The current amplifying system might have been fine and all, when 1-2 weapons were all you needed. But these days, with the increased number of weapons you need to amp and use, and with their level increasing all the time (amp rate increases with level and rarity) and with future updates introducing lvl 32 weapons, maybe, i just don't think it's all that useful, like it might've been in it's earlier days.
    And for those that say a +10 staff or any other weapon +10 is not necessary: after having played for many years, and used hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in the game and supported it throughout all these years, how can you blame people for actually wanting to progress in the game? wanting to compete? wanting to be THE BEST at your thing?! reaching the top? feeling like you're not wasting your time and money???? sometimes it would be nice, if the money you spent actually made a difference in your game. we have reached a point where it's not even "pay to win" anymore. You pay and gain nothing. Is this a healthy thing? is this the way a game should make it's players feel? Throughout this 1year i tried amplifying my staff, i asked many different people how many sets of signs they used to increase their staffs from +9 to +10. Some said 40sets, others 10 and believe it or not, some 500+. meanwhile i saw 1h weapons being amplified to +10 like it was nothing. Maces +10 left and right, swords and daggers. And many admittedly said amplifying 2h weapons, and a staff at that, could be up to 5times as hard as amplifying a 1h weapon. Even with two 1h weapons it's still easier than one 2h weapon. But of course, i even know players with 1h weapons, that are stuck on +9 as well. But why are casters, the most disadvantaged class in the game, cursed with an impossible to amplify weapon? casters have low hp, low stats because the magic on the gear takes up slots that could otherwise have been used for useful stats, like on the light gear of rogues and hunters etc. and also the amount of magic a caster can reach is already much lower than that of a physical damager. This is especially true for warlocks, and even worse for mages, since they are supposed to be damagers. Very low damage compared to other damage classes, even with the +25% magic from the relaxation, warlocks can barely reach 1k magic, and that is only possible for most, if they are using the gear with 55 bonus magic, which is VERY low hp and accuracy gear. While hunters and rogues, physical damagers have 1.6k physical damage. We all know Hunters and rogues, and many other damagers on elf side as well, have huge advantages over the caster damagers. So why are casters cursed with the ultra low amplifying rates? it just makes no sense. and this is why i think i was "unlucky" because i now feel like i chose the wrong class, based solely on the fact that i can't amplify my staff +10. Is this how the game is supposed to make you feel? are you supposed to pick your class depending on what's easiest and saves you the most $? or are you supposed to pick what you like, and actually have fun in the game?
    So that was basically a very long complaint in short, but i am sure many feel the exact same way, or can agree with parts i mentioned at least. And sadly my case isn't even one of the worst and doesn't even scratch the surface of this systems problems. I am not looking for sympathy with this post, or any refunds. But as mentioned, it's just to put things into perspective. There are people in the game that have used way more and gained nothing. The amount of players that are "unlucky" compared to those who are "lucky" is just too great. Why is this system of frustration still a thing? why is it okay to allow people to spend that much money without gaining anything? is it actually the players own fault? or is the game designed in a way that utilizes, and takes advantage of peoples will to compete and better themselves?
    My suggestion. 
    Every 100 of failed amplifies, increase the amplifying success rate by (Original + (50%×Original value)). After 200 failed attempt, the calculation should be like (Original value +(50%×original value) +(50%×original value)) where the original value is constant. This is to cap the max amount of signs used to amplify equipment.
     Just a few possible advantages of this new system:
    - This might even make the free to play players, or the ones that gave up amplifying, actually buy coins.
    - More people will start amplifying.
    - People would actually amplify more weapons this way.
    Inspired by: https://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?/topic/277871-a-new-amplifying-system/
  25. Like
    Overhoul reacted to Heat - EU in [2022.12.18] Update Warspear Online 11.2: Winter Saga. Preview. Part II   
    Raid bosses Drops System isn't fair, like only 1 Damage party get the drop from raid while whole guild helped killing it, i mean why not Changing it to be similar to Noctuna or Rottung guild events?
    A guild event where killing Raid give everyone chests rewards with low chance to get Book or Costume, it would still be rare but everyone who helped would get the chance to drop instead of that 1 specific party who dealt the highest DMG.
    I believe that other support and tank classes deserve to get drop from raids as well not only Damagers 
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