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Everything posted by Dieinpeace

  1. He can't come, he is ignored you know. Anyone who is brave enough next!
  2. Just two noobs who I don't know. Why does Julie have 142 players on her ignore list?
  3. I don't look at that Whenever someone complains about my deff when I want to join a dungeon, I say: If you have a good tank, then you should not give a shit about my defense.
  4. I am a ranger and I just have 748 damage, but when I entered the dungeon, a 1000+ damage BD did just hit 10.000 more damage in total lol
  5. Nobody ever invites me to join a dungeon.
  6. The noob above me is still alive...
  7. It says the bonuses will be available for 3 days (72 hours) when logging in and here it is 4 days (96 hours). Which one is the right one?^^
  8. How could anyone possibly know? xD
  9. I don't know why people keep asking me...I don't LOOK rich and I AM NOT rich.
  10. 5 items of my equip are +1 and my max ampflication is +6, so ofcourse i won't let him touch me, because he could onehit me xD I also focused on stun and cooldown, so no meele could possibly get close enough to hit me
  11. It's been a while since my last video. I hope you enjoy it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-IshvJ-z1A
  12. Welcome Nihtgale! Prepare yourself to answer many stupid questions over and over again.
  13. 1. Mobs where you need to wait like 5 seconds after you kill them before you can loot, like those ugly things left to T2 in Ayvondil. 2. Mobs that survive with 1-10 HP, after attacking with 1 or 2 hits, so you gotta use a third -.-
  14. I regret my previous statement...there MUST be something wrong if the last boss in the level 24 Dungeon still hit me 2000+ -.-
  15. Leider habe ich auch meine Zweifel, aber es stimmt! Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt
  16. xD habe irgendwie keine Lust dahin zu gehen bzw. wer sich hinter Dieinpeace verbirgt, soll ein Geheimnis bleiben. Vielleicht erinnerst du dich als ich mal sagte, dass ich mein persönliches Leben und Spiele nicht verknüpfen möchte^^ "Verknüpfen"...bääh dieses Wort habe ich ja noch nie benutzt Aber ich hoffe immernoch auf eine Nachricht im Messenger
  17. Aber nichts da mit einem Bewerbungsgespräch in Russland.
  18. Well you reduced the power of the bosses in the 24 dungeon, but the litlle monsters still hit very hard.
  19. Thank you!!!!! Finally fixing that 24 Dungeon. The damage delt to us was way to high. You made me spam level 20 Dungeon as a lvl 24 character, so I had no chance for a dropp.
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