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Everything posted by Santorrr

  1. Buahahha :D Nice shit bro :lol:
  2. Ranger Evasion increase dodge by: +2% at 1lvl +1 % more at 2-5lvl's
  3. I am angry and will stop play. I will back when next update been release.
  4. So, just waiting for reply from dev team.
  5. It isnt funny. I was buy 2h axe amp it and now i have 1h shit axe... so maybe extra night prince's shield with the same ++?
  6. What about ppl who amp 2h axes and now it will be 1h?? What about ppl who buy this axe? I hope u will recompensate it giving another item/items from sam hain, or give back miracle coins/dmg/gold spend to buy and amp wpns.
  7. A takie miejsce gdzie moge znaleźć tytuły fajnych gier? bo sciaganie 2gb gier i wybranie z niej 1 fajnej moze byc frustrujące.
  8. Tak jak w temacie. Znacie jakies fajne strony/fora gdzie mozna znalesc "darmowe" gierki? ale nie jakis szajs tylko naprawde dobre jakosciowo;]
  9. Santorrr

    kupie czas xD

    Słyszalem ze ktos ma 13lvl druta i go nie potrzebuje, ale bez eq jest.
  10. Santorrr

    kupie czas xD

    Jednocześnie chciałbym Cie zachęcić do grania po jedynej słusznej stronie :D
  11. Santorrr

    kupie czas xD

    Przypominam że handel postaciami, jak i nawet powierzanie loginu bądź hasła osobom trzecim jest zakazana i grozi blokadą wszystkich postaci gracza. Rób to więc mniej oficjalnie ;D
  12. I have sd bow +7 at elf side for sell, offers here or in game.
  13. Za słowa ktorych tu nie wymienie, pojazdy po rodzicach i wsyzstkich swietych. Mowie konkretnie o EU elfach PL. Dla scisłosci kilku tylko typu Maczeta czy Vomer.
  14. Ciesz sie ze akurat nie trafiles na elite pl... czasem takie cyrki sa na globalu ze zaluje ze nie jestem GM i nie moge pobanowac...
  15. A sie zdziwisz jak napisze. Tylko laptop w serwisie lezy a w pracy nie bd poradnikow pisal bo mnie wywala ;D Ale juz teraz moge zaznaczyc ze podstawa to.. NICK :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Troche niejasno opisane i sie zlewa ;]
  17. I have trap lvl 5. I can make 3 traps. At arena I can make one, enemy step in to it, and can make next before the previous disappears.
  18. Polaków jest całkiem sporo ;] mozliwe nawet że wiecej niz u mc.
  19. Nice idea :good: it will be helpfull.
  20. Similary skills system was at metin2, and it was great! and unique;]
  21. I think i have oldest active character at EU. I create him at same day as Inferno but 2-3hours later. But Inferno deleted him characters(idk why..)
  22. I have great idea for skills system. Skills levels are divided to 3 main levels (@edit: Not types, my mistake): Normal (1-5points) incrased by skills points if u have skill lvl5 and ad next point ur skill is incrased to master lvl -m1 Master(m1-m10) incrased by special items which u can get from bosses (different items for each skill ex stone of healing, stone of blessing. U can try advance ur skill 1 time every day(1 time in 24h). Advance can be failed and u lose items use to study skills. From m1-m2 u need use 1 item, from m2 to m3, 2 items, m3-m4 3 items.... when u have m10 skill and use 10 items ur skill advanced to Perfect (P) Perfect It can be last form of skill Ex. U have healing skill at m6 lvl and use sucesfully 3 pcs of special item ur skill has title "Healing m6(3/6)" or something similar. So u need to use 55 (if all attempts end succesfully) special items to incrased ur skil from m1 to P in 55days (if all attempts end succesfully). I think this system can be fair because newbie cant have best skills lvl in 1months. In miracle shop can be avaiable items which will shorten time between using special items.
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