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Everything posted by Rahoneeeh

  1. you certainly have the guts Such an broken combo. Didn't think on that...
  2. (The following text was helped by Google Translate to be posted in English, and for this reason, the information contained therein may be incorrect). Currently, it's rarer to find a druid that upgrades tornado than to win the lottery. In addition to his damage being miserable, the negative effect is even more humiliating, due to the visual bug, the uselessness that the slow effect has on monsters, as they will be stationary and not moving, and the fact that that, as no druid upgrades this ability, enemy players don't give a damn about the debuff, since at level 1/4 it is practically ineffective. My suggestions are: The tornado now constantly pulls enemies in a 5x5 area to the center of the area of effect once every 2 seconds. The duration of the pull effect increases with skill levels, being / 0 / 2 / 4 / 6 / seconds (more specifically, at level 1, the skill will only pull only once in the 3x3 area, apply the debuff and that's it. At level 2 it will pull 2 times, at level 3 it will pull 3 times, and at level 4 it will pull 4 times). The number of monster targets is unlimited, while player targets will have a target limit (I decided not to specify the amount, because probably, because I'm not that experienced, it would suggest an unbalanced value). When a monster target is pulled, the "Weakening Winds" debuff is applied to the targets. The effect increases the damage targets take from any source by a certain percentage (again, I won't specify). Whenever the skill deals damage to a monster, the damage of the subsequent pull is increased, however, the damage is not affected by the tornado's debuff, and tornadoes thrown by other druids are not affected by each other's effects (important detail: the debuff doesn't stack, it's just one). The effect cannot be resisted if the monster is pulled. That way, druids can excel in offensive support and would be less blurred by priests. When a player target is pulled, a different debuff from the previous one is applied to it, but as I have no idea what effect would be acceptable to apply to an ability like that, I won't even try to suggest one. I prefer a more experienced person to suggest something more balanced so there are no problems. Objectives of this post: Make the skill more useful (which it is absolutely not) in battles, and give the druid prominence in massive battles and offensive support in pve. In case the skill is exaggerated, I have two suggestions for nerfs for it, both for monsters and for players: Remove damage boost from subsequent pulls to monsters. Add a pull chance to players, just like the old forest's song. Those were my ideas, if you can complement the post by suggesting values that I didn't specify for the effects, feel free. Edit: Some replies made me notice that a 5x5 area is way too unfair, and would result in broken combos with skills like reverse flow (sincerely it should be nerfed too), so that can easily be discarded. Another point is that the skill has exaggerated damage and that doesn't match with a support/healer class, so i think it should cause less damage to players and the damage shouldn' get higher on mobs. Thank you by the comments!
  3. Outra coisa que eu acho que eles podiam mexer é aquela imundície daquele Tributo Sangrento. Sério, aquela skill serve pra menos que nada. Acho que poderiam dar um rework interessante nela.
  4. Como eu ainda não sei como se deleta posts aqui, isso vai vir a calhar (se algum mod bonzinho quiser deletar, fique a vontade).
  5. Minha opinião (de um player quase que completamente inexperiente em balanceamenos) sobre as mudanças no druida: Começando pelo trio de habilidades inúteis do druida: Tornado: Não foi modificado Enxame de insetos: Continua servindo apenas para fixar o ataque do elemental em um determinado alvo, continua não sendo viável upar 3/5 ou até 5/5. Torrente Vigorante: Era uma cura fraca Nerfaram Não preciso dizer mais nada. Canção da Floresta: Só era utilizável no 4/4, agora é viável em qualquer nível. Não dou nem duas semanas pro pessoal falar que ficou op demais. Elo secreto: Deixou o druida melhor no pve, mas não acho que será o suficiente, pois o druida continua com apenas duas skills de buff no seu arsenal Raízes Enredantes: Não posso opinar, pois sou pve, a skill realmente era extremamente incomodativa, tenho a impressão que esse nerf foi para dar mais espaço à canção Orvalho Restaurador: Ainda não entendi o motivo do nerf em todas as skills de cura do jogo, se alguém puder me explique, ficaria agradecido Visão geral: Continua hediondo em gvgs em massa, vai continuar abaixo da média em pve. Antes que venham tentar me invalidar falando que a canção está com 100% de chance, logo o druida está op, lembrem-se que: Stuns de "dormir" são fúteis no pve, pois os mobs vão ser constantemente atacados, fazendo com que o stun não tenha eficácia No gvg não vai fazer tanta diferença assim, pois há bastante dano em área Por favor me corrijam se houver erros muito idiotas no post, abraço.
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