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Everything posted by Kyrai

  1. Wow and call it balance very ignorant You have more capabilities to block use our skills and you are forgive the new class beastmaster
  2. Horror time was enought for explore all map for achievement now should be more hard
  3. Kyrai

    Help me

    Try test other server if you can, play in solitaire this game is impossible and bored
  4. Imagine start event and dungeon with a new character UwU This is a very horror joke Im really scared I go get heartattack if this happens in real server
  5. Forum is forum, suggestion complains, normal everyday. Anyway Sentinels don't care Legion buff always prefer the best things for them
  6. Look around pamper elf many are tired waiting for years for nerf elves, anyway forum is full or sentinels trashtalking good ideas for legion classes But when someone suggest something broken for elves he receive claps Beastmaster is based on suggestions for Legion classes if you don't kniw
  7. It means need nerf anyway. Yea sure Seeker Ranger Beastmaster need nerf of course is obviusly no need arguments and defence only a veredict The problem depnds about parameters You are using Attack Strenght? Look that unfair Attack Speed in a summon xd
  8. Everyone know Death Knights was defficient in many performance of the game, but the game changed a lot a favour of Death Knights since Knowledge Era. The tree talent system was very nice and decent for many classes of the game and unfair for other classes, after Horror Event Update 2022 Death Knights is going to the Path of a decent character with this Vampire Deliverance Removes 1 debuff from the character, excluding control effects, with a chance equal to “Steal Health” parameter. This effect only works once every 30 seconds. The new tree talents of horror benefits a lot of players with 2 buffs really insane and in short words is like a debuff remover (Weakness,kick,sap,... silence?), but no a Control effect Remover (Stun/fear category "Roots Weakness Zone Paralisys" probably not Silence mechanic), i think with this new mechanic the word debuff Remover need be separate in other terminology The most fun of this bonus is the obligation of many players to use Vampirism than HP only for use the bonus and the enchancements media parameter are around of 20% with lvl 32 accesories. And relic Vampirism to make more chance bonus but not all characters can have this This new buff mechanic obviusly can be useful with Saturation Skill, because Death Knights are the unique character with a lot of Vampirism, since that update I think Secret Reserves is very outdated and Im 100% convinced need be removed of the game because is a useless stat and mechanic with Health restoration, or probably update soon but decent updates tooks years and years. For this events Stun and Vampirism are the protagonists, predictions for other events probably we go get more tree talents like Snow Event with Piercing attack and Rage/ spring event with Attack strenght and Skill Cooldown/ and anniversary with resistance and solidity.. Rip Damage Reflection again? One disavantage is Vampirism is a bad status vs damage reduction classes like wardens and Chieftains, so this new buff is only for make Vampirism with a new advantage with old disavantages, so in short words is only for a bit of fun Everthing depends of luck and parameters for Vampirism soon
  9. Im still busy yet, right now not have time for make analysis
  10. When finally seekers admit skills points aren't enought. The same thing of Rogue now understand why Dodge is useless now? The talent is very problematic for PvP every hit on seekers is healed and cand do 6k-8k dmg in 2 seconds cause of DPS is very absurd to response a counter attack. The worst thing is when you have oportunity to counter their attacks they active that shield increasing more dmg. Making vampirism a useless stat since a lot of years figthing vs elves with their cute shields. Look dks they are vampirism tank and their weakness is penetration, and counter attack with dk to survive is very limited on Sentinels shields skills Anyway in Sentinels side in EU Emerald the players complain about seeker in World chat including Rangers Blade Dancer, cause seekers have an absurd amount of Damage strenght DPS. The situation of fix is obviusly no?
  11. For me is more fun fight without it, is more realistic to test playability.
  12. Kyrai


    The game hav a system for character restoration in list, if those days passed you can't restore it and need wait to special week event for it. Two years is a lot of time.
  13. I did it and Im fine with some Legion players to survive same as 6 friends mine moved to EU, schedule events if you can't so dont come Because literaly play in US is hard with a lot of disavantages in Faction survivability You need understand too US sapphire have bad reputation in Legion side so is normal see those players move to Sentinels or EU Emerald For restore US developers should make more updates to make this game funny and DECENT playability but right now still impossible. Many complain in forum about a lot of things not fixed and only mcoiners can enjoy and keep alive this game
  14. More sentinels to EU? Us is full of them and Eu too unificate doesn't change nothing Legion in server US why not better move to EU? They are enjoying the game better than yours, the best thing what you can do is move to other server with decent population of Legion, is an idea. Anyway for events they depends of you for complete stages, Imagine them doing everthing without Legion players. In my opinion you are only there to keep those Sentinels still playing there. Developers aren't going block Sentinels population.
  15. Dissapearance > Stun Exhaustive Blow > Stun Atraction > Silence Sun Net Flurry Trickiest Gouge Go Zurpi's Guide
  16. Well both classes are different make a Barbarian better because damage classes can easily took outdamage aggresion from hybrid classes skills like Charmer. Tank classes can reduce damage and use decent stats/gear according to their skills.
  17. 1.5khp? lel I saw 0hp and can't die. Don't defend something obviusly Seeker have more control skill than rogue and now this more damage and more tank 100% Better than Death Knights that talent bad planned
  18. Kyrai

    Paper Skin

    Ok. so how we can counter Warden's Shield and Fortitude? Why Legion classes need counter? I think dmg dot on Barbarian is stupid, it should be removed by normal hits Because the skill is never going to recharge
  19. Kyrai

    Paper Skin

    This skill should ignore DOT damage? Because Warden skill isn't removable Something for back to this topic
  20. Why Chieftains are magical? And yes you are right in those points This game have skills without sense and unfair buffs comparated with other classes
  21. Nice! Finally this day arrived!, I bought my first PvP cape 32 😼
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