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Everything posted by Fabr

  1. Honestly, there's nothing wrong with rogue. They don't play depending on stealth, nor do they need it. The same goes for the seeker, he doesn't need his invisible, and even if he did it would be even worse because he would lose a stun. Detection potion helps but doesn't win the fight. You can't always win either. If rogue were that bad, there would be no pvps rogues in the arena rank seals, crucibles or 5v5. Some rogues level tt and flurry for more stun and a stronger combo, but others sacrifice one of the stuns to level extermination for 70% easy speed. Stun is not all now, there are many ways to avoid it. Also, no class can have everything perfectly decent, it's all a matter of build. Resistance to the rogue is unnecessary, he is already quite strong and even dodges stuns. I even agree get a better area damage skill, but not too exaggerated, just so it's worth it to make it 4/4. Hunter is no better than ranger on dps. Also rogue is better than hunter, daggers have much better dps than bows.
  2. Another reason to nerf the relic mechanics is because of books and other fury-related relics. I don't know if there are charmers with these books, but it would be a big problem because these books would come to the game when the Christmas event arrives. There's a book that increases rage by 6%, basically about the same amount you get by putting a rage crystal on armor. There's another book that automatically triggers rage when 2 party members in the same location are under control, and worse, triggers rage for all party members ! And even worse, there's a book that automatically activates the rage when the character deals critical damage or critical healing!! This makes the rage last even longer because the relic does critical damage while the rage is active!! The charmer can activate the rage without even attacking, and with this relic, it's almost an auto-win. Players assemble their charmers with fury gear, sacrifice other important stats, while others buy books and relics and have more chances to activate fury than these other charmers, without any effort!!
  3. I've been thinking about this subject of nerfing the charmer... I think the devs should review the nerfs they are preparing. Because some nerfs can destroy someone's character. I understand why they buffed the call from 30s to 22s, but also they haven't looked at what it would do, maybe because it was buffed in the test server days. Currently you can't remove the Christmas relic from the call, many charmers already have it equipped and are even equipped with Christmas items just to have more fury to activate the relic. But you can't leave it as it is either, the mechanics of the relic in the call are very broken. The current mechanic is that as long as the charmer is in rage active, the dog will do critical damage to attacks and continue doing as long as rage is active in the charmer. This makes the relic 5x more effective than any other when equipped on call, because the dog can attack about 5 times until the rage wears off, or even more if the rage activates again. Basically a single activation of fury causes massive damage. My suggestion is that: When the rage activates, the dog's next attack will crit, and it won't do any more crits, until the rage activates again. This would make it more balanced like the other abilities the relic can equip, and "rage charmers" can use it normally, as they'll have enough rage to keep triggering all the time. And you can't put a limit on the dogs he can summon either, because of the "charmers cd", which have accessories and reload equipment, they set up their character to summon more dogs, putting a limit would destroy their character. The only limit you could set is to nerf the dog's lifespan, and decrease the lifespan increase that the pact skill gives. This would balance the charmer without breaking the "charmers cd" purpose.
  4. Acho que pode vir um novo item equipamento ao personagem. ✌
  5. Comparing classes only in one scenario is not right, there are classes that do better in other game scenarios than others besides arena, there are classes that are bad in arena but are very good in farm or gxg, compare what they are it doesn't have and what the other different class has is simply comparing a weak point with a strong point. It is true. But healing totem is very good heals a lot of hp every 3 sec and in area, and it's up to op so it keeps healing while the shaman is taking a lot of stun. and he also has this one that reduces damage and removes negative effects, there's nothing wrong with the shaman in terms of support. Yes charmers are moving to the "brokenest build" and they forgot the bird, and they forgot the blessing too. The skills are there, they don't want to use it. The bird can take more than 2 hits, as it can now have resilience, and has the damage reduction of the pact. Druida tem muitas curas, mas ele paga por isso em outros cenários de jogo. Querer buffar uma classe de mc por simplesmente não ter cura como um druida, é querer ser bom como um druida sem ter desvantagens. A cura precisa ser usada quando o personagem está sendo atacado, e ele tem muitos, mas enquanto estiver atordoado, ele não pode usá-los. Outros bons buffs seriam aqueles que podem ser usados antes que o personagem seja atacado, por exemplo, pássaro, pele robusta, totem de cura, barreira etérea, escudo sagrado, proteção contra sangue, etc. Honestly, chief has more damage both single and aoe than mage, at least more damage in a short time. Army has a larger area than other skills in the game, and this makes getting more people in the skill more easily, and the skill does a lot of damage in a short time, more damage than the mage's. Eagle eye can be even stronger than the previous one as it still leaves bleeding. But for that the chief would have to be magic or hybrid, if it is physical it would be pure unique damage. Mage is only area damage because he can only use staff, but he also can't change his build to a better build for a situation like chief. Also his stun has a chance to work, it's almost impossible to stun 5 at once as one or the other will resist or dodge or block. And the stun time is short.
  6. Sure, legion has less cc, but not in a massive way. Control lock is better than templar, flow is more pushing the enemy away, for control it's not so good as the stun time is very little, and truth touch is bad compared to any of the lock's cc skills. But in quantity the legion loses. Still, stun doesn't mean battle won, chief is living proof of that, you see him everywhere in the arena even though he doesn't have any stun. About support, you can't just count cures. Shaman and chief can use a skill that reduces damage on allies, the shaman's also removes negative effects, the chief's is one of the best damage reduction in the game, and it's the only dmg class that has a support skill. Charmer has the bird that heals a lot, and with a 4/4 pact and a little cd you can let 2 birds in 2 different people at the same time. Also having many abilities with the same effect also means that the class won't have other equally good effects. For example, druid has many cures, but has no good skills for gxg (tornado and punitive roots are bad), has no good debuffs (bees slow attack speed, but this is useless in pvp), and there are no others good buffs besides healing (there is one that increases penetration, but weakens as more people are affected. And it's also not as good compared to other buffs that other support classes have). Those who play lok know that they have to do more than throw circles on the ground and wait for someone to step on them, so much so that the top 2 of the 5x5 arena on my server are locks. Shaman's Totem isn't bad in the arena, as you get stuck when you're stuned, unless you're up against a templar. Chief doesn't need stun, he has more damage than mage, has anti stun, has healing, mobility, removes buffs, reduces damage he takes, and reduces damage others have.
  7. It's not a question of "can't win", charmer is not invincible, but it's also very difficult to deal with him and his pets. Because a single pet does more damage than damage classes and aoe damage classes, because of a stupid relic. If you took 2k crits seeing your party also take the same damage because of the dog's aoe damage effect, caused by a single relic, you'd understand what I'm talking about. Before someone says "kill the dogs", as if it were as easy as attacking the city mannequin, I want to say that for you to kill this pet, you need to spend your skills, or even break your own combo, just to kill a pet. Classes like even a mage would need some hits and skills to kill them, and besides if you're VS a good group, you won't even be able to effectively kill the charmer without leaving a pet or two alive. I wanted to see if you would dare to go attack the pet with a shaman healing the charmer and the rest of his party, letting the charmer survive long enough to summon another pet. But as I said charmer is not invincible, many people have complained about him on the forum, and with good reason. It's not because they can't win, but because it's out of balance.
  8. They were reborn in the t2 statue and started attacking the npc tlatloc and then logged off... very suspicious of that.
  9. Again... this time with mc classes. I killed 4 of them 20210818_222339.mp4
  10. I was looking for a quest objective in the caves on map 4 and ended up finding these bots, and well hidden. All are lvl 13. As soon as I entered their place, everyone was off at the time, and only enter again when I leave. I recorded a video. and also i play in serv Br-tourmaline. 20210818_102703.mp4
  11. That's true. Pvp rogues don't even study this skill anymore, some even leave 3/5.
  12. Seeker only has 1 skill that has a 100% chance to stun, the other 2 are with chances. Are you sure you're not fighting someone much stronger than you? Ranger doesn't kill that easily unless he's extremely lucky to activate the blessing 3 times in a row. Seeker also doesn't kill anyone in 3 hits, unless it's critical hit, but that doesn't happen in pvp because of resilience. And I also think you're playing wrong. Against ranger you can simply combo him and kill him easily without him being able to counterattack, if you use kick in the back first you're giving him a chance to combo you. Against seeker is the same thing, combo first, kick later. stealth makes sure you attack first too, assuming there's no one else who can spot you. Simply use the poison before any attacks, like a normal buff. When comboing, use flurry of steel first, it will poison the target, then the skill that gives you healing. Seeker can't hit 2k on someone with the same amp as him, ever. Make sure you're not going to fight using set pve against set pvp. And also the only skill he has a chance to use on gxg is the one that pulls someone to him, he'll hardly have a chance to attack someone. I never said that... I said IF he had the same attack strength as the seeker has with exacerbation (attack strength = stat). I just said what would happen if rogue got a big buff.
  13. You also have to look at the positive sides of the class rather than just looking at the negatives. You can't compare the damage a rogue can do with that of a seeker or bd, because imagine if the rogue gained 25% attack strength because "he's weaker than bd and seeker", it would unbalance the game because rogue has one of the strongest combos in the game, it does very high damage in a short time and seeker doesn't have it, and would have the same attack strength as a seeker, even using 1-handed axes. He has more survival than hunter or seeker because he can have very high dodge and decrease enemy accuracy by 45% and can leave with negative stats, isn't that defensive enough? And it can heal very easily too, it's not like the seeker who has to use 1 useless skill just to leave the target bleeding in order to heal. Imagine if he gained +1 defensive skill. Rogue can reach 65% speed using 1HAND AXES only with skills and guild buff lvl 10, which aggravates even more than what I said about rogue having attack strength above. But yes he's bad at gxg, but imagine if he had a GOOD aoe damage skill, which would make him more accepted in guilds, then the charmer would be the new "worst at gxg" and complain too, and we'd have a new topic about it on the forum. But still, I agree that there should be something that would make it more useful in gxg battles.
  14. All classes have some bad or even useless skills, it's normal, you just mentioned the ones the rogue has. Frenzy isn't bad, +20% damage taken isn't a big deal as you're not a tank class, but I agree the duration is very short, it should last longer. By the way, these 2 skills are wonderful compared to these other 2. That would be copying the mage's ability, nothing original. Instead, he could damage anyone nearby as well. It would copy the seeker's invisibility too. The stealth is already good. You're not planning on attacking the flag alone, it doesn't work. Wait for the legion to rally to attack while the mages are busy dealing with the invaders, use the jump. While this is true, on the other hand chief has the best mobility in the game, even better than the seeker. Yeah, that sucks. Aigrind needs to remove these pots from the arena, it's pretty unfair. Yes rogue is currently one of the worst classes for gxg. But I don't think there's any way to fix this without indirectly buffing the rogue in other aspects of the game, which is difficult, it's being replaced by hunters in guilds because they're better at gxgs. The same is happening with seekers. Yes, you can't compare the damage of a rogue with that of the seeker. This really is broken. There is no worse class in the game, there are only classes that are good in one place and bad in the other. In this case rogue is good in pvp and bad in gxg. Rogue like you said has the best dps in the legion, and he's very good at pvp too. Ranger doesn't have a skill that makes him 50% accurate, he has one that gives 25%, and still is reduced to -20% with just 1 skill. Rogues are being kicked by the guilds because guilds are being competitive in gxg events and want to get stronger as much as possible by putting good classes for this type of event in the guild. And unfortunately there's nothing you can do, even if the class is buffed to be competitive too, someone else would suffer the same problem, and that would end up buffing classes that don't need buffing and would unbalance the game.
  15. Em termos de habilidades úteis para gxg, elfos em desvantagem. Pode ver que nas atualizações passadas mcs ganharam skills que são boas para gxg, já os elfos não, quer dizer além do templário claro.
  16. Yeah, for me this charmer would be perfect. About the dogs...yes that change would be nice too, but nothing would change about the relic letting them give them multiple critics in a row.
  17. Personally I liked that. Saturation is bad because she spends a lot of her hp and to keep her she needs to keep activating from time to time, it spoiled the skill. Also the devs are more focused on dk damage, so this change would be welcome.
  18. In my opinion staff charmer is weaker than mace charmer, because if the bird dies it loses almost all its healing potential. If I had a charmer I would do a hybrid build, so I could use the dogs and the bird together, having a balance of damage and heal, and I could still support the group by putting the bird to heal someone too.
  19. By the way, speaking of arena crucibles, charmer are awful in them. Because if your party doesn't survive the first few seconds of the battle (where everyone is alive), it's quite a game over, because the charmer will summon another dog, and then another. The option is to kill the dogs, but they are resistant to take a few hits, and if it takes too long to kill the charmer himself, he will end up summoning another dog. And he will summon another dog immediately after reviving. Like I said, awful.
  20. But what about the arena? Guards don't go there. The best option would be a pala, but it doesn't have the same as a wd, once the shield breaks it won't last long (not to mention that a chief can remove the shield). Stuning the dog helps, but it doesn't solve everything, it will only prevent you from taking more damage from him for a few seconds, but he will still be there. This could help if it was in the 2v2, 3x3 or 5x5 arena that after everyone died the battle was over, but in the Crucibles arena, it didn't. Also, charmers don't die easily. They have heavy equipment and can use shields, and can buff your def hp and block, can use set 32. Some charmers also use the bird to heal, even though they have little magic damage, and they still have decent healing.
  21. Doing this will also nerf the low lvl charmers, which would not be good. Dog damage alone isn't an issue, but when you put in damage boost, damage reduction, life boost, and criticals with resilience, it's unbalanced. They could nerf the summoner's skill to decrease the increased damage a little, this would already help to decrease the power of this relic a little too.
  22. And the charmer's dog does 1k damage, not counting criticals with this relic.
  23. Not to be rude, but what have the population of mcs and elves in war here? Aren't we talking about charmers and their skills?
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