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Everything posted by maraschino

  1. My skills are still bugged - no Ancestors Hand on my shaman and no Secret Link on my Druid. In both cases I can't select another player or teammate to activate the skill.
  2. I have both. They are pretty similar in terms of success rate these days. Overall, I find druid is easier and more relaxing to play. The class seems more polished overall than shamans, which have had some very finicky skills over the years.
  3. Lifesteal can be a huge help for locks, but keep in mind those gear and runes are somewhat expensive and difficult to find. I don't know of any "easily obtainable" items. One good time to purchase life-steal items is towards the end or just after the end of the Halloween event. Prices tend to be high at the start of the event and then drop off with time. Note also that different gear have different life-steal percentages, and in some cases the percentages are so low that you might be better off with a different bonus. My life exhaust is at level 1, and as far as I know it's not worth studying that skill to higher levels. Good luck.
  4. FYI, I've been seeing some minor bugs in temple of seals arena. Today an enemy player was listed in my teams party list. A few days ago (maybe it has been fixed) an enemy player teleported to one of my team's teleport locations.
  5. I've played a lock for years, and the fear skill didn't work this way until the 6.1 update. There was nothing in the list of skill updates about a modification to the warlock fear skill. http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php/topic/55276-20160929-update-warspear-online-61-power-of-relics-release/ So... what's up?
  6. Same. Mine says "oh, you're playing THAT game again" with a sour face. And then she goes off to watch some trashy TV shows.
  7. Weird. I got three stars. Others who have participated in spring events are having bugs, like rogues unable to stealth or use dodge skill. Maybe it's related...
  8. Yeah, weird. I don't remember seeing that before the expert skills updates. I just tested it with both devices on the same router. Same results. I assume most of the lag comes from the distance to the server (west coast USA to EU) and the processing on the server. Would be interested to hear if there's a lot less lag for people in EU.
  9. I agree. The WS developers can't eliminate latency, but they can probably improve software and server hardware latency and they can account for it in how skills work and players interact. There have been other obvious bugs that lingered for years (e.g. casters running to where they cast dark circle or quake) before being quietly fixed, so it would not be a surprise if there are lag-related programming issues waiting to be resolved. I made two accounts on two devices and moved the players around the screen to test lag/latency. One device was a mobile phone with LTE connection & the other is a desktop with wired network. I'm on west coast USA using EU servers, so lag/latency should be on the high end. A character on one device could move 1.5 to 2 tiles before it appeared to move on the other device, about 0.6 to 0.8 seconds. I'm not sure how this amount of lag can generate hamstrings from 6-7 squares away. If my BD and my druid are standing two squares apart, and both start to move in the same direction at the exact same instant, immediately after the server gets location information, my druid could move ~ 2 squares before seeing any movement from the BD and so could see a separation of 4 squares. Meanwhile, if the BD position is updated at the server an instant before the druid, the server could locate the BD next to the druid and able to hamstring. This would require everything to go wrong almost perfectly, a very unlikely case, yet it happens all the time. So, there must be more to it, maybe extrapolation of velocities by the server (e.g. start with BD and druid moving towards each other) or some other programming issues that make this problem worse, e.g. with how the server handles hits when a melee class is "locked on" to an opponent. Mostly speculation but fun to try to figure out the puzzle. :-P Good article about this issue here, though mostly from the perspective of first-person shooters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lag#Solutions_and_lag_compensation
  10. I like that the Halloween dungeons emphasize different skills and strategies than the usual. Nice to get some variety.
  11. Yeah, a lot cheaper that items that are useless by design a.k.a "costumes"
  12. Yeah, makes sense. In reality it would be a bigger award for each member of a smaller group.
  13. This war event is about having different numbers of players. If you can gather the most players, you win (more or less). So if this imaginary arena is open to arbitrary numbers of players, you are only able to get 3 players in your party and your opponents get 5, tough luck. It's the power advantage, same as +1 vs +10. Maybe what actually pisses people off about the war is that it's very difficult to pay-to-win. Hassn helped EU MC with many life scrolls in the last war and it was a 1-1 draw. Many MC complained bitterly. Like I said before, I agree it's unbalanced. I'd rather fix it than throw it out.
  14. I feel your pain. Either way elfs win more than MC. But why consider the US server independently? The only difference among servers is the player-base, and I'm not sure it makes sense to modify parts of the game for a portion of players. If there is a arena team that loses all the time, are they right to demand the removal of the arena? I think everyone can see that the war is unbalanced. It's pretty obvious from the stats. Maybe a better solution is to make adjustments so that elfs don't win every single time (e.g. after each victory decrease flag HP for the winning side in the next war).
  15. Does this mean that totem and banner won't remove rogue's stealth?
  16. Thank you for putting this together. Do healers need to adjust their strategy?
  17. It was an interesting war on EU. The MC got a little overconfident (and a bit unlucky) and did not communicate well. Some MC spammed elf world-chat with rude comments before the war and made elfs angry/motivated. Many MC expected an easy victory, and MC defenders went to attack Riff. Elfs had been scarce at the start but then counterattacked in large numbers while MC were en route to attack. There was not good reporting in world-chat that the elf horde had arrived at Legion, so the MC attackers did not know to suicide/return to Legion. Instead when the elfs killed the legion flag and the message popped up "... is defeated. ... now available for capture", many MC mistakenly thought that MC had killed the Riff flag and they went to attack elf caravan. You can imagine the rest... It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow on EU. Sorry it's still so lopsided on the US server. Hang in there.
  18. Another strategy for MC - make a mc character named after a notorious ganker on elf side, and then use it to viciously mock MC on world chat starting one hour before the war. It will piss people off and rally them to fight. This, in reverse, is part of how MC lost on EU last week.
  19. Nice video. A couple of things really stand out: "Totem hits on BD 329 and the skill counterattack of BD returns 636 in Shaman" Yes. This is obviously silly and should be fixed. "Is it a blade dancer or ranger?" LOL, Yes, this effect is worse for BD/hamstring than for any other melee class/skill.
  20. You have my sympathy. It was like that many times on EU server. Elfs would sweep through to Cliff and hold the town for 20-30 minutes or more. It was totally frustrating to try to defend. This was what helped to turn the tides on EU server: Organize a solid defense at Legion camp. Recruit scouts on W.C. to report the elfs' numbers (real numbers, not "99999 elfs!") and locations (gremlin cave, gordir cave, griduar cave). Go into the cave, die, and then count them. Better to die in cave and report on elfs than to stand outside cave and wait to get swamped. Use spies to listen in on elf organizing and planning. Elfs usually gather at gremlin cave, but keep scouts in caves to see if they travel up through caves to other exits and bypass defenders at the gremlin cave entrance. Of course gather lots of players at Legion. Start spamming W.C. 30 minutes before the event (thank you bepower ) to get people to come to legion. Remind people that it's a good chance to do elf-kill quests, get revenge, etc etc. Keep the chatter fun and friendly. Don't complain or argue in world chat. Stay focused on giving instructions, keeping the team together, and stopping the elf horde. Don't give up on defense even if it seems impossible. If you can just stop or slow the initial attack, some attackers will lose interest and drop out of the fight. Eventually some will switch sides. The attacks will become less organized and easier to manage. I've seen it happen on mc side when elfs are winning and on elf side when mc are winning. Keep up the attacks at Riff so that elfs will defend instead of attacking MC flag. Try turning off "show names" in settings to reduce lag when in areas with many players. Elfs have the advantage in numbers, but the extra challenge makes it that much more satisfying to stop the attacks. It was sometimes more fun when we fought hard to save MC towns than when we actually won the event. When we first stopped elfs from winning a single town on mc side, people celebrated on W.C. that we had won (even though we didn't win a single town ourselves), and it felt like a great victory. And that got people interested to fight for the MC side. Maybe the MC on US server are already doing all this. If so, sorry for your pain, and I hope the devs will somehow balance to the event to make it more fun for you. By the way, how many elfs are in caravan in that screen shot? It doesn't look like very many.
  21. Hmmm... Something more to the puzzle than I was aware of then. Maybe the first time I visited the elm had been attacked and was still in defense mode, and the second time the elm hadn't been attacked since reset. This could explain why I got different results than you. I'll test some more. Still, though, I'm not sure why random respawn would result only in red mobs. All the cyan and purple mobs were missing, and the total number was only 1/3 as many as I'm used to seeing. Anyway, I'll test some more.
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