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Everything posted by SaltyCoffe

  1. Why not make a guild chat for : Heir , Right hands , Leader It could be a nice feature for management, or planning strats ecc
  2. Today i claimed my knowledge from BP rewards ( the 2nd to last rewards = 11k knowledge ) and my tournament help boosted up Op bugs
  3. Hi, Wanted to talk about the current situation of "Attraction" Seeker skill and its "block talent" reverse attraction . Right now attraction ( without the old "Mute" interaction ) is useless because it has a 90% of failure in working as it can be easily countered by either resist skills or a simple castle scroll of resistance. Attraction : Basically right now Attraction is good just for daily questing as it brings nothing in pvp and GVG fights Arena = Here ( while it can be resisted ) if it works it really depends on the situation because it can either result in a good grab to get an enemy or it can kill you as you have a delay after using grab where opponent can stun you and kill you easily GVG/Raids = Basically it really is hard to not get caught while trying to grab and enemy so the result is either you getting stunned and dying frontline or failing the grab as it says " Resist " War = I literally counted yesterday in the 3 day war while trying to grab Hunters with 1 castle scrolls + guild resist buff and I used my grab skill 57 times.... it worked only 4 times Reverse Attraction : With current state of "Block talent" seeker skills , noone uses it because. yeah 20% resistance is good but low duration but you lose the dmg bonus from the other seeker talent and you still have the "delay" after using the skill ; and of course depends on situation Arena = Pretty much useless because you put yourself in a risky situation as you are in the enemy side + you have delay of using skill GVG/Raids = Nothing to say.... basically a suicide move as seeker is super weak in tanking hits PS: Don't come here saying "All the seekers I fight are immortal and 1shot me + super tanky " ; Think about all the seekers and not just 15 books pvp, +10 greatness gear with all kind of buffs ( which are still kinda bad in GVGs or mass fights ) , there are many other classes elf or mc that even while pve can still sustain enemy dmg and do a lot of dmg wholewise Ty for reading EDIT : Sometimes even without castle scrolls , enemy will resist easily just with guild resist passive buff
  4. Unfortunately warspear gains a lot of money from this and they will never fix it
  5. It's actually good suggestion to revert it because it wouldn't be confused with for example " relic agility "
  6. Same level as your char level or it counts even if killing a lvl 31 mob ?
  7. More like is it a 1 time thing or for example when you reach 10 years of playing u will get costume ?
  8. Agree, there is still scroll description bugs and the " fake buff " of seeker "bleed branch " talent which they said : " was 15% now 20% of dmg taken from seek for bleed " ( Fun fact : it was 20% before ) And other bugs that many pointed out
  9. To unlock the branches you have to unlock 1 level of all the bottom row of new talents
  10. I see I see , so it kinda needs a more specified look by admins
  11. I mean if we talking about Warspear as a game with features ecc... ; if I have a book ( or scroll ) that says : " control effects applied on your char last less by a specified % " ; why doesn't it work with lock stun as it is a control skill ? ( Genuine question by the way )
  12. I want to test this today ; Still not sure if the 4th attack, with the buff about to proc, it deals x2 dmg only if it is a non-crit auto or it can be a x2 crit auto
  13. I think that for rogues right now, you should wait after test of new branches is out. This way you can find exact fixes that rogue needs after update which some might be fixed with these new talents
  14. Does this mean that every auto-attack has a 10% chance to deal 15% more damage ? ( without cooldowns ecc... )
  15. Oh right i completely forgot , you can drop those from the chest
  16. You get some doublons with a 100% rate , usually u get from 200-500 of them. And then you have a chance to drop either : 1) Blue sea weapons with fury enchant ( that is for more sea damage ) 2) Belts lvl 29 or 31 of all type 3) If you really lucky you can drop 2 books : a) Might of sea depths ( i think ) = that gives 5% more dmg underwater and 10% more move speed b) Absolute strength = that when you are about to die from a critical damage dealt by a mob , the book absorb the damage and you get 0 damage instead of dying
  17. The rng in dungeons is crazy , in this spring i did around 500/600 runs and made a total of around 200k gold from those runes ( and 1 drop was 70% of the gold I obtained ) ; 0 costumes and 0 lvl 32 access with 0 daggers ( as they cost a bit in eu-elf and I could make some money with it ) . Same as mermen , i think 500-800 runs is a lot for the "guaranteed reward" , considering mm dungeon is out for years now , they should increase the drop rate . For example me, after 500+ runs i dropped my first mm gear but it was power incarnation boots so around 500-600k gold worth ( so if u take stam price i'm basically still in negative ) . There should be an " increase in drop chance " if your last drop was many many runs ago and a "decrease of drop chance" if you just dropped recently ( talking about mm dg for example ) But yes this could apply to normal dgs as we seen what happened this year in spring ç_ç
  18. It could be a nice rework but maybe skill duration at max level is a bit too much ; maybe it should cap at lvl 4 at around 25-30 seconds max ; as by your suggestion the "hp increase" won't decay anymore.
  19. Meh , everyone knows WarSpear is p2w but this could be too unfair for many people , it is a good idea but maybe kinda unfair
  20. Already said this but Higgings bully =c
  21. SaltyCoffe EU-Emerald Ps: possible to get reward in elfs ? PS 2 : i think it's different actually am I wrong ?
  22. Oh you mean that grotto isn't disabled But the actual passive speed skill of guild , damn I didn't think about that. I thought it would only happen for the globe and guardian of the guild
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