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Posts posted by SaltyCoffe

  1. 1 hour ago, Jee Booy said:

    Ok thanksss guys i thought it was bug i hope so.

    What does it mean? Can you explain it.


    In my own understanding the talent reduce enemy accuracy stats.


    example he had 35% accuracy after hitting me it reduce to now 30% accuracy 

    I think the talents makes an enemy auto or skill impact you with 5% less accu
    It doesn't directly affect enemies accuracy % but the "attack" itself , so indirectly it says " little bit less chance that the attack hits you "

  2. 12 minutes ago, Abi said:

    I do agree that the idea of switching branches costing knowledge is a bit unnecessary however I would suggest to change it into having similar function of Name changing in terms of cooldown meaning.

    switching between branches now cost nothing and you can do it whenever HOWEVER once you switch to a branch you wont be able to switch from this branch to another for a whole week ( or a set number of days that can be adjusted ) this way it will allow people to freely switch between their branches when its needed ( people can switch from their PvE branch to PvP when a new arena season is about to start OR switch from a PvP branch to a PvE when a weekly event with books in dg is added ) this way players will feel more comfortable trying out more than just 1 branch for everything 

    A cooldown in the change could be another idea but that could stop hard people who are slowly building a branch like me for example where i invest some knowledge and then switch back , ecc...


    And 7 days ( still better than 25k knowledge in terms of cost ) I think it's a bit too much , taking me for example again , I would have to sacrifice my whole pve potential just for 2 weekly mermen gvgs ( without counting holidays events gvg ) and switch back the next week to lose the pvp gvg potential


    So I would say a reduced cooldown might work better

  3. This topic has been talked about many times since the release of new branches for the main talents.


    We know that to change into an inactive branch from an active one you are required to sacrifice a certain amount of knowledge that depends on how many talents you unlocked in that inactive branch ; we also can see that the majority of these were created to divide 1 branch pve , 1 branch pvp , 1 branch support ( random examples ) , so my point is that investing on 1 branch ( in 90% of the cases ) locks you in either pve or pvp playstyle  and this might hurt more or less depending of course on the class you play. 


    My suggestion was to leave the "amount of knowledge required to change" to an inactive branch BUT if the branch you are trying to change into is MAXED ( 3/3 , 4/4 , 1/1 talents ) where basically you can't invest more knowledge in that specific branch, the cost of the change is to be completely removed .

    I feel like this change could bring people to try out even more playstyles without suffering a lot for the knowledge cost change or the hard-grind invested on it ; yes , it might be "useless" to gain knowledge when you have maxed all the talents available , but that is a really long grind and on a top-guild matter , you can adapt to the situation better than having to waste 50k knowledge ( change and change back of maxed branches ) just for 1 mermen gvg fight.
    As you can see 50k knowledge is not something so easy to obtain, so it's basically a : " you are forced to stay on 1 branch " , even when you have all maxed out branches you can do this move 1 time per weeks ... I don't really see the " versatility " on that mechanic .

    Let me know your opinions :hw20CATLURK:

  4. 20 hours ago, Laevateinn said:

    This appears to be a simple translation error. Have you tried using skill and checking your stats? If it raises your resistance, it's definitely a translation error. If not, it's probably a bug.

    I think I saw a channel on the official discord server where they accept feedback on translation issues.

    Yep it's a translation issue

  5. 6 minutes ago, Lilweasel said:

    The last talent from 3rd branch is godly specially for 2h weapon users bcz allows u to spam skills As God (harad) Commands, btw the shield talent of this branch is useless.. 


    The 2nd branch seems that need something like that since also need spam skill in order to apply the most bleeding debuff possible

    The 3rd branch seems like a "More tanky " way but it really isn't , it just gives infite energy, the cd bonus isn't really that effective as seek doesn't have any cd stat+skill , yeah it lowers some cooldown but after 1 combo it's not like you can easily survive 6+ seconds to re-use other skills ( you need to stack the talent too to be able to arrive at 30% cd )

    7 minutes ago, Lilweasel said:

    The 2nd branch seems that need something like that since also need spam skill in order to apply the most bleeding debuff possible

    2nd branch have nearly same problem as i've stated now, skill and BLEED reliable but all of our bleed comes from the skills which are easily resisted ; as far as i've tested even if you can manage to apply some bleeds with the 1st Big talent in 2nd branch ( which is really low % ) it's not like you can effectively lifesteal a lot or apply that much dmg in a long-term

  6. 30 minutes ago, Ihoranger said:

    Hi all, just wanna leave some of my suggestion here as a seeker main.


    My suggestions on the key talents for seeker. I had included some clarifications so non-seekers players can understand too.


    image.png Stupefying Pain: If a character has the "Inner Rage" skill, they receive 55% less damage from all attacks and also 50% less healing from skills and from the "Health Theft" parameter. Every 1.5 sec., the character's health level decreases to 30% of the maximum.

    • Even though u receive 55% less damage BUT 50% less healing and only 30% max hp. Lets do some maths 
      • Lets assume you have 10k hp and 0 def
      • Seeker without stupefying pain: you can tank 10,000 dmg
      • Seeker with stupefying pain: you can tank (10k*0.3)/0.55 = 5,454 dmg
      • With stupefying pain, you become nearly twice as weak as you are (seeker are already naturally weak with light armour). Many people seems to be confused and think you're tanky when they see the damage dealt on you are halved.
    • The "55% less damage received" buff does not apply to any MAX HP percentage based damage.
      • Seekers get easily countered with any form of damage that is HP percentage based. Some examples:
        • Terrible Relic of Life Weakness (lose 10% max hp when using skill): if relic effect is applied to you, you basically cant use any skills or you will be losing 1/3 of your health instantly. (for those who don't understand: lets say you have 10k max hp, with talent you will have 3k hp, when you use a skill with this effect on, you will be deducted 1k hp out of the 3k hp you initially had, that is 1/3 of your hp gone just cause of a relic!). Not only that, this relic is widely available to every class. Even some aoe spells like mage's time warp can apply this to you. In pvp, you can be having full reward gears and still be instantly deleted if you used skills without noticing this effect on you. In group fights, most of the time, you can barely even see this effect on yourself. And lets not bring up that there is another relic that have this exact same effect visual/animation (the one that deals periodic damage if you dont move, I dont remember name)
        • Totems in dg or certain quests that deals HP% based damage when you step near them. Or like that poison effect in Hard temple dg where its literally impossible for you to complete the dg without deactivating this talent.
      • My suggestion: Either MAX HP percentage based damages should also be reduced by 55% or make it so that MAX HP percentage based damage are calculated based on 30% hp as MAX HP instead of the actual 100% MAX HP
    • Overall, you get 30% extra damage but being 50% LESS TANKY AND 50% LESS HEALING. This talent allows you to sacrifice survivability for more damage output. Its more of a trade-off instead of a direct buff to you. Remember, most other classes have key talent that only gives direct buff with no nerfs/trade-off stuff (eg. bd shield buff talent, mage shatter stone talent etc..)


    image.png Bloody Rampage: The "Bloodlust" skill additionally restores the character's health in the amount of 2% of the maximum for each bleeding effect dealt to the enemy, but not more than 10%.

    • Its absolutely useless. Seekers only have 1 reliable bleed skills currently and that is splitting blow. Both your splitting blow or bloodlust skill can be parried/dodge/block by opponent. If either one of these skills get blocked, you won't be getting heal for like 15sec (this skill cd is pretty long too).
    • 2% extra heal for each bleeding effects, but you don't even have a reliable source to put bleeding on enemy. Most likely you will get nuked down before you even have the chance to use this skill. 


    image.png Reverse Gravity: The "Attraction" skill no longer attracts the opponent to the character. Now, when using the skill, the character moves to the target and gets a positive effect for 8 sec. The effect increases the character's "Resistance" parameter by 20%.

    • 20% resistance is barely any buff and it only last for 8sec which is quite short
    • You cannot charge to enemy while being root but the skill still goes into cd – and u will have to wait another 20sec jst to use it again
    • One of seeker’s strongest ability in PVP is the stun you apply on people after breaking invisible. If you use this ability while being invisible, it will break your invisibility and you miss out on the stun effect. Suggested to maybe include a small damage on the ability so you can combo it with the stun from invisibility skill?
    • Repositioning enemy is always better than repositioning yourself, so why would anyone prefer charging to enemy over pulling them back and out of position? Especially when you are a squishy class yourself, why would I put myself in the middle of enemy lines?


    My overall suggestions on seeker:

    • Stupefying pain talent is balanced enough. Yes, with this talent, seeker is probably the best dps class right now but that is the one and only advantage seeker has over other classes and that advantage is only applicable in pve, making seeker a pure pve class kinda. Most guild doesn't even want to recruit seekers anymore as they are mostly useless for group fights, gvgs etc. In my opinion, instead of nerfing seeker dps in pve, rouges should get buffed in the pve aspect instead so it will be balanced between elf and mcs. Dps of rangers and hunters should always be lower in relative to seeker/rouge (if not, whats the point of being a melee dps when range classes can deal the same amount of dps as you).
    • Right now, every seeker is choosing stupefying pain because the other 2 key talents are just absolutely useless. And so, every seeker will always have the same item/skill build. The other 2 key talents have to be buffed or completely reworked so players can consider other item/skill builds.
    • If damage output of seekers is to be nerfed, then there has to be a massive buff to seekers survivability and their PVP ability or seeker class will become utterly useless. (easy to get nuked down, easy to kite, average damage output, lack of stuns/control skills...)

    This is basically what i've said in some of my other suggestion  :

    1. The other talents part is something that needs a change as they are completely useless as of now, especially combos with the 2h middle branch and middle block talent skill 
    2. The pve aspect i agree , maybe a slight nerf but yeah , I still think seeker and rogue have to superior in pve to other classes, otherwise why even pick seeker anyway when you can have ranger / bm / bd stronger in pve like seeker but having stronger pvp / GVG 
    3. The class , as I've stated in another forum post, might need a slight adjustment on the talents that apply in PVP too, after that either keep the class dmg like this ( keeping in mind that it's a dmg dealer class and not a supporter ecc... ) or if nerf even more dmg pvp, increase tankyness or completely rework buff the 3rd branch + other skills
  7. I don't even know why you guys keep comparing chief dmg reduction ( or other classes dmg reduction ) to seeker .......


    Chief is a multi-situational class with many skills that can adapt and help the class overall  :

    • PVE , i'm not sure but as what i've seen in past videos, it's a normal class that deals the normal amount of dmg

                        ( PVE not needed for this discussion but it was made just to show the overall class features )

    • PVP(small fights) , really strong even with normal gear+ normal buffs 
      • Increases strength a lot with orci scroll
        • Even more with orci book ( really super-rare occasion but some have it )


    • GVG , really strong aoe while having resist skill same as mage , so it can go in and out of mass fights ( not everytime but usually it's this way ) , so    it can be really helpful to the team ecc...


    How after all of this compare the class to seeker L_L


    Seeker only strength is , ( After SPENDING 100m+ gold and a lot of time for talents+greatness ) , capability of doing super high dmg to casters ( which is what the class aims at ) , and now sometimes dealing high dmg to more tanky classes ( i already made a post about it, needing a nerf )


    BUT, remember that this applies to few situations ONLY in arena, class is useless in gvg, even if 100% dmg reduction, it won't make you survive 1 stun in that big fights:SK22_5:

    you would need somehow to resist many stuns from your resist% alone , while having healing buffs ( which are reduced ) permanently under you, but ( apart from bm tree ) other healing classes helps the real carry of gvg, which is mage ; because even under 50/60% resist , if 1 stun goes on you under all those AOE+ other targets , you will die 100%


    Ty for reading !


  8. My suggestion involves all point of view of situations and scenarios and I feel like right now what seeker class needs is an adjustment more than a Nerf :


    Current Situtation :


    • PVE
      • Currently there is no advantage of having same amount of "PVE Damage" between the two factions as there is no more neutral bosses like the old spring raid , so the only reason for a pve damage change would be not nerfing Seeker pve damage but buffing Legion classes PVE damage like the rogue 
    • PVP GVG
      • It just provides some help with "Attack instinct " + " Splitting blow " combo to help but nothing more
    • PVP 
      • PvP Seeker is really difficult to comprehend as for starters the class is really weak and becomes "good" ( in terms of damage ) when you have a fair amount of talent levels / branch unlocked and well amped pvp weapons 
        • Damage :
          • For starters it's really meh 
          • It upgrades when you reach well amped char 
          • It upgrades even more when you have damage books ( which cost a lot like 10/20+ milions of gold ) , so it is not a simple milestone to reach
          • It reaches the good amount of damage when you have all this combined + 2 key talents of Left Branch " Steel Hurricane "
            • The "big" damage everyone talks about is the 2x talent proc + the 10% buffed piercing proc , that deals a lot of dmg on the enemy, but it's still a 10% chance + you need to have the 2x talent ready in that moment
        • Damage received sustain ( this topic is what gets me the most as ) :
          • For starters the class basically pops with a simple gear
          • Upgraeds a bit when you reach full lvl 31 gear + 1/2 greatness accessories
          • Upgrades a bit more when you reach full lvl 31 gear well amped + full accessories greatness + Resilience book
            • Here it's still weak when a stun hits or another enemy dmg class targets you
          • Here comes the strange part :
            • We all know that classes needs to become strong at a certain level ( for example maxed greatness + books ) , as the seeker is a damage class it's fair that it will deal a lot of damage ;
              • When you are at a super high level with Greatness set ( hard to obtain ) and many books def ( hard to obtain with milions of gold ) , here is where seeker becomes really strong in Arena  as with the "abuse" of spring defensive books + Potions + Scrolls that give % hp every 10 ish seconds , it will reach a high level survivability  ( ofc in combinations with nearly all pvp books )
            • In conclusion it feels strong but seeker need to play it really good + either have more hp gain or more resist ecc... ; so it really depends on the situation and on the enemies


    The adjustments I would apply  :


    • PVE
      • I don't really see a good reason to nerf it , maybe just buff other classes PVE , but I don't see how it affects anything
    • PVP GVG
      • I don't know maybe , as I suggested in another topic , add to both Seeker and Rogue a " % Resist Buff " for like I don't know 3 seconds, after using the Net and Gouge(?) ability so it can escape better in bad situation
    • PVP
      • Here comes the tricky part
        • Damage PVP :
          • I think what really is hurting people is the Dmg that is coming from the key talents of Left Branch so my idea is :
            • Make the key talents in Left Branch ( Steel Hurricane ) work only on PvE
              • This way you make the other 2 Branches viable to either :
                • Do a different type of damage with 2h bleed branch ( Middle )
                • Be a little bit more tanky but with less damage on Right Branch
        • Damage received sustain :
          • I wouldn't really change anything in the dmg reduction of Seekers abilities but do it in a different way ;
            • Make the potions and scroll work 50% less Like the vampirism reduction, while using talent
            • Same apply to distortion of life book procs
          • With these 2 changes, I feel like Spring defensive books would be the normal boost Seeker could receive to sustain more , so not sure i would nerf the interaction at this point


    Please refrain from comparing the class to anything else ( except for rogue similarities ) and refrain to end with insults ecc... as it is not a drama chat but discussion and suggestions


    Thank you for reading !

  9. 6 hours ago, Ryohei said:

    I would like to see more of 2h weapons builds (Which is supposed to be the main one)  Right now every seeker has the same equip build/skill build.

    ppl does not vary cuz the current build is destructive and bring good aoe with speed, while few ones risking their builds to bring new posibilities

    It would be cool ,but 2h seeker will never be good 

    The idea was to enable it 2h for pvp (arena)

    But the problem is that daggers is still better, + they can't really nerf daggers setup too hard , or they break the class as seek lives on autos ; if they make this change+ buffing 2h , yeah that would make 2h viable but just for the typical arena , and for pve even a mage or druid would end up being better so there was no need to play this class anymore

    The real nerf should occur on the dmg output in pvp , there is no reason to nerf it pve as there are no "dmg fight " like old spring, against mcs

    7 hours ago, marcos d7 said:

    New Ability: "Precision of Wrath" (instead of the "992101658_.png.ced4d8ab1e122878f7bab02b2a70297b.png.fb5746e20b58fe8dac9147103a9a6117.pngDangerous Blow" skill)

    Type: Active - Permanent

    Increases the character's precision by (6/7/8/10)%. Also guarantees an unblockable attack every (5/4/4/3) attacks that the enemy evades.

    New Ability: "Bloodstorm" (instead of the "2136007698_.png.9a9fbfb1264b8e65011c8c68867bb9f2.png.47532e2736f5b890b0bd6ce015246b57.pngSplitting Blow" skill)

    Type: Active

    Creates an attack zone in the specified area for 12s. The zone inflicts physical damage equivalent to (20/25/30/35)% of the character's physical power to all enemies within it every 2s. At the end of the zone, it adds the "Deep Wound" effect to targets for 10s. The Deep Wound effect reduces enemy healing by 10/15/20/25%. The maximum number of player targets is 3/4/5/6, and the number of monster targets is 6/8/10/12.

    New Ability: "Mana Gift" (instead of the "593734599_.png.b01043c26be7ca4a2869fe3152ece822.png.db8f29f47ba9cfd3b310bd9b1168ddd4.pngBloodthirst" skill)

    Type: Passive

    If damage is caused by an auto-attack or an instant-damage ability, the character receives the "Mana Thirst" buff for 10 seconds. The effect increases the "Ability Cooldown" parameter by (2/3/3/4)% and restores (3/4/5/6)% of the enemy's maximum energy to the character. The maximum number of effects is 5.

    230887624_.png.e850ca13a794002e51191def48d23b9b.png.f6e9e55feb7cb74a3b788c39450d3372.pngExhaustive Strike

    An attack that deals physical damage to the opponent equivalent to (95/100/105/115)% of the character's physical strength, silences them for 3/4/5/7 seconds, and reduces movement speed by 20%.

    New Ability: "Battle Thirst" (instead of the "3950.webp.aa65474c6246f3ba50f4c747eb79cbdb.webpAttraction" skill)

    Type: Passive

    When life is reduced to 4/5/6/8% of the maximum, the character receives a protective barrier for (3/4/5/6) s. The shield absorbs any received damage equivalent to (40/50/60/75)% of the character's physical power. It can only be activated once every 60s.


    Talent Replacement


    Replace 992101658_.png.ced4d8ab1e122878f7bab02b2a70297b.png.fb5746e20b58fe8dac9147103a9a6117.pngDangerous Blow talents with Precision of Wrath.

    • Increases the effect of the skill that increases the character's precision by 1.5%.
    • Increases the effect of the skill that increases the character's precision by 2%.

    Key Talent Replacement: "174685265_.png.2e6f6f3db8ba85f62eef90bc827cee02.png.cbfdcd676c53f4f125b61a4e4940f4c9.pngBlood Violence" for Precision of Wrath

    Reduces by 1 the attacks avoided for the activation of the precise attack.

    593734599_.png.b01043c26be7ca4a2869fe3152ece822.png.db8f29f47ba9cfd3b310bd9b1168ddd4.pngBlood Thirst Talent Replacement for Mana Gift

    Reduces the duration of the skill effect by 1 sec.

    230887624_.png.e850ca13a794002e51191def48d23b9b.png.f6e9e55feb7cb74a3b788c39450d3372.pngExhaustive Strike

    Increases the duration of the "silence" effect of the skill by 1.5 sec.

    Key Talent Replacement: "111344912_.png.927fc5be4608243041f243a8e0075419.png.9d0fe0be3a0dcb4d3d84d8cd473673d9.pngBlood Ablution" from the Cruelty branch for "Ecstasy"

    Applies the "Ecstasy" bonus to the character for 16 seconds when using "Harad's Shield," "Inspiration," "Invisibility," or "Attack Instinct." The effect increases the character's attack power by 4%, up to a maximum of 16%. Getting the effect again renews its duration.



    In the latest Christmas update, the explorer received a PvP balance, taking into account what once was. This rebalancing is only noticeable in explorers with 15 books or more, along with an arena set +(+9) and a gameplay level ranging from medium to high, unless they possess T5 books, of course. Seekers lacking these mentioned qualities seldom stand out in arenas and GvGs. Nevertheless, we are undergoing improvements.

    Indeed, the damage of the SK has surpassed the average in PvP against certain classes. However, for other classes with equivalent levels of books and amplification, this "high" damage is irrelevant as the enemy class does not perish. Examples of these classes include chieftain, dk (dark knight), summoner, reaper, and druid. It's plausible that some of these classes will also receive nerfs.

    In summary, my skill and talent proposals aim to enhance the survival and support capabilities of the character in GvGs, involving the modification of some skills and talents that are currently deemed dispensable.

    I like the "bloodthirst" becoming a mana passive , that would help with the mana problem as too many Actives , it won't even hurt mcs as it's only a pve feature with some random cd buff throw inside

  10. 22 hours ago, Guardian Delete said:

     1 - Exhaustive Blow also works with attack instinct to stun a area with a once every 10 sec check on it per target 


    2- Harads Shield when the final blow breaks the shield either give area Fear or Silence 


    3- Exacerbation buff 5/5 25% Physical Strength for 2 handed weapons = same % as equipping 2 daggers = also 25% attack strength now it’s 20% for 2 handed weapons 


    4-Exacerbation or Inspiration also add’s Cooldown 


    5-Sun Nets gives a debuff for 3 seconds of Fear or Silence if Sun Nets gets resisted same amount of targets depending on 1/4-4/4


    Feel like these buffs are either no-sense or too much or not needed 

    The only fair buff would be an effect of "increased resistance" after net fails to "sleep" the enemy , giving same interaction to rogue ; this would help the seeker to escape better in case of danger

  11. 19 minutes ago, Rick Chico Mabuti said:

    Since Seeker's damage skills are almost melee range, better if these skills become like the Sun Nets (auto target nearby enemies) if the Attack Instinct is activated,

    including Exhausted blow and Bloodthirsty. In this way it will become effective in Wars and GvG.

    I mean, seeker isn't that good in massive fights, but adding this interaction doesn't seem the right way as seek's skills aren't that op and the interaction with splitting blow ecc... is fine, it's the only thing it helps when you can manage to land the skill . Adding an "aoe" click activation for a "3x3" ( for example ) would just be worse and easily countered by the " position warspear bug " i prefer this way

  12. 30 minutes ago, Ryohei said:

    вампир хроника.png Vampire Chronicle

    Increases the bonus from the classless skill "Enhanced Steal Health" by 1%.



     ошеломит хроника.png Stunning chronicle

    Increases the bonus from the classless skill "Enhanced Stunning" by 0.5%.



    Oh great, 'cause we all got that cr4ppy books :seriouspumpkin:

    i'll be patiently waiting for piercing increase , attack strength increase and rampant attack increase:chillbro:

  13. On 9/21/2023 at 6:13 PM, LeeLoo said:


    приспособл.png Adaptability

    With a 2 \ 4 \ 6% chance, the negative "Toxin" effect inflicted on the character by Almahad monsters will heal the character instead of dealing damage.

    i hope that this effect is lower on seeker with talent, i've been asking for months to get the 55% dmg reduction from external objects too, if this doesn't get changed , seeker would be impossible to play in new map


    EDIT : of course if these debuffs are like the toxins in spring quests or orci bombs which does hp % dmg 

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