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Everything posted by Kicker

  1. Did you observe during towers farm or at gvg moments? because it's kind of wrong, if there are 4 in search of the pvp set it is too much, your sources are kinda lost kkkkk and about the accumulation of strong classes, would it be in the sense of what they did with a magician? because as far as I know, we have more hunters in the guild than chief and shaman, there is someone passing the wrong information to you, beware of the sources ein
  2. Can you prove your point that we have set pve +1? can you prove your point that we are a pve guild? in all your comments we were able to easily refute you for your clear ignorance about all aspects of the game, and also about your clear difficulty in analyzing situations to ensure better decision making. And by the way, greatness accessories only make you tank more, I recommend changing your strategy if you think it's just arriving with your wizards that they will completely tank Kingdom as it happened before, greatness accessories don't add gameplay and sense of game.
  3. As long as your focus is to run over whatever comes your way with your 60 magicians, they will continue to lose without understanding why, we have no reason to teach them how to play against us, because we take the differential of each class and amplify them, based on study of skills and combat positions, I recommend analyzing your skills and see which ones work best with certain buffs, just reading the descriptions of your skills we already have a basis of how we would play against ourselves, this is called game vision.
  4. No absurd damage, chief remains a lesser damage than hunter, you know what differs? build, skill combo, relics, there is a structure behind each beating you take, there are specific buffs, and without this excessive healing, we don’t need to heal ourselves because you don’t do damage
  5. I don't know on what grounds you say that, but the healing totem does have an area limit, many times smaller than that of redemption, I recommend creating a calsse and raising it up to level 18, or asking someone you know to show you the skill functionality, as it is embarrassing saying
  6. No they are not, the greatnesses may have been, but most of them never stepped in their guild, they grew up with the Kingdom, helping each other, you said that when the chief came he was weak and paper, but if I am not mistaken robust leather came in the class launch update, the army also came, as I said, you don't have the competence to at least give work to the big guilds, even because your chief was completely physical, ignoring the main group combat skills.
  7. You had the chance, the same chance that KINGDOM had, never invested in it, never tried to invest in the truth, because with the arrival of the chief, many people dropped their pvp chars, mostly rogue and charmer and bet on the new classes, and you instead welcoming, it hindered your up process, it hindered searches for set pvp, it hindered boss farms of those who only had this means to stay strong in the game, their ideals broke their guild to the point of becoming hated, and their incompetence made them their own. weak guild.
  8. In the current scenario of the tourmaline server where the players who make the complaint come from, the legion suffers from player losses, due to this, we suffered for years defeats of the sentinels with their 4-class combo (currently 4 classes), Paladin, Priest, magician, and templar. A combo that if there are no resistance buffs, no one survives due to the great control that these classes have, proof of this, in channels of server youtubers, the largest sentinel guild takes advantage against the largest legionary guild when both go into combat without preparations. . The shaman's healing totem has no influence with the critical attribute, so to have a cure of 1100, buffs, investments, good amplification are necessary, basic thing of any class and player who tends to be strong in the game. Globe in my conception is a nonsense skill, inverting the values is something that doesn't change at all, seeing that both sides have classes with mixed damage, even supporting a rework in the skill. In addition, we have a combo with all classes of the game, giving usefulness to all, while on the sentinel side the guilds always seek the same 4 classes of the chosen ones, always with the same skill combo, always the same avalanche strategy, I propose to review builds, relics, sets, positionings, because when you Vinagre, you belonged to the legion with your level 12 guild, they only served as a carpet for the Ancestors, for not knowing how to manage and lead your guild.
  9. Acredito que foi um bom rework, mas ainda esqueceram do dk, que continua tankando bem menos, não poderiam aumentar o tempo do tributo sanguineo ( não me recordo se é esse o nome) mesmo que o efeito reduza em maior quantidade o dano de monstros e não de players? Faria voltar a ser um otimo tank sem prejudicar os combates de grupo.
  10. E em relação as denuncias feitas com provas, prints e videos, não poderia haver um bloqueio desses personagens? No caso o impedimento de ir arena, seria o justo e não seria tao falho pois é muita gente sendo prejudicada, e não acontece somente uma vez então não é so um mal entendido.
  11. Absurdamente imponente, incrivel. Assim como o nolan disse, em outras cores tambem ficaria maravilhoso, e acho que seria incrivel mais aparencias utilizando essa base, como membros de um esquadrão, com chifres diferentes e versões femininas
  12. Realmente, o sistema de denuncia seria o mais adequado analisando assim, fim da arena, se um cara foi troll denuncia, se mais de um denunciar ou time todo um ban de uns dias, se voltar a se repetir fica umas semanas e assim vai como o ban chat
  13. 2 posts que vc faz chorando, simplesmente porque as guildas mcs aprenderam a combater a grande estrategia dos elfos de so jogar mago e pala nas guildas, sinto muito mas vc ta chorando so, cacique simplesmente faz td que mago faz, com um foco maior em skills de dmg pq ele n tem muito diferencial de controle, sobre solar tw, como um carinha ali disse, pala mago sekker sola beeeem de boa, ent menos por favor, chorar pra nerfarem uma classe simplesmente por não terem inteligencia de bolar uma estrategia é o cumulo, vamo usar a cabeça?
  14. Tenho em mente que possuem alternativas ate simples para esse tipo de problema, uma delas seria uma opção de denuncia dentro do jogo ou ate mesmo uma opção na arena para esse tipo de comportamento, e a punição viavel seria o impedimento de ir arena, um bloqueio na aba arena por exemplo, jogos como Mobile Legends contam com um mecanismo de reconhecimento de personagens afk, e opção de denuncia após as partidas, acredito que a Aigrind tenha financeiro para adiquirir esse tipo de recurso e implementa-lo no warspear.
  15. O tributo para não ficar apelativo poderia dividir o dano entre todos os que tiverem em combate com o bruxo ( ou ao tomar dano do bruxo ), assim não seria pesado em combates de arena.
  16. Para ser efetivo também deveria funcionar com debuffs ( tributo sangrente, mandinga entre outros ), adicionar um escudo por 2 segundos tornaria a gameplay da classe bastante interessante ja que tanto no pvp quanto no pvp em grupo a classe é dependente dos efeitos de controle e ao mesmo tempo é extremamente fraca em termo de sobrevivência (ja que é complicado exaurir vida ajudar tanto na sobrevivencia de grandes combates)
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