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Everything posted by Sexpert

  1. Hornig punished most shit player in server, crossfit used to show off items that was given to him by others, little dog got punished by real pro, die Xavi, you stupid dog, slave. You used to show off always, now die in your low life in your poor family in your poor region and your poor school with windows 98 system computers. You scary of your mother, lol. Little coward weak homo.
  2. many people care, its forum , here all can write their opinion, seems like you think that its your personal page, gayrox. You think you smartest and best here and in game, but its not, you suck. Low life loser.
  3. you are dumb coward, with such a brain you will not see most cool things in life.
  4. if rogue had second damage skill like hamstring, rogue would never run.
  5. только вар, с магом можно нормально поиграть если знаешь что делать, а с варваром даже опыт, точка и быстрый инет не поможет, изза отмены и несрабатывания рывка.
  6. обожаю твои высказывания.
  7. Дай голд кому.нибудь, будет бегать за тобой и помогать делать задания. Чем не пет?
  8. now I understand why Samlor that used to be poor and noob became so naughty to come to armor cliff and attack all.
  9. that was air, useless, only thing your staff did is made me disappointed of game one more time, that brought my end faster. So be happy, you did good investment. If I return I will give you back.
  10. Hornig you are super ultra mega pro. Best player ever.
  11. I love truth, you love rich players.
  12. well, for people who started playing recently i would recommend playing elf side, because elf skills always work, even bd hamstring that can be dodged, parried or blocked is more reliable than barb charge. Also rogue skills fail a lot, shaman earth too, even necro stun is failing sometimes, in next updates it will fail much more.
  13. Pet просто домашнее животное, скотина не входит в это понятие. Только кошки собаки или хомяки, и тому подобное.
  14. парень картинка в твоей подписи убийственно смешна
  15. орфографическим словарем бы тебе по башке. Слово пИтомец не происходит от слова пет.
  16. cross dog and idiot and homo, mario liar, agusiaungrateful , you are simply bad person, not even person, just bad. HORNIG PRO.
  17. Hornig, I love you bro, you are real pro in everything. And pity about Agusia, you gave her everything, and in the end she betrayed you. Another example that women cant be trusted. Even you gave everything , they may betray you and leave for other(s) . Understood that she is like that , year ago when you started wearing her with level 18 items, i remember how she obeyed you like a well tamed pet. Once my polish friend said that there are a lot of girls in polish supermarkets like "buy me a t-shirt I will do you bj" Agusia is one of such a girls.
  18. You deserved that you ducking dog , all that items that you lost were given you by your rich owners, spanish and mario, you didnt work to get them , thats why you easily lost them, if had worked hard to get them you would value them and would never gave your id info to others. You faggot asslicker little dog.
  19. once she scammed level 20 rogue Rockerchix for 400k and 5 set signs, gave her level 13 safe doublet instead of killing whisper brigandine . They look same in exchange.
  20. Money won. Seems like mc side more rich than elfs. Never thought.
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