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About Strymor

  • Birthday 01/21/1991

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  1. Time ago, i asked for if i could Write in spanish for the event, and the answer was, only in english or portuguese
  2. I unconfortable because people who talk only spanish have les oportunitys to create a better history, because when use traductor, the text wont have the same sense, when you Write in your own language u have more capacity, pliz for the next events with this tematic accept historys in spanish too Ty
  3. There are many Travelers who enter the desert and never leave it again, few tell favorable stories, the Almahad desert, a place full of many mysteries, dangers, wonders, treasures and mythical creatures. A single guild of the legion made up of only barbarians decided to make an expedition into said desert since they aspired to find some ruins where there were some engravings that could help increase their power a lot. They would have to go a long way and the desert can also be treacherous with its sandstorms the barbarians advanced And as resources were drawn in they were depleted The frosty nights and hellish days did not make it easy for the barbarians despite their great Resilience at a time when madness invaded them and they believed that everything was lost they found an oasis they immediately headed towards it exhausted from the fights with different creatures such as giant scorpions they felt relieved because they could quench their thirst and rest however everything darkened as soon as they got there after that only two barbarians returned to the city and they tell the story of how upon entering the Oasis and trying to drink its water their companions began to die those who drank were poisoned the Oasis began to disappear it was a lure and they found themselves in the jaws of a great monster whose fangs had no end, It had huge claws and several eyes, hard scales, it was a giant with the appearance of a beast and an insect at the same time. Those two were thrown into the air while the last thing they saw was their companions being massacred and as they could, the two highly wounded barbarians escaped, in the agony they had from the different wounds and the hemorrhages the amount of blood lost were in their last words they warned the people of the fearsome creature of the desert that time And who they baptized Deadly Oasis people did not believe much of what they said despite seeing his wounds as soon as the two barbarians closed their eyes the Earth felt as if it trembled and at the entrance to the city something gigantic began to emerge all the citizens saw with their own eyes the death that was stalking them the beast had followed them both barbarians, there was no longer hope for that city because before their eyes they could contemplate a deadly Oasis.
  4. https://youtu.be/zQGeNmVu7Dg
  5. The most equipment that You can craft are unapreciated, because a Lot of equipment are better, upgrade and invest gold in up craft is a Lost of time We need some need maybe craft item heroic with that parta for example Craft armor 32 HP%+ another ítems= armor 32 hp% heroic with another bonus for 2 parts maybe block, and the second buff with five parts, + HP Rigns have a very low dmg with 3% none want it!! Improve the rings with a recraft the 32 ring 2x 32 craft ring 3% dmg= evolved 32 craft ring with more dmg or extra option, pen +1% i don't know but is an idea Plzzz don't forget tha craft in the Game Improve that Thanks
  6. EXCALIBUR es un gremio que nació en el servidor BR Tourmaline en la legion, pero que diferencia a este gremio de los demás? Es un gremio compuesto de unicamente Barbaros. Para hacer algo diferente y para lograr ciertas metas que el gremio tiene, se escojio está clase, actualmente somos nivel 2 y juntando puntos de gremio para subir al 3, el gremio es nuevo, tiene como objetivos, demostrar el peso que puede tener un grupo de bárbaros bien formados, crecer juntos, defender a la legion, hacer justicia, estableces contratos con jugadores o gremio ( tipo mercenarios) para recibir recompensas por nuestro trabajo, como escoltar, contribuir en defensas ataques etc, volvernos una fuerza elite y especial dentro de la legión, hacernos con renombre. Se ayuda a los miembros a hacerse más fuertes Se dan consejos sobre la build que les gustaría tener según su modalidad favorita de juego y algunas cosas más. Si eres bárbaro estás en BR Tourmaline y te interesa formar parte de esta iniciativa, aparta tu cupo ⚔️EXCALIBUR⚔️
  7. Strymor

    Farm lv 32

    Atualmente o jogo não possui pontos de farm tranquilos para níveis altos como nível médio 20, pode farmar ouro em will-o'-the-wisp, nível 32 não possui monstros com essa qualidade que dropam uma quantidade um pouco maior. Muitos vão falar que a farma são os bosses, mas no final é mentira, a maioria desses bosses do mapa 4 são sitiados por serem objeto de missões, sejam eles do passe ou da mesma cidade, e bosses como Dany hook são ocupados por +10 pessoas da mesma facção ou por +10 inimigos, é muito difícil progredir quando não há um lugar tranquilo onde as pessoas possam cultivar mesmo com tempo limitado. Com alguns amigos conversamos outro dia sobre como seria bom ter uma masmorra ou uma torre onde só você pudesse entrar e você encontrasse certos chefes que só você poderia matar, um certo número de vezes por dia, e que ninguém outra pessoa poderia entrar ou se pudesse em grupo, mas caso fosse um lugar onde você pudesse farmar seu ouro e objetos tranquilamente, lembremos que nem todo mundo tem vontade de ficar o dia todo parado esperando um boss ou mini- chefe para ser livre. AIGRIND, queremos mais lugares para cultivar alto lv, e mais chefes para cultivar, torre de chefe ou masmorra de chefe onde a facção inimiga não pode se incomodar e, portanto, há mais oportunidades de ganhar ouro, há muitas idéias e coisas para fazer o jogo é menos monótono e bem melhor, o que por si só já é um excelente jogo, mas o ambiente pesado é vivido pelos jogadores, tem gente que fica frustrado porque não é levado para as masmorras ou não é dado uma guilda porque não fazem arena mas não têm ouro para comprar ingressos. Ajude-nos a criar um local pacífico de agricultura de alto nível Obrigado
  8. Strymor

    Farm places

    Currently the game does not have quiet farming points for high levels such as an average level 20, it can farm gold in will-o'-the-wisp, level 32 does not have monsters with that quality that drop a slightly higher amount. Many will say that the farming is the bosses, but in the end it is a lie, most of these map 4 bosses are besieged because they are the object of missions, whether they are from the pass or from the same city, and bosses like Dany hook are occupied either by +10 people from the same faction or by +10 enemies, it is very difficult to progress when there is no peaceful place where people can farm even with limited time. With some friends we talked the other day about how it would be good to have a dungeon or a tower where only you could enter and you will find certain bosses that only you could kill, a certain number of times per day, and that no one else could enter or if you could in a group , but in the event that it was a place where you could farm your gold and objects quietly, let's remember that not everyone has the willingness to be stuck all day waiting for a boss or mini-boss to be free. AIGRIND we want more places for high lv to farm, and more bosses to farm, boss tower, or boss dungeon where the enemy faction can not go to bother and so there are more opportunities to make gold, there are many ideas and things to do the game is less monotonous and much better, which in itself is already an excellent game, but the heavy environment is lived by the players, there are people who get frustrated because they are not taken to the dungeons or they are not given a guild because they do not make arena but They don't have gold to buy tickets. Help us create a peaceful high level farming place Thank you
  9. Actualmente el juego no tiene puntos tranquilos de farmeo para los niveles altos tal como un nivel 20 promedio, puede farmear oro en fuego fatuo, los niveles 32 no poseen monstruos con esa cualidad que dropeen una cantidad un poco mayor. Muchos dirán que el farmeo son los jefes, pero a fin de cuentas es mentira, la.mayoria de estos jefes de mapa 4 son asediados por qué son objeto de misiones ya sean de pase o de la misma ciudad, y jefes como Dany gancho son ocupados ya sea por gente +10 de la misma facción o por enemigos +10, es muy difícil progresar cuando no hay un lugar pacífico donde la gente pueda farmear así sea con limitación de tiempo. Con unos amigos hablamos el otro día sobre como sería bueno un calabozo o una torre donde solo pudieras entrar tu y encontrarás ciertos jefes que solo pudieras matar tu, cierta cantidad de veces por día, y que nadie más pudiese entrar o si se pudiera en grupo, pero caso tal que fuera un lugar donde pudieses farmear tu oro y objetos tranquilo, recordemos que no todos tienen la disposición de estar metido todo el día esperando que un jefe o mini jefe este libre. AIGRIND queremos más lugares para los lv altos poder farmear, y más jefes para farmear, torre de jefes, o mazmorra de jefes donde la faccion enemiga no pueda ir a molestar y así haya más oportunidades de hacer oro, hay muchas ideas y cosas para hacer el juego menos monótono y mucho mejor, que de por sí ya es un exelente juego, pero el ambiente pesado lo vivimos los jugadores, hay gente que se frustra porque no los llevan a los calabozos o no les dan gremio por que no hacen arena pero no tienen oro para comprar tiquetes. Ayúdenos creen un lugar de farmeo nivel alto pacífico Gracias
  10. Está muy interesante esto, veamos que pasa, feliz con el barbaro
  11. You don't understand what I means, yeah is an effect, but is badstructure the skill, the effect can't be diferent for each class, at least if that class have the ability to improve this effect, un this case only barbarian, but the bleed of barbarian is to weak than the normal bleed, class dmg give a strike and add bleed, and thems bleeds do more dmg than the barbarian, when the bleed would be strongh un barbarian because si the only class with skill to improve this effect.
  12. Sorry but bleed is an effect, but barbarian have the directo ability yo apply bleed only apply doesn't hace dmg before, but other clases have abilitys that can apply dmg and apply bleed effect and this effect is more strongh than the barbarian effect, why?, Their abilitys don't have the effect ti increase the bleed dmg, barbarian have the ability yo increase de bleed dmg but one chief do more dmg with 1000 atk, with bleed than barbarian with ability 5/5 + knowless ability +5% + 12% G. Punish and 1449 atk, I test with a friend and he do 800+ 1k dmg for each bleed, with his chief and me with allá of this and more dmg only 460, why, here don't apply if is a dmg class, because we're talking about 1 effect, and the only class with ability to increase this dmg effect is a barbarian, y can understand what I wanna mean? The básic dmg of bleed should be a específic for everyone for example 100 x hit, but increase the amount dmg with your atk, but only barbarian have the capacity to increase this damage because is his ability, don't import if is a tank class, and the real question is why here bleed of barbarian do less dmg with mor atk than other classes if a bleed is an effect of the Game
  13. Hoje venho comentar sobre algo que vem me incomodando a muito tempo e é a habilidade de corte do bárbaro, é uma habilidade que é pouco mais que ofensiva para o usuário e estou me referindo a um INSULTO, a habilidade não tem um golpe inicial, só causa o efeito de sangramento e pronto, mas curiosamente o sangramento de todos os outros personagens que se causarem dano antes de impor um sangramento tem um dano mais que decente no referido efeito, acho que até o sangramento da relíquia faz mais dano do que o bárbaro em 5/5. Agora sim, o efeito de sangramento como tal é uma habilidade nata do bárbaro, não deveria ser melhor nele do que nos outros personagens? Bom pessoal, deixem-me dizer NÃO, é uma habilidade de dar gargalhadas e ainda tem um talento para aumentar o dano de sangramento em 5%... Para quê? Não serve para nada e eu vou te mostrar como tirar sarro do bárbaro e sua habilidade de preenchimento 20220430_110521.mp4 1449 dmg +5% talento +12% na relic para bate 460 Olha OS sangramento em otra clase, Sangramento em brb precisa um buff 100% dmg Acho eu. Obrigado
  14. Today I come to comment on something that has been bothering me for a long time and it is the barbarian's cut ability, it is an ability that is little more than offensive for the user and I am referring to an INSULT, the ability does not have an initial blow, it only causes the bleeding effect and that's it, but interestingly the bleed of all the other characters that if they deal damage before imposing a bleed have more than decent damage on said effect, I think even the bleed of the relic does more damage than the barbarian on 5/5. Now yes the bleeding effect as such is a born ability of the barbarian shouldn't it be better in it than on the other characters? Well folks, let me tell you NO, it's a laugh-out-loud skill and it even has a talent to increase bleeding damage by 5%... For what? Good for nothing and I'll show you how to make fun of the barbarian and his padding ability. 20220430_110521.mp4 U have fin? Let me show You a little more. Not only 1449 dmg for only hit 460 dmg for strike see this. Beyond of jokes, is very very sad, all the clases and i think the bleeding relic too do more damage than barbarian when this skill is native is the effect not apply other damge only bleeding but with high dmg and talent and high relic that damage is only a joke, of the bleed is only a effect why chance the dmg depending the class? For me is very necesary increase the barbarian bleeding skill a least in 100% of dmg. 1449 dmg + 5% talent + 12% great punish For 460 dmg un strike, thats very fun. Really I will wait take this post seriously and rework the ability. Thanks
  15. Hoy vengo a comentar algo que lleva muchísimo tiempo molestandome y es la habilidad corte del bárbaro, es una habilidad poco más que ofensiva para el usuario y me refiero a un INSULTO, la habilidad no tiene un golpe inicial únicamente causa el efecto hemorragia y ya, pero curiosamente la hemorragia de todos los otros personajes que si hacen daño antes de imponer una hemorragia tienen un daño más que decente en dicho efecto, creo que incluso la hemorragia de la reliquia hace más daño que la del bárbaro en 5/5. Ahora sí la hemorragia el efecto como tal es una habilidad nata del bárbaro no debería ser mejor en el que sobre los otros personajes? Pues amigos déjenme decirles que NO, es una habilidad para morirse de la risa e incluso tiene un talento para aumentar 5% el daño de la hemorragia... Para que? Bueno para nada y les mostraré como se burlan del bárbaro y su habilidad de relleno 20220430_110521.mp4 Nótese que con 1449 de ataque físico el daño de nuestra hemorragia es de 460 por golpe hahaahah pero esto no es todo Así es tenemos talento de corte + y la gran reliquia del castigo, es un daño demasiado demasiado bajo para esta habilidad y comparado con otros personajes que usan habilidades de daño y que como efecto meten hemorragia la diferencia de daño es abismal, y ellos con menor daño y sin reliquias. La habilidad CORTE del bárbaro necesita un incremento de daño de almenos 100% esta habilidad es una de las mayores burlas y siendo hemorragia un efecto no debería tener un factor modificador de daño dependiendo la clase y si así lo fuera el mayor daño lo debería tener el bárbaro ya que es una habilidad nata el meter solo el estado hemorragia.
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