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God Emerald

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Posts posted by God Emerald

  1. On 12/16/2022 at 5:19 PM, LeeLoo said:

    Menu of Raid Bosses


    Now information about the main villains of Arinar will always be at hand! With update 11.2, the raid boss menu will appear in the game, which will contain a detailed dossier on each of the available bosses.




    The new functionality is located in the “My Guild” radial menu and opens when you click the special “Raid Bosses” button. Please note that information about bosses will only be available if you are a member of a guild!


    The raid boss menu contains a description of all available bosses, their location on the map, a list of guaranteed and possible rewards for killing, as well as a boss respawn timer


    This update > whole snow event. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dr Strange said:

    огнен стрелы.png Fire Arrows

    Adjusted the amount of bonus from the “Fire Arrows+” talent: from 3 6 9%, to 0.75 1.5 2.25% of the character’s physical power.

    @Nolan @Dr Strange how does this work? fire arrow has 3 ticks, before update every tick is +9% dmg, total of 27%.


    after update it will be +2.25% dmg for every tick, which is 6.75% total extra dmg.


    am i calculating this right or theres something wrong? 

  3. 11 hours ago, Mahmood Mowafy said:

    Is telling them stop buffing elfs and giving them everything and crashing server during events and scamming money insault now ?


    bruh xd thats so much to say in 1 topic.. 


    buffing elf with server crash? scamming money WITH BUFFING ELF AND SERVER CRASH? 


    take a shower, calm down, be realistic and say what you have to say politely 

  4. On 10/18/2022 at 3:17 AM, Eofortun said:

    Want said if can't kill a BROKEN CLASS with a BROKEN TALENT are you serius that's me who need change my class? Are you commediant?

    Ye, your class isnt meant to kill everybody. theres no class that able to kill every other class in game. some classes can kill the "broken" seeker, some cant. just accept it.




    2 pages of people complaining they cant kill a 2k HP light armors class like bruh 😂 

  5. If you cant kill a seeker with 2k hp it means your damage is bad, or your class isnt meant to nuke the seeker. 


    I suggest to amp more if you are a damage class, or change your class to satisfy your need of killing seekers, instead of whining here about everything you cant do/kill/have. 



    It is unreal how people keep complaining about everything and everyone just cause they cant do the same. 

    my +9 outdated warlock killed a full books/ +10 seeker with few hits.




  6. 3 hours ago, NissanEU Ws said:

    Nahhh, comment un attrapeur peut-il attaquer automatiquement 2k un utilisateur de tissu max resil ? Et le combo des rangers…

    Amp more, charm your armors, get defensive books, get talents. and most important thing is, play smart.

    dont compare your half pvp char to full +10, full greatness players with +9 years of experience, and +14 classless books. 


    and if you still can not beat the class you complaining about, use a different class then or call a friend. you are not supposed to kill everybody. 

    as a ranger i cant kill charmers with heavy mm and full greatness, and i struggle vs barbs. do i complain about it? no. you should do the same. 

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