Warning! This guide is made for the highest level mages who have chosen and unlocked the path of pyromancy.
Over the years here, I have seen a lot of mages. High amped, low amped, full of books, zero books, all had one thing in common:
they do not know how to extract every last drop of their potential.
We are gathered here today to enlighten the followers of the flame, to unveil the secrets of fire.
This short guide pretends to help pyromaniacs regardless of amplification or book posession. Lets focus on 4 pilars:
If you picked pyromancy, you trust as much as me that this is the best dps branch for mages. With that said,
we are going to summarize what talent gives us:
But unlocking the path to the last talent is not enough. Moreover, it is just the beginning and, in order to have a decent amount of damage, these are the most important talents that we need to upgrade to the maximum:
It is not needed to say, but in order to achieve more damage,
we are going to choose Excess Energy which gives us 12% more skill dmg:
NOTE: Special events' talent trees also help a bit, always keep them in mind!
Teorethincally speaking this makes the difference, but you will learn that everything changes in practice.
These attributes are just a start point, they are the miniminum needed to work properly, it doesn't matter how you get them
but it's important to have them. Crushing Will is the skill that becomes available when you equip 2 cloth mermen gear,
and they are the core items of any dps mage.
NOTE: The cooldown value can be discussed, but the optimal % in my opinion is 70% (including lvl 12 guild buffs) without considering
any type of extra buff such as pot, scroll, minion.
This is where your should not stick to anything, keep changing, keep trying, keep experimenting whats better
for your playstyle. However 2 builds will be mentioned:
Single Target vs AoE
Needless to say but, in both builds our main destruction weapon is Fireball, so be sure to buy all the the talents that
upgrade its damage!
Both choices are great, sometimes single target dps is needed for bosses, sometimes AoE is handful to clear mobs faster.
Its your choice and you can check the picture above to know which skills should be 4/4 on each build.
The rest of the points can be distributed however you feel more comfortable. Once again, keep changing, keep trying, keep experimenting!
However, there are some relics that are in almost every mage build,
that are worth mentioning and you can see them in the picture:
Most of them are self explained, castle relic on fireball can be switched in real time when you face a boss you want your first hit to deal more damage and after that poison relic becomes a better option. 12% dmg relics are good but i prefer 10% more penet. Keep in mind that the max penet cap cant be surpassed by any relic. CD relic in chains is extreamely usefull because bosses and some mobs tend to resist it.
The skill cycle i prefer to "open" a fight is the one we can see below, but it can change accordingly to the CD of the user, and if the user is AoE or single target damager. After the opening cycle ends, you can use any skill that deals damage but always keeping fireball with the highest priority.
NOTE: This skill cycle is for AoE build!
This is where it gets good. You might have noticed that defensive skills were not mentioned,
It was not a mistake, but in order to achieve more damage, we needed to sacrifice defensive stats.
So the real question is, how do we get over this? The answer is in the title of the section.
Positioning is what draws the line between a mage and a good mage.
You learn this and your playstyle will improve and stand out from the rest!
I would like to point three helpful advices:
This is a key part of the guide. You must learn every dungeon mechanic by acquiring experience on it.
How? Just play the game but pay attention to small details. When running a dg instance you should:
• Destroy the normal mobs in one or two hits
• If the boss/miniboss/elite is faster than you, then you want to have full spam skills on it.
• if the boss/miniboss/elite is slower than you, then you want to kite it when convenient
• Avoid killing big things that are not strictly necessary
• Have a sense of timing your skills following the base skill spam cycle, and molding it to your situation
• Have a sense of predicting when bosses/minibosses/elites/normal mobs use their skills
• Always keep a good position, and always have an escape planor a life saver
(see recommended scrolls, pots, minion below)
Lizardman and Tiger are great for crit damage increase, dragon for penet buff, and himal for extra movement.
• [Blazing Ground] slows down mobs
• [Shattered Stone] stuns mobs
• [Roaring Flame] + [Frostbolt] stuns mobs
• [Chain] can save you from a pack of mobs
• [Chain] + [Blazing Ground] can control packs of mobs
• [Magic Ban] is useful in pve to cut heals and end mobs buffs
• [Blazing Ground] + [Fireball] prolongs fire
• [Chain] on boss has a high chance to be resisted and u will get cd with relic
• [Jump] is the best movility skill we have. Use wisely
• [Fireball], [Frostbolt], [Blazing Ground], [Roaring Flame], [Jump] doesnt have or have a little casting time,
means that they are almost instant skills
• [Chain] + [Jump] + [Blazing Ground] if you are being chased my many mobs
• [Enhoblement] is a key skill if you can time it perfectly
• DOT damage can seem insignificant alone but stacks up nicely
Its usual to think that you can't do something, but the only way to know is to trying out!
Listen to your toxic trait that push you off your bounds.
Every single death is knowledge. You must keep trying and pursuing your aims, it doesnt matter if they are big or
small, if the slightliest chance to acomplish it exists, then you are obligated to try. And remember:
• Always pack life scrolls
• Use hp pots when needed
• Dont be lame, use buffs!
• if you can't alone grab a minion
Every melee class got dmg increased but healers get nerf at healing skills? Plus every class is getting a free heal? Paladin, blade dancer, rogue, warden, warlock, then what will be the role of healers on this game? If your "rebalances" continue like this few years later every class will be able to heal themselves, tank, stun, high dmg, so at the end what will be the purpuse of tanks? Healers? Stunners? Damagers? And this update elves clearly getting the most buff, from mc I only see good buff to warlocks, other mc classes just get nerf or fake buff for example dk just get blood protection can share to partner? Why dont rebalance some useless skills like u did on bd, give to dk 12% penetration or 20% speed or free resist like bd, we all mc players we are tired of every year waiting good rebalance and at the end all buff for elves.
When can we expect it to be fixed ? 2023 coming soon . Already 2 rebalance done soon if rebalance in new week.
1 skill 2 year + not fixed. U clearly see that it's annoying at Wars n gvgs and merman .
В изготовлении костюма использованы следующие подручные материалы:
- Пододеяльник 1шт
- Простыня 1 шт
- Пояс 1 шт
- Распорота на полоски и пришита мужская футболка 1 шт
- Кое-как нарисованная маска тролля 2 шт
- Ребенок 1 шт
Ни один из подручных материалов не пострадал (кроме футболки) 😁
Костюм выполнен чернокнижницей Essy c сервера Ru-Topaz.
Всем приветик! 🌸
Долго делала и сделала! Костюм Ангела! 😇
В моем шкафу как раз лежало новенькое беленькое платьице которое соответствовало костюму Светлого Ангела 😉
А это попытка сфотографироваться с дымком 😂
Мой помощник в фотосессии 😍
И такс, костюм выполнен из ушек заколочек и прочей бижутерии..
НО! Особое внимание стоит обратить на КРЫЛЬЯ! 🤩
10 метров подложки под ламинат... и... и только одна сторона готова 🤣
Признаю , делать перышки а затем клеить их весьма утомительно.. Зато как красиво это выглядит на фото 😍
Самое сложное это была конструкция внутри. 😣
К сожалению проволока которую я вставила внутрь не смогла удержать вес изделия с перышками...
Поэтому я верх крыльев сцепила леской, а на конструкцию сзади доклеила клеевым пистолетом палки 😂
Ну и в качестве крепления на меня я врезала в изолон ленточки 😊
А вот нимб было не очень сложно сделать , кусочки оставшегося изолона + проволока и ободочек 😋
Табличка надпись гуашью на черной бумаге 😊
Пишите в комментариях удалось ли мне повторить образ? Я очень старалась 😇
Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅)
Hope you like it!
Talking about disregarding ppl's actual work... Duh! It was already chosen the winners (doesn't matter how the work is but matter ppl) why the bother making a poll there to vote?! Just to make ppl come here in the forum... Better work next time decision makers!