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Rookie II (2/27)



  1. Voodoo doll type: active Duration: 25s / 35s / 45s / 60s cooldown: 80s the wizard summons a voodoo doll to help him in the battle, the doll causes poison to all targets around him (limited to a number of targets in the pvp), if the wizard dies the voodoo doll sacrifices himself and the wizard is reborn with the life the doll was in at the time he sacrificed himself and becomes immortal for 5s. if the doll loses 90% of his hp he stops attacking the target and becomes immortal and will follow the wizard until he dies or the duration of ability to end. The puppet's life is 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% of the wizard's life. the damage caused by the puppet's poison is 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% of the wizard's maximum damage.
  2. abandoned wizard skills I wanted to talk about two forgotten skills in the warlock, the first is the bloody tribute and the second is the grimoire. 1 ° the bloody tribute is a skill that I almost don’t see anyone using, let alone upgrading, it would be good if the skill instead of increasing the mana consumption of the next enemy skill if it drained the enemy mana for the wizard because the way it is I find it very difficult for any warlock to use it. 2nd grimoire with the arrival of the weakness zone the grimoire was left aside because the grimoire reduces the physical and magical defense by 75% whereas the weakness zone reduces the magical defense by 80% and still applies the effect of silence, this ability it could be totally reformulated my suggestion is to make it passive passive with the following effect: every 3 abilities used the warlock receives a buff that causes it to do an additional damage to the enemy of 5% -7% -10% -15% for 4 -4-6-7 seconds and it could only be used every 15 seconds or an ability that transforms all of the wizard's abilities with 0 mana cost for 10-15-20-25 seconds and decreases the ability's cooldown. by 5% -8% -11% -15%
  3. Seria interessante também uma habilidade que aumentasse a esquiva do warlock e que fizesse a precisão inimiga ir a 0% aí sim iria aumentar a sobrevivência dele
  4. rework in witches' stuns: anyone who plays a wizard knows that most of the wizard's stuns take too long to leave or are easy to leave. example: the mandinga takes 4 hits to activate its silencing effect, the ephemeral you have to use the pond to assign the stun because otherwise it only causes slowness (which is almost useless in the game because all classes can pull, jump or attack from a distance) and the weakness zone you basically only need to leave the 3x3 area of it which is particularly easy. what I'm trying to say is that the warlock is not so high a survival, making skills in which it needs time to be used is a little crazy, maybe if the wizard had more mobility skills or maybe faster damage or stun could be best.
  5. but for that the skills could reduce the damage taken or suck percentages from the maximum life of the mobs
  6. rework of the black seal: the ability would transform into a passive that would steal part of the healing from all targets around the wizard. for the ability not to be so op it could have a bit of a difference between pvp and pve eg steals 10% of the healing in pvp and 1% pve.
  7. CHARCO SOMBRIO: Diminui drasticamente a velocidade de ataque e aumenta o tempo de recarga de todas as habilidades inimigas dentro de uma área 3x3 durante X segundos. Com o desenvolvimento da habilidade a duração é a quantidade de inimigos aumenta. Ex: a habilidade no 1/5 podia reduzir em 10% a velocidade de ataque e aumentar o tempo de recarga dad habilidades em 7% durante 6 segundos o número de jogadores atingido são 2 e não a limite para monstros.
  8. Não seria uma má ideia porém eles teriam que fazer um rework do selo negro
  9. TRANSFORMAR EM VIDA TIPO: PASSIVO Quando o Warlock recebe dano ele transforma parte desse dano em pontos de vida(ativação ocorre durante o primeiro dano no qual o Warlock recebe). duração15s recarga: 9s Dêem dicas ou melhorias para deixar essa skill mais funcional
  10. TRANSFORMAR EM SANGUE TIPO: PASSIVO Parte do dano causado ao warlock é convertido em pontos vida para ele mesmo. Duração: 15s tempo de recarga: 9s * O buff inicial quando o primeiro dano é causado ao warlock. A taxa de cura pode ser definido a partir do nível dela (10% / 20% / 30% / 40%).
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