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Posts posted by ninjatrickster

  1. Olin lievästi pettynyt kun kukaan ei postannut kuvia "Zodar-floodista" :(

    Muuten oli kyllä eeppistä. Jouduin sairaalaan ku nauroin niin paljon :rofl:


    Ei käynyt mielessäni ottaa s.s  :'(
  2. That's odd.


    Lol I haven't received an answer to my email I sent like nine months ago :facepalm: maybe their russian submarine doesn't have a good internet connection :crazy:

    sarcasm aside why do you have two accounts?


    This is my mobile account, (I couldn't login as ninjatrixter on my phone, and I won't email aigrind beacause nothing will ever happen) :facepalm:
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