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Most Wanted

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Everything posted by Most Wanted

  1. realy zain ? i think you always lose in arena and in pvp cave. and when we doing pvp in pvp cave you tell im noob , because i use agretion, and you tell me don't use that , and i acept that and not use my agretion but you still lose zain = Loser
  2. I LOVE YOU LADYLAIRA :give_rose:
  3. Me too , i get many heaters in mc side :)
  4. im not clarra zain :aggressive: i'm rich ppl :dirol: if i want i can make my bd lv 20 :aggressive: and better than ur acc :spiteful: and no need your NOOB acc :good:
  5. Look bad :facepalm: . always NOOB . :facepalm: Mc will always Noob 8)
  6. You not strong bro . you wanna pvp me with lv 20 :facepalm:
  7. ok im lv 14 BD :pleasantry: . If you wanna try pvp with me I'll show you my power :good:
  8. but mc always disturb BRO. and if some one ivite me to PVP High lv Shaman will help MC. :drinks: Maybe MC have good conection .
  9. I Hate Shaman , Because Shaman always Disturb In Pvp Cave. :diablo: And MC always DISTURB , Because MC NOOB :shok: Druid , Blade dancer , and Ranger never doing disturb in PVP cave. ;) ELF better than MC . :good:
  10. :good: If you need Help In map 1 (Firstborn) Pm me I'll Always on Except when I Take a Rest. AND we can Disturb Mc :facepalm: together :spiteful: Just private message me, and i'll come to help you. ;) My hero name is NINDAIME and I help For FREE..
  11. Most Wanted


    Hi Gm Please Make The Super Hero Costume Like a Batman ,Superman , Captain America And many More. :good: we can Get it IN special Event Like a Hallowen and x mass. :blush: And Make New Skin ,Like Captain America Shield , Head Pumkin For Sword :crazy: . If other PPL Not Like My Post ,Just Give Me Karma :pleasantry: . HAHAHAHAHAHA. :yahoo:
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