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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. So basically the same thing except passive I don't see any reason to change it
  2. Just wanted to say that i think it would be easier to remember if you think of it as "Items"
  3. Realmente, a build DMG por exemplo só tem 3 skills pra usar
  4. bro really replied to a topic made 9 years ago
  5. Isso seria extremamente vantajoso para DKs mágicos que não focam tanto em defesa, mas justamente por isso, não sei se os desenvolvedores concordariam, já que aumentaria mais ainda o lado defensivo de uma classe que já possui um lado ofensivo muito forte Apesar de que eu gostaria de um rework no Escudo Sombrio, já que ela meio que força o DK Tank a gastar amplificando a armadura Uma sugestão própria: essa habilidade deveria se transformar em constante, assim como a Aura de Luz do Paladino
  6. I don't want them to be broken, i just want the basic aggro skills from each tank class to be unique like their Expert counterparts Examples: Call of Death deals periodical magical damage Branded by the Sun heal allies who attack marked enemies Goading slow enemies Right now, the only class with a slightly different skill is the Warden
  7. AIGRIND also classifies Beastmaster as a Damager class and still gave it an AoE healing + defense buff skill Well, it also has the Necromancer which has a suspicious high amount of area damage skills
  8. The next skills rebalance is right around the corner and it would make my Christmas so much happier if after 2 years the developers paid attention to my suggestion
  9. Tem que ser aplicado pelo personagem, então imagino que não
  10. Poder das Lâminas já era uma skill passiva antes, mas mudaram na mesma atualização que transformou grande parte das skills dos personagens em constantes
  11. I don't remember seeing a Cheiftain using a staff or a bow Just 1 skill, or 2 if you consider Curse of the Plague without the talent, though i wouldn't consider the latter as a "high dmg" skill lol Using that logic, then Paladins and DKs aren't a frontline class since they can use Harad's Banner or Knight's Curse/Sharp Shadow at a safe distance
  12. They also have 25% damage reduction from Harad's Shield though
  13. Then it would have to become a passive, since we already have a constant expert skill the mana consumption would be huge I know the Seeker also has 2 constant skills, but one of them is a basic skill which you can put relics to decrease its mana consumption
  14. A lot of light armor sets have Cooldown Reduction bonus
  15. Do you mean magical damage or physical damage? Or you mean the sum of both, like BM's pet or Templar's shield? I'd just make it a targetable skill, since no class has an AoE healing basic skill, not even support classes And to make it fair, i'd let BM have the same change I feel bad for the player that would have to fight a DK with 50% more defense So Temporal Distortion?
  16. Até onde eu sei, o único parâmetro que o lobo herda é o dano físico O HP só aumenta com base no nível da habilidade, então acho que as defesas também
  17. I don't think so, but if the devs decide to give a summon to any MC class, thematically it should be either: Hunter - hunting falcon Shaman - golem? Warlock - idk
  18. A diferença é que os pets do Charmer são bem mais simples Lobo: causa dano baseado no dano físico do personagem Pássaro: causa dano e cura baseado no dano mágico do personagem Além disso, apenas 2 skills do Charmer envolvem os pets Já o pet do Invocador: Causa dano físico baseado na soma do dano físico e mágico do personagem A cada X ataques causa dano em área O HP e as defesas físicas e mágicas dele são baseados nos respectivos atributos do personagem E a maioria das habilidades do Invocador têm algum efeito extra ou dependem completamente do pet dele
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