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Posts posted by yasser

  1. i dont know what to say u just can enjoy the video about 'bug weapons'








    so what do u think about it?reply this or comment at my youtube video thank you:)hope gm not delet this:)



    gm need fix this  :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

  2. Hi friends,gm,moderator,and all player warspear. ;D


    of course you know what the guild name is not it? not be complete if it already exists but there is no guild guild should wars.mungkin 50-100% online in order to clan wars. yes this is just a suggestion from me. possible with the guild wars Warspear more exciting. and probably most people will like this.


    and suggestions to the power 2 is [sent mail], sent mail can only be done by the leader and co leader in a guild.maksud I suggest this so that in an emergency situation in all guild members can figure it out. would know that there should be a notification.


    yes maybe this advice from me, bye. :pardon: :)


    Maybe this will be fun , idk im agreed how about you guys?
  3. If you ask me, the elves have been getting all the good stuff lately. Blade Dancers were O.P. enough as it is, but now they have a shield. It's common knowledge that the GM is an elf, but am I the only one who thinks that the devs are trying to brown nose him by giving all the good stuff to the elves? How about throwing us non-elf players a bone and actually give us some skills that are worth something. I also think they need to tone down the blade dancers just like they did for the warlocks.


    Bd best now , maybe gm do this because they want bd be a tanker again.
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