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Everything posted by xnuketownx

  1. can anyone post a pic i havent seen this one yet :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  2. how long did that take cuz people want 20 to 25k for gear :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad:
  3. umm probly because imm a rouge :bad: and were should i have posted it?????
  4. Lolx soo true :blush: im in the US-Sapphire server :blush: :blush:
  5. ok i cant afford the whole lev 13 gear set plzz help i only have +4 trustworthy boots :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad:
  6. this is alot simmilar to an idea i had.... the one thing i dont think is good but then again could be is the fact that he would be in random spot.... k say ur on one side right and u want the dealer but its on the others ... now just like with pvp cave i think every1 would guard it not alow the others to get to it..... I would conisider putting it in nidar. it is a neutral zone and we could also indroduce cross chat there too.
  7. :facepalm: :facepalm: no thats not what we are saying make it alil bit higher noone wants to sit at a boss all day to get a couple def spheres whats the fun of that :facepalm: :facepalm:
  8. xnuketownx

    Rogue stats xD

    my stats suck and immm broke need lev 13 gear plzzz help meee with tipss or gear thxxxxxx :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
  9. acctualy that is a pretty good idea but mine would inable every1 on that server to be able to buy a certain item there no matter what side put it in the market idk i think it is a alright idea tho
  10. kk also another idea kk nidar would become more populated with people sooo i think that there will be both mc and elf so why not open up chat there forevery one also i mean it would be awsome really but just there same as u cant attack anyone there plx consider and post your thoughts thxx ev1 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  11. exactly i mean sometimes you people wont see a item for a week and noone wants that thats why i just created a new post about nidar and a new shop chech it out plx and leave a post on what u think thxx :dirol: :dirol: ;D ;D
  12. QUICK OPTION: I think it would be a good idea if nidar seems how it is a neutral zone persay....could have a shop that sells items from the market from both mc and elf sides that way there isnt really ever a lack in items and what not just say kk thx for listening :blush: :blush: :blush: :good: :good: :good:
  13. ok so i have pretty much played every class to lev 13 and here are my 3 favs in order... First is gonna have to be ranger :drinks: .... 2nd rouge :blush: .....3rd mage :unknw: ...... ranger is a good class for farming and quests... rogues i like for there stealth and high attacks... and mage is a very well balanced class with alott of skills that do damage and thats awsome always... just my option guys so do go fliping out this ev1 ;D ;D ;) ;) :lol: :lol:
  14. what was the point in the hearts if u said ass just askin bro :lol: :blush: :pardon:
  15. im just sayin im doin cl right now and every time i get so close i get wiped out not fun
  16. this should really have more of a use then just from town to town u should be able to go anywere :good: :clapping: ;D
  17. It would be nice to raise the bosses drop rates for items such as equips. drop rates for weapons are so low that only once per week they might drop is there anything u can do????? :pardon: :pardon: :pardon:
  18. more or less people need help with cl in total and i think people should really consider that also ;)
  19. xnuketownx lev 16 ranger always up for farmin a bg just pm me :blush:
  20. people be hatin all the time :aggressive: but oh well cheers :drinks:
  21. go power shot 5 and blessing 5 rangers are offensive players so go with more attack :tease:
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